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Department of History
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Research Spotlight
Pragya Kaul on the Traces and Fragments of Historical Research
Maximillian Alvarez Takes Scholarship on the Road
Emma Thomas Studies the Complex World of Colonial Rule in the Pacific
Paula Curtis Explores the Nature of Power through Making
Matthew Villeneuve Gains Insight Comparing Text and Experience
Daniel Williford Reflects on History as Discovery
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All News
Faculty News
Connecting in Cyberspace
The Structure of Climate Change
Introducing Jennifer Jones
Welcome to Professor Jason Young
The Impostor Sea: A Report from the Archives
Welcome to New Faculty Member Ian Shin
“Repositioning the Uganda Museum” Project to Repatriate Objects from Cambridge to Kampala
As Public As Possible
Decolonizing Collections
Remembering Professor Ellen Poteet
“A Greater Loss”
Undoing the Solitary Enterprise
Finding Balance Through Technology
From Term Papers to Websites
Historical Relics Returned to Uganda
Undergraduate News
Students Present Theses at 2019 Honors Symposium
Class of 2019 Honored at History Commencement
History Students Present Research at 2022 Honors Symposium
History Students Present Research at 2023 Honors Symposium
Serious Synergy!
Sharing a Passion for History
Making Historical Connections
For the Love of History
Graduate News
Forgotten Photos, Film Provide Unique View of China
Teaching. Really. Matters.
2016-17 History PhDs Honored
History Celebrates the 2018 Crop of PhDs
2019 Doctoral Students Recognized at PhD Commencement
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
A Brief Statement on Recent Violence
AHA Letter Opposing ICE Decision
Public Engagement
Undergrads Make Michigan History
Partnering to Preserve
HistoryLab Graduate Students Visit United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
In the Public Eye
Opening the Historian's Toolkit at ProQuest
From Monographs to Movie Dialogue
The Skills and Stakes of Podcasting
Creative Control
Alumni & Friends
Reason, Understanding, Persuasion: Why I Give to U-M History
A Better World for All
Jennifer Levasseur
U-M History PhD Alum Ada Ferrer Wins Pulitzer
Answering the Call
Pruning the Past
Young Alumni
News Archive
Anne Berg, Philip Deloria, Gabrielle Hecht and Nancy Rose Hunt among winners of Global Midwest project grants.
Dena Goodman will hold the Dibner Distinguished Fellowship in the History of Science at the Huntington Library during 2015-16.
Dr. Howard Markel Discusses the History of the Discovery of Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment
Joel Howell has been trending for a study of Beethoven's irregular heartbeat.
Matt Lassiter comments on President Obama's legacy for New York Magazine.
Fall 2014 issue of the Michigan Journal of History now on-line.
History Honors Senior, Sara Ann Knutson named alternate for the 2015 Gates Cambridge Scholarship
Martha Jones blogs "Why we still need Black History Month." Featured on CNN.
Matthew Lassiter receives Arthur F. Thurnau professorship for outstanding contributions to undergrad education.
Ron Suny speaks at Harvard about the history of the Armenian genocide.
Gabrielle Hecht comments on disagreement between the US and South Africa regarding the threat of nuclear terror.
History classes featured as part of U-M Bicentennial.
History PhD candidate Jacqueline Antonovich wins 2015 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award
Joseph Ho's research on American missionary photography in 20th century China picked up by PRI's The World
Kathleen Canning discusses the history of feminist theory on a panel called to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Institute for Research on Women and Gender.
Rebecca Scott, Farina Mir, Gabrielle Hecht and Matthew Lassiter win 2015 honors.
Research of History PhD Candidate Joseph Ho is featured on the main UM homepage!
Ronald Suny talks about the Armenian genocide on AlJazeera America.
Tiya Miles' new novel featured in the Detroit Free Press.
Victor Lieberman named Distinguished University Professor.
David Hancock to be featured on C-Span 3's American History TV this Saturday, Jan 18
History mourns the passing of Professor Emeritus Stephen Tonsor.
Michigan Daily runs feature on History's new Religion Minor
Gabrielle Hecht quoted in Reuters story about Goldman Sachs selling its uranium trading desk.
LSA Historian Martha Jones Discusses Issues Surrounding Biracial Identity
Martha Jones article "Biracial, and also Black" is featured in CNN online.
Posted: Rebecca J Scott on "Connecting Thought and Action across Borders: The Challenges of Contemporary Slavery"
Ian Moyer's book, Egypt and the Limits of Hellenism, has won the First Book Award of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS).
Juan Cole's lecture on Al Qaeda on C-Span 3 starting March 8.
Melissa Johnson and Jacqueline Larios receive the History Department 2014 Outstanding GSI Award, and are both also recognized by Rackham.
Professor Ray Van Dam receives 2014 John D'Arms Award for Distinguished Graduate Mentoring in the Humanities.
Victor Lieberman wins 2014 Golden Apple Award.
Congratulations to History honors seniors Grace Goudiss and Emily Riippa for winning Virginia Voss Awards!
Jeffrey Veidlinger, in a Public Radio International piece, discussed the lengths to which Jews in the post-WWII Soviet Union would go to secretly bake and eat matzah to commemorate Passover.
Mary Kelley named to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Rebekah Pite (PhD 2007) wins two book prizes for her Creating a Common Table in Twentieth-century Argentina: Dona Petrona, Women and Food.
Doug Northrop receives the 2014 John Dewey Award.
Michelle McClellan mentioned in article about the National Park Service's efforts to add places with a connection to gay and lesbian history to the National Historic Landmark program.
Matthew Countryman interviewed about riots sparked by confrontations between black residents and predominantly white police forces in Philadelphia and other U.S. cities in 1964.
History Alumna Tara Zahra (PhD 2006) named a 2014 MacArthur Foundation Fellow!
Kali Israel in Scotland to witness and report on the historic vote for independence.
Paolo Squatriti quoted in a Forbes article about technological advances in the early Middle Ages.
Paul Edwards in NBC News spot explains the science behind the term "global temperature."
Rachel Neis wins AAJR Salo Baron Prize for her book The Sense of Sight in Rabbinic Culture: Jewish Ways of Seeing in Late Antiquity.
Two History seniors nominated for 2015 Mitchell and Marshall Scholarships.
COMING UP Dec 6 at 8PM: Martha Jones on CSPAN "The Case of 'State of Missouri v. Celia, a Slave'"
Donald Lopez, professor of Buddhist and Tibetan studies, was quoted in a story about the release of "The Norton Anthology of World Religions," in which he edited its section on Buddhism.
Howard Markel blogs at PBS NEWSHOUR about President Harry Truman's "universal" national health care insurance program.
Tom Green (Professor Emeritus, History and Law) is awarded the Joyce Medal from the American Society of Legal History.
Howard Brick featured in The University Record Faculty Spotlight.
Valerie Kivelson has won the Historia Nova Prize for the Best Book on Russian Intellectual and Cultural History.
VRC Receives Donation of Islamic Manuscript Archive from Dr. Marianna Shreve Simpson
Deborah Dash Moore's History of New York City named recipient of 2012 National Jewish Book Award
Howard Brick is this year's recipient of the Richard Hudson Research Professorship
Howard Markel comments on King Tut research for LSA Today
Joseph Ho recognized with an Outstanding GSI Award
Joshua White receives honorable mention in the 2012 ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards
Martha Jones named Thurnau Professor
Terry McDonald named director of the Bentley Historical Library
US News and World Report ranks U-M History
Blog by History and Women's Studies grad student Cookie Woolner goes viral!
James Cook interviewed on "BackStory with the American History Guys"
Jean Hebrard and Rebecca Scott's Freedom Papers: An Atlantic Odyssey in the Age of Emancipation awarded the 2013 Chinard Prize
Angela Perez-Villa wins 2013 McGuigan Prize for best graduate essay in Women's Studies.
History mourns the loss of three emeritus professors, Rhoads Murphey, Robert Berkhofer, Jr. and Albert Feuerwerker
Hussein Fancy, Martha Jones, Ellen Muehlberger and Christian de Pee awarded ACLS fellowships
Three Historians awarded fellowships by U-M Institute for the Humanities
LSA Dean's Office confers on History the 2013 Departmental Award for Contributions to the Undergraduate Initiative
Tiya Miles and Rebecca Scott named to presidential search advisory committee
Victor Lieberman named a Distinguished University Professor
Alum Azfar Moin (PhD 2010) wins Best First Book prize from the American Academy of Religion.
Ron Suny wins the 2013 ASEEES Distinguished Contributions to Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Award
Thomas Scott-Railton (BA 2010) has translation published by Yale University Press.
Gabrielle Hecht's Being Nuclear: Africans and the Global Uranium Trade (MIT Press, 2012) wins ASA and interdisciplinary prizes.
Gina Morantz-Sanchez's lecture on the backlash towards the women's movement during the 1970s and 1980s featured on CSpan
History Honored for Undergraduate Initiatives
Martha Jones and Maris Vinovskis in the news!
Professor Emeritus Tom Green and his wife, Ruth, have made a $75,000 gift to the University of Michigan to establish the Green Legal History Endowment Fund..
Sherie Randolph and Stephen Berrey were awarded fellowships at the James Weldon Johnson Institute at Emory University
Ahmad Rahman (PhD 2006) named 2013 College Professor of the Year by the Michigan Council for Social Studies.
Brad Schwartz (BA '12) hired to work on 10/29 PBS "American Experience" episode.
Matt Greenberg (BA '13) wins year-long fellowship with Challenge Detroit
Prof. Kevin Gaines party to affirmative action case to be heard by SCOTUS
Rudi Lindner interviewed about UFO sightings in Michigan.
Derek Peterson and A. Azfar Moin (PhD 2010) win AHA book prizes.
Farina Mir featured in video about President Coleman's trip to Inda.
Gabrielle Hecht's Being Nuclear: Africans and the Global Uranium Trade has won its third prize.
Bob Bain, associate professor of education and history, featured in Detroit Free Press story on the Big History Project.
Deborah Dash Moore has been named recipient of the National Jewish Book Award for Gender & Jewish History (Indiana University Press, 2011).
Inside Higher Ed reported on comments made by Juan Cole during the annual meeting of the American Historical Association, in which he discussed the role historians should play in analyzing current events.
Regents name Brian Porter-Szucs Thurnau Professor of History.
Scott Kurashige was interviewed on WDET-FM's "The Craig Fahle Show" about how U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra's campaign ad is part of a trend in political advertising that portrays Asians as the enemy.
History profs David Hancock and Mrinalini Sinha win 2012 Guggenheim Fellowships.
LSA Historian David M. Halperin Discusses The Meaning Of Gay Culture
The Medieval and Early Modern Studies program receives endowment in support of U-M's premodern studies community and its activities.
Pamela Ballinger to deliver inaugural lecture as Fred Cuny Chair in the History of Human Rights.
Paulina Alberto's book Terms of Inclusion: Black Intellectuals in Twentieth-Century Brazil is winner of the 2012 Roberto Reis Book Award, Brazilian Studies Association.
PhD student Pascal Massinon has been named the 2012 National Archives Legislative Archives Fellow.
Kathleen Canning has been named the Sonya O. Rose Collegiate Professor of History.
LSA Historian Juan Cole Says America' s Response To Sept. 11 Sent The Country Into An Era Of Perpetual War
Paulina Alberto has won the LSA Class of 1923 Memorial Teaching Award.
Professor Vic Lieberman has received the 2012 Matthews Underclass Teaching Award.
Professors Maris Vinovskis and Jeffrey Mirel spoke with about the history of public education in the United States.
LSA Alumnus Tom Hayden Says U-M's Port Huron Statement Conference Illuminates The Early History Of The 1960s Student Movement
Michigan faculty and graduates rack up AHA awards.
LSA Historian Jonathan Marwil Examines How Society Remembers The Victims Of September 11
Douglas Northrop receives Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize
Martha Jones wins 2011 Harold R. Johnson Diversity Award
Rebecca Scott wins the John D ‘Arms Award for Distinguished Graduate Mentoring in the Humanities.
Tiya Miles is named a 2011 MacArthur Fellow by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Rebecca Scott is Honored as 2012 Henry Russel Lecturer
Farina Mir has won the John F. Richards Book Prize for The Social Space of Language: Vernacular Culture in British Colonial Punjab
Paul Edwards was awarded the 2011 Computer History Museum Book Prize for A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming
Thomas Trautmann has been awarded a Mellon Emeritus Fellowship
Tiya Miles has won the Erminie Wheeler-Voeglin Book Award for The House on Diamond Hill: A Cherokee Plantation Story
Juan Cole interviews Nobel Peace Prize winner, Yemeni human rights activist Tawakkul Karman
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All Events
Archived Events
May 2015
Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony
31st History Honors Symposium
April 2015
Screening: Jogo de Corpo/Body Games
2015 Aiton Lecture: "The Angolan Roots of Capoeira"
The Encounter of Religious Communities: How to Get Religion
Victor Lieberman to give 2015 Distinguished University Professor address.
March 2015
Teach-In + 50: End the War Against the Planet
The Encounter of Religious Communities: Martyrdom and Persecution: Comparative Perspectives
Undergraduate Course Fair (for F2015)
Brian Simpson Memorial Lecture: Gibbons v. Ogden, without the Commerce Clause
The Encounter of Religious Communities: What is Comparative about Comparative Religions?
Amnesty International and IPSA - Unaccompanied Minors
February 2015
Sipon Makengele: African Popular Painting Public Performance
Film screening: Les Fantomes de Lovanium (dir. Cecile Michel)
January 2015
The Components of Reputation: Searching for a Bicentennial Narrative for the University of Michigan
2015 MLK Symposium: Panel, "The Color Line and the Long Twentieth Century: New Perspectives on Race, Violence, and Segregation"
November 2014
Making Stuff Up: The Craft and Ethics of Historical Narration
Undergraduate Course Fair!
October 2014
Looking Back and Looking Forward: A Dialog on Ferguson
May 2014
PhD Graduation Ceremony and Reception
Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony
April 2014
Victor Lieberman Gives the 2014 Golden Apple "Last Lecture"
March 2014
"A Pox on Your Law: Compulsory Vaccination and Its Critics in Progressive-Era America"
History Course Fair for Fall 2014!!
The Political in Question: Abolitionism in India's 20th Century
Alice Freeman Palmer Professorship in History Inaugural Lecture
February 2014
Global Engagement Lecture: "Armenian Migrant Children in Turkey: Acces to Education and States of Exception in a Post-genocidal Society"
January 2014
U Monument 2014: Translating the Facade of Angell Hall
Career Planning: History Majors and Law School
December 2013
Digital History, Digitized Dissertations: The Politics of Access
Historians in Action: Affirmative Action, Proposal 2, and Supreme Court Deliberations
November 2013
Brazil: History, Human Rights, and Contemporary Slavery
October 2013
Career Day Panel: What are you going to do with THAT? (Take 2)
Roundtable on Sexuality and Politics in Modern American History
September 2013
Vandalia Conference
May 2013
Graduate Student Conference: "The American Racial State in the Long Twentieth Century"
History PhD Commencement
History Concentrators Graduation
April 2013
Kristen Ghodsee,"Weaponizing Women's Rights: Cold War Politics and the UN Decade for Women, 1975-1985"
Legal History Workshop: Christine Desan, "Re-Theorizing Money: The Struggle over the Modern Imagination"
March 2013
Global History Worshop: Andreas Eckert "What is a Global History of Labor Good For?"
Legal History Workshop: Karen Tani "Administering Citizenship: The 'Indian Probem' in the Age of the Federal Grant"
February 2013
Fighting is Very Hard Work: Labor and Soldiering in the US-Mexican War, 1846-1848
We Are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust
January 2013
Human Rights Fellow: Nancy R. Hunt: Global Mental Health & Its Critics
Science, Technology, Medicine & Society Speaker Series: "What STS Can Learn from the Black Panther Party"
November 2012
Film screening: Charlie Chaplin in "The Great Dictator" (1940)
Undergrad Course Fair
October 2012
A New Insurgency: The Port Huron Statement in Its Time and Ours
The Port Huron Statement and the Making of the New Left, 1958-1965 Conference
Port Huron films: Berkeley in the Sixties (1990)
Port Huron lectures: "Of Little Rocks and Levittowns: The Northern Racial Landscape and the Origins of 1960s Student Activism"
Port Huron films: Freedom is Contagious (2003)
Rackham Centennial Workshop: "Whatever Happened to Labor History?"
Rackham Centennial Lecture: "Arab Workers and the Popular Uprisings of 2011"
Medieval North Sea Series: "The British Isles in Shaping the North Sea/Atlantic Cultural Orb"
Port Huron lectures: "The People Themselves: Between Revolution and Representation from 1789 to Port Huron and Beyond"
Port Huron films: Rebels with a Cause (2000)
Port Huron films: Paul Goodman Changed My Life (2011)
Port Huron lectures: "Remembering the Early New Left: Visions Inspired, Visions Fulfilled, Visions Denied"
Medieval North Sea Series: "Recycling in Britain after Rome's Fall"
Port Huron lectures: "Notes from Underground: The Rise and Fall of the 1960s Underground Press in America"
Port Huron films: Harvest of Shame (1960)
September 2012
Port Huron lectures: "The Origins and Evolution of Radical Political Economics"
Port Huron lectures: "Mimeographs and Telephone Trees: How to Make a Revolution with Dead Media"
Port Huron films: The Battle of Algiers (1966)
Port Huron lectures: "Red Scare: A Counter-History"
"Institutionalizing Exclusion? Refugees, Human Rights and the End of Empire"
Port Huron films: Paths of Glory (1957)
April 2012
Commemoration of the Life and Work of Fernando Coronil: Reception
Commemoration of the Life and Work of Fernando Coronil: Roundtable
Adrian Favell (Sciences Po)-"Japan as the Model of the 'Post-Bubble' Society."
March 2012
Social Relations & Cross-Cultural Communications in the Medieval and Early Modern World
February 2012
CANCELLED. History Club: William Webbe's Wench: Henry VIII, History, and Popular Culture
January 2012
2012 Anthropology and History Symposium: Scales of Anthropology and History
Geographic Fields of Study
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History at Work
History Showcase
U-M HistoryLabs
Michigan in the World
Reverb Effect Podcast
2020 Undergraduate Commencement
2020 PhD Ceremony
2021 History Undergraduate Commencement
2021 History PhD Ceremony