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About Us
What Is Linguistics?
Our History
The Early Years (Until 1963)
The last decades of the 20th Century
The 21st Century
U-M Linguistics Timeline
Our Values
Standard Language Ideology Statement
Contact Us
U-M Resource Links
Online Learning Opportunities
Statement of Support
Tenure-Track Faculty
Courtesy Appointment Faculty
Professors Emeriti
Graduate Students
Linguistics Ph.D. Alumni
PhD Alumni 2020 - Present
PhD Alumni 2015 - 2019
PhD Alumni 2010 - 2014
PhD Alumni 2005 - 2009
PhD Alumni 2000 - 2004
PhD Alumni 1997 - 1999
Postdoctoral Research Fellows
In Memoriam
Robbins Burling
John C. (Ian) Catford
Samuel David Epstein
Alexander-Zeev Guiora
John M. Lawler
Vitalij V. Shevoroshkin
News and Events
All News
Recent News
SWAMP 2015 hosted by Michigan Linguistics
Visit to Chippewa Community in Upper Peninsula
Michigan Linguistics at the LSA Linguistic Institute
Deborah Keller-Cohen’s research featured on UM News website
Robin Queen and Julie Boland in “Linguistics Vanguard”
Will Nediger and Acrisio Pires at Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
Michigan alums take top honors in LSA Student Abstract Award
Robin Queen delivers keynote at "Language in the Media 6" in Hamburg, Germany
Congratulations, Dr. Sujeewa Hettiarachchi!
Congratulations, Dr. Jae-Young Shim!
Andries Coetzee deliver keynote at ICPP, Tokyo
Michigan at the "Linguistic Society of Southern Africa"
John Swales in "English for Specific Purposes"
Carmel O'Shannessy in Australia
Meet our incoming graduate students
In memoriam: Edward Mason Anthony Jr. (UM PhD, 1954)
Dragomir Radev Coaches US Linguistics Team to Multiple Wins at IOL
A very busy summer for Diane Larsen-Freeman
Carmel O'Shannessy featured speaker at workshop on at Australian National University
Welcome to baby Ilona Ilieva Smirnova!
Debby Keller-Cohen in "Research on Aging"
Harim Kwon receives best paper award at ICPhS 2015
Productive fieldwork trip for Carmel O'Shannesy
LSA Program Committee meeting in Ann Arbor
Michigan at the ICPhS 2015
A new website for the Linguistics Department
Michigan at the “Second Language Research Forum”
Anne Curzan and Robin Queen at "Investing in Ability Week"
Anastasia Smirnova in “Linguistic Inquiry”
Moira Saltzman visits “Mango Languages”
Honorary doctorate for John Swales
Robin Queen Elected to the LSA Executive Committee
Anastasia Smirnova in Journal of Language and Politics.
Will Nediger and Acrisio Pires present at BUCLD
Baxter/Sagart receive "Bloomfield Book Award" from LSA
Michigan Linguistics presence at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America
PhD Student Alan Ke (Co-authored with Professor Samuel Epstein, Richard Lewis, and Acrisio Pires) Published "The Quantificational Domain of Dou: An Experimental Study"
Sunny Hyon's (PhD '94) "Introducing Genre and English for Specific Purposes" Published by Routledge
Submit a News Story
Marlyse Baptista Plenary Speaker at the Society of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics
Marlyse Baptista Plenary Speaker at ACBLPE at the University of Stockholm
Marlyse Baptista and Team Conduct Field Work in Cape Verde
Marlyse Baptista delivers presentation at the Max Planck Institute for Human History in Jena, Germany
Marlyse Baptista Elected to Leadership Post at Linguistic Society of America
News from the Linguistic Society of America
Ezra Keshet Publishes Paper, Dynamic Update Anaphora Logic: A Simple Analysis of Complex Anaphora
Barbra Meek Presents Talk, Linguistics and the Fierce Urgency of Now
Natasha Abner and Savithry Namboodiripad are Giving Talks at the Workshop on the Emergence of Universals at The Ohio State University
Just Announced -- The Deborah Keller-Cohen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Pam Beddor, Andries Coetzee, and Will Styler Publish Plosive Voicing in Afrikaans: Differential cue Weighting and Tonogenesis
John M. Swales Gave a Colloquium to the English Department at the University of Arizona
Hayley Heaton Awarded a Presidential Honorary Membership in the American Dialect Society
Andries Coetzee and Megan Crowhurst Present Webinar for Linguistic Society of America
Barbra Meek Co-edited Engaging Native American Publics: Linguistic Anthropology in a Collaborative Key
Lucy Chiang awarded Rackham International Student Fellowship and the Chia-Lun Lo Fellowship
Andries Coetzee in BBC News Hour
PhD Candidate Emma Santelmann featured in CAS Newsletter
Celebrating the end of Fall ‘22
Congratulations, Dr. Sedarous!
Linguistic Society of America 2023 Annual Meeting
(formal) Approaches to South Asian Languages 13
ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
Felicia Bisnath Awarded Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship for 2023-2024 Academic Year
Danielle Burgess Successfully Defends Dissertation
What are you going to do with that?
Congratulations, Danielle!
Keynote talk by PhD alumna Rachel Weissler at TESOL23
Paper in Language by Lecturer I, Andrew McInnerney
Graduation is Just Around the Corner
Graduate Student Profile: Danielle Burgess
Congratulations, Linguistics 2023 Graduates!
Sophie Eakins Receives 2023 Deborah Keller-Cohen Award
Professor Boland featured in The Atlantic
Shaquetta Morris Receives 2023 LSA Staff Achievement Award
Graduate Student Profile: Dominique Canning
Graduate Student Profile: Lucy Chiang
In Memoriam: Dr. Wilfredo Valentín-Márquez
Talking Black in America
PhD Alum Sujeewa Hettiarachchi’s new faculty position at Newcastle University
Do you talk more like a millennial or a boomer at work?
Signs of Language & Signs of Change
PhD Alum Kelly Wright Awarded Best Paper in Language
Andrew McInnerney and Yushi Sugimoto publish at Cambridge U. Press
Tzu-Yun Tung Successfully Defends PhD Dissertation
Justin Craft Successfully Defends PhD Dissertation
Aya Halabi receives award from Committee on Gender Equity in Linguistics
Congratulations, Linguistics Fall 2023 Graduates!
Cecilia Solís-Barroso Inducted into the Bouchet Graduate Honor Society at U-M
Doug Merchant featured in The Blade
Natasha Abner published in Science
Jessi Grieser in Smithsonian Magazine
U-M Linguistics Alumni in Tech
Martin Mössmer published in Journal of Child Language
International Mother Language Day
Linguistics Society of America 2024 Annual Meeting
Sophia Eakins Receives Outstanding GSI Award
Professors Anne Curzan, Robin Queen, and Heather Thompson's Collegiate Professorship Inaugural Lecture
Diane Larsen-Freeman Honored for Her Contributions to Linguistics and Cognitive Science
Midwest Speech & Language Days
Demet Kayabaşı Awarded Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
Jeonghwa Cho Successfully Defends PhD Dissertation
Sovoya Davis Receives 2024 Deborah Keller-Cohen Award
Huteng Dai to join U-M Linguistics as new Assistant Professor of computational linguistics and phonology
Congratulations, Linguistics 2024 Graduates!
U-M Linguistics at 186th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
The Melodic Linguistics of Jessi Grieser
Celebrating Inclusion
Department Hosts the Human Sentence Processing 2024 Conference
Ojibwe Language Research and Pedagogy Workshop: A Campus and Statewide Initiative
Lauretta Cheng Successfully Defends PhD Dissertation
Felicia Bisnath Successfully Defends PhD Dissertation
Celebrating Jennifer Nguyen
Congratulations, Ezra Keshet!
Andries Coetzee Awarded Collegiate Professorship of Linguistics
Jessi Grieser feature in Crain's Detroit
Exploring the Intersection of Language and Politics
Beyond Spoken Words: Exploring the Intricacies of Sign and Gesture
Transforming Futures with the Pre-Speech & Hearing Club
Professor San Duanmu Presents at Cornell
Highlights from FEAST 2024
The 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology
University of Michigan at Speech Prosody 2024
Namboodiripad et al. Publish in Language
Jessi Grieser quoted in an ABC Good Morning America Article
The Catford Lectures: Rediscovered and Digitized for Future Scholars
Coetzee Lectures on Afrikaans in China
Experimental Typology Fall 2024 Capstone Presentation
Congratulations, Linguistics Fall 2024 Graduates!
Queen et al. Publish in Language
Jessi Grieser Publishes in Language
Syntax Meets Neuroscience: Junyuan Zhao’s Path to Understanding Language
Linguistics Society of America 2025 Annual Meeting
Kendall Lowe Promotes MICHHERS Program in Texas
Coetzee et al. Publication on Patagonian Afrikaans
U-M Linguistics at TISLR 15
Search News
Undergraduate Linguistic field work experience in Australia
Pires and Rothman recognized by "International Journal of Bilingualism"
Associate Professor Carmel O'Shannessy Presents Paper in Australia
Assistant Professor Nick Henriksen Published in January 2016 Edition of Phonetica
Michigan Linguistics at the LSA Annual Meeting
Sally Thomason in the "Upper Swan Valley Historical Society" newsletter
Seven presentations for Diane Larsen-Freeman
Carmel O'Shannessy in "First Language"
Andries Coetzee at UC Berkeley and UC Merced
Linguistics PhD Student Will Nediger Hopes to Defend his Dissertation this Spring
Linguistics PhD Student Will Nediger is Working on a Dissertation on the Linguistic Properties of Idioms
A Festschrift for UM Emeritus Professor Robbins Burling Published
UM Linguistics Connects to High School Students in Maryland
Sally Thomason Takes Part in International Conference
From Doctoral Student to Student Services Coordinator, Jennifer Nguyen is a Wolverine Through and Through
Marjorie Herbert Earns First Publication for Her Work on German Sign Language
UM Professor San Duanmu Contemplates His Next Project
Professors From UM Linguistics Examine Reactions to Written Errors
Calling all Undergraduate Students Interested in Linguistics Research!
UM Linguistics Ph.D. Student Gives Two Talks at Penn Linguistics Conference 40!
A Linguist Outside of Linguistics: Lorenzo García-Amaya
Sally Thomason featured in The Paris Review!
New Volume on Language Contact in Australia Marks a New Era of Linguistic Work Edited by Carmel O’Shannessy
Nicholas Henriksen Publishes Co-Edited Volume on Ibero-Romance Intonation
Marjorie Herbert Receives Prestigious Graduate Research Fellowship from National Science Foundation
Carmel O'Shannessy Presents Paper at Australian Languages Workshop
Paper by Professor Acrisio Pires and PhD Alumnus Sujeewa Hettiarachchi in Proceedings of GALANA
San Duanmu Proposes a Solution to a Long-Standing Problem in Phonetic Transcriptions in His Newly Published Book!
Ling 497 Poster Session
UM Linguistics Ph.D. Candidate Will Nediger Helps UM Quiz Bowl Team to National Championship Title!
What Do You Know About the Pre-Speech & Hearing Club?
UM Undergraduates Meet Online with Students at Sakhnin Teachers' College, Israel
Professor Marlyse Baptista and Ph.D. Candidate Marcus Berger Spoke at LSUGA II
Marcus Berger, Moira Saltzman, and Kate Sherwood Have Each Been Awarded Funding Grants to Further Their Research!
Marlyse Baptista is the New Guest Columnist for the Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages
UM Linguistics Professor Andries Coetzee Nominated as Next Editor of Language!
From Student to Candidate: Marcus Berger Successfully Completes His Qualifying Research Paper
End of Year Message from the Chair
What are your thoughts on the Oxford comma?
Justin Craft Participated in the Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics (STEP)
Associate Professor Ezra Keshet Presented on Dynamic Update Anaphora Logic (DUAL)
Hayley Heaton Gives Guest Talk on “Representing American Southern English in Fictional Television Dramas”
Eric Swanson Will Speak at the 2016 Philosophical Linguistics and Linguistic Philosophy Conference Later This Week
Warlpiri Speakers and U-M Professor Participate in Kriol and Contact Languages Workshop in Australia
Carmel O'Shannessy Presents at Workshop on the Emergence of Modern Hebrew
Bilingual Communities in South America
U-M Linguists Starting a Project to Document the Language and Culture of Native Americans in Michigan
Five-Minute Linguist Finalists Announced!
U-M Linguistics Well Represented at Speech Prosody 2016
Sally Thomason Gives Plenary Talk at the University of Brasilia
Jon Brennan and Coauthors Publish Paper on Neural Responses to Phonotactics in Autism Spectrum Disorder
University of Michigan Linguistics Community Well Represented at LabPhon15
Ezra Keshet and the Phenomenon of Language Peevishness in Epic Grammar Fails
Carmel O'Shannessy was a Keynote Speaker at BilForum 2016
Carmel O'Shannessy Published in Linguistic Variation
Andries Coetzee Publishes Paper on Phonological Variation in Phonology
Carmel O'Shannessy Involved in Project Awarded Funding by Australian Research Council
Marjorie Herbert Presents QRP Work on Contact Between Spoken English and American Sign Language (ASL) at LCILP
U-M Professor's Work Featured in British Museum Exhibition
Doctoral Student Marjorie Herbert and Professor Acrisio Pires Presented at BilForum 2016
Marlyse Baptista Has Been Named a Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America
Ariana Bancu Presents Research on Transylvanian Saxon at NWAV45 in Vancouver
GradeCraft Lets Students Fail Productively
Giving Blueday is November 29, 2016!
Andries Coetzee Elected Editor of "Language"
Jon Brennan Awarded an NSF Grant for Project on Neurocomputational Models of Natural Language Processing
New Directory for the Department of Linguistics Installed
U-M Linguistics Presents at Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America & the Acoustical Society of Japan
Nicholas Henriksen and Sarah Harper Published in Journal of the International Phonetic Association
Anne Curzan will be the 2017 Recipient of the Linguistics, Language, and the Public Award
Tamarae Hildebrandt Research Evolves Beyond Syntax to Phonetics and Phonology
Marjorie Herbert Presents Poster of QRP Project at LSA 2017
Chia-Wen Lo Awarded 2016-2017 Rackham International Student Fellowship / Chia-Lun Lo Fellowship
Will Nediger’s Research Evolves Due to Collaborative Environment at U-M Linguistics
Jelena Krivokapić Awarded NSF Grant for Project on Prosodic Structure
Interest in the Individual, the Place, and Language Drives Barbara Johnstone’s Research
Professor Emeritus John M. Swales Gave Plenary Talk for Conference at Moscow State University
PhD Student Justin Craft Just Wants to Be Happy
Naomi Gottschalk Traveled to Basque Country to Study Their Language Isolate
Dave Ogden Seeks to Make a Difference and Improve Lives with His Research
“Overcoming Empirical Challenges for an Extended Approach to Condition C” by Will Nediger Featured in Winter 2017 Volume of "Linguistic Inquiry"
William Baxter Travelled to Singapore, Germany, and China for Talks and Conferences
Two Teams Featuring Members from U-M Linguistics Awarded 2017 Proposal Development Grants
U-M Linguistics Doctoral Student Ariana Bancu Awarded 2017 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award
Professor Samuel Epstein Gave a Talk Entitled “The Nature of Nurture and Non-Linguistic Language Variation” at The University of Arizona
Natasha Abner to Join U-M Linguistics Faculty
Emily Atkinson Joins U-M Linguistics as Language Learning Assistant Professor
Savithry Namboodiripad to Join U-M as Collegiate Postdoctoral Fellow in Linguistics
U-M Linguistics Was Well-Represented at the 2017 Georgetown University Round Table
Carmel O'Shannessy Gave Keynote Speech at Colloquium in Freiburg, Germany
Moira Saltzman and Carmel O'Shannessy Represented U-M Linguistics at ICLDC and ComputEL-2 in Hawaii
Dave Ogden Awarded a Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship for the 2017/18 Academic Year
“Speaking in Code” Explores Where Computer Science Meets the Humanities
U-M Linguistics Reaches Out to Seaholm High School
PhD Student Emily Rae Sabo Organizing 2017 Andean Circle Conference
Jelena Krivokapic Publishes Kinematic Study of Prosodic Structure in Articulatory and Manual Gestures
Jeff Heath Receives Funding From the National Endowment for the Humanities as Part of the Documenting Endangered Languages Program
U-M Linguistics Alumnus Chris Odato Featured on The Humanities PhD Project
Marlyse Baptista Gives Keynote Speech at the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium
Marlyse Baptista, Rocky Meade and Sarah Thomason Pay Tribute to John Holm
Will Nediger Successfully Defends his Dissertation
Marlyse Baptista and Team Conduct Fieldwork in the Cape Verde Islands
Congratulations to Jelena Krivokapić on Her Promotion to Associate Professor of Linguistics
Ariana Bancu, From Student to Linguist
Marjorie Herbert Finds the Perfect Combination of Language and Science in Linguistics
Ariana Bancu Presents Paper at Michicagoan 2017
The Newest Little Linguist Has Arrived
Michael Opper to Join College of International Studies at Southwest University
University of Kelaniya Building Named After U-M Alumna Manique Gunesekera (PhD ‘89)
U-M Linguistics Remembers PhD Alumna Kazuko Inoue, One of the Leading Generative Linguists in Japan
End of Year Message from the Chair
In Exploring Activities With Her Border Collie, U-M Linguist Robin Queen Discovered a New Research Interest
Language of the Creole-Speaking People of Cape Verde Passed Down Through Generations in a Way Similar to Genetics
Acrisio Pires Co-Authors Journal Paper on "Bilingualism and Language Change: The Case of Pronominal Clitics in Catalan and Spanish"
LSA Collegiate Postdoctoral Fellowship Program - Deadline to Apply is October 2, 2017
Five-Minute Linguist Finalists Announced
Nicholas Henriksen Published in Journal of Phonetics
Marjorie Herbert Presents Work at GALA 17
PhD Student Kelly E. Wright Led a Workshop at the LSA Summer Linguistic Institute
PhD Student Kelly E. Wright to Give Talk at Seminar Slam
Will Styler Gives Colloquium at Michigan State University
Dr. Hiba Babiker to Visit U-M Linguistics Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Fully Funded Summer Opportunity for Training in Linguistic Fieldwork and Language Documentation in Indonesia
Andries Coetzee Named Associate Director of the African Studies Center
Eric Swanson to Present at Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS)
Professor Sally Thomason Presents a Talk on Deliberate Language Changes
HistLing Reading for Nov 3
Sally Thomason to Give a Distinguished University Professorship Lecture on the Vanishing of the World’s Languages and Why We Should Care
Professor Sally Thomason to Receive Linguistic Society of America's Victoria A. Fromkin Prize for Distinguished Service
Festschrift Published in Honor of Professor Emerita Diane Larsen-Freeman
Giving BlueDay is Almost Here!
Should Language Be More Gender Neutral?
Deaf Hip-Hop Artist Sean Forbes Visits University of Michigan
Jiseung Kim Awarded Barbour Scholarship
Berger and Ke Awarded Rackham Predoctoral Fellowships
Hayley Heaton Successfully Defends Dissertation
LSA Article Highlights Baptista's Research
Bouavichith receives 2018 Deborah Keller-Cohen Award
Congratulations, Linguistics Class of 2018
Natasha Abner Invited to Present Lecture at UCLA
Andries Coetzee Promoted to Professor of Linguistics; Named 2018 John Dewey Award Winner
Linguistics Alumnus Tim Chou Receives 2017 Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators
Ariana Bancu Receives CEW's Mary Malcomson Raphael Fellowship
Hildebrandt Research Published in Tu+1 Proceedings Volume
Exploring Dialect Discrimination
The Palm-Up Puzzle
Catching Phonology in the Pokeverse
Meet Postdoctoral Research Fellow Stephen Tobin
Welcome, Linguistics Graduate Students!
Keshet and Medeiros Research Published
Keshet Gives Talk on Semantics in Barcelona
Jon Sprouse Gives Talk on Syntax
International Institute Conference
Language Documentation in West Africa
Fall 2018 Linguistics Colloquium
Humanities Collaboratory Video
New Ways of Analyzing Variation 47
Giving Blueday - November 27, 2018
2018 Giving Blueday a Success
LanguageMatters: Lightning Talk Workshop
Linguistics Fall 2018 Colloquium Series
NCID Research & Scholarship Seminar Series
New Book Published: A Guide to Old Spanish
Congratulations, Tzu-Yun Tung!
Capstone Poster Session
Alumni Profile: Joseph Tyler
2019 Martin Luther King, Jr. Linguistics Colloquium
LSA Annual Meeting 2019 in NYC
Herbert Authors Article Published in Sign Language & Linguistics
The Power of Words
Winter 2019 Linguistics Colloquium
Welcome, Katy White
Winter 2019 Linguistics Colloquium
The Best of Language: Volume III
Graduate Student Profile: Alan Ke
Jonathan Brennan Recommended for Promotion to Associate Professor of Linguistics
Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages
Winter 2019 Colloquium Series
Celebrate Your Dialect at Work
New Paper by Alan Ke Published Online
Emily Atkinson to Present Research
Celebrating Your Dialect at Work
Graduate Student Profile: Alicia Stevers
Stephen Tyndall Successfully Defends Dissertation
Congratulations, Dom!
Congratulations, Professor Nick Ellis!
Congratulations, Danielle!
Graduate Student Colloquia
Chiang Research Published in Proceedings
Peltier Receives Ford Foundation Honorable Mention
Carly Marten Receives Raoul Wallenberg Humanitarian Award
Capstone Poster Session Features Projects on Gesture, Sign, and Speech
Yourdanis Sedarous receives 2019 Deborah Keller-Cohen Award
Congratulations, Linguistics Class of 2019!
GASLA XV Conference
Congratulations, Jon!
Humanities Collaboratory Research
Institute for the Humanities Faculty Fellowship
Webinar on Submitting an Abstract for LSA 2020
Congratulations, Danielle and Lauretta!
Nerd Nite Ann Arbor: Emily Sabo to present on June 20
Jonathan Brennan Receives 2019 Early Career Award
Anne Curzan Appointed Dean of LSA
Welcome, Lisa Levinson
New Research Published
Alan (Hezao) Ke Successfully Defends Dissertation
Ariana Bancu Successfully Defends Dissertation
2019 Linguistics Institute: Linguistics in the Digital Era
Dave Ogden Successfully Defends Dissertation
Congratulations, Marcus Berger
U-M Linguists (Past and Present) Gather at ICPhS 2019
High Stakes Culture: The Power of the Pronoun
Joy Peltier Presents at Dominica Country Conference
Graduate Student Profile: Ian Calloway
Linguistics Colloquium Series
Constructing a Sign Language Family Tree
Linguistics Colloquium Series
2019 Marc and Constance Jacobson Lecture: “In the Future, Robots will Speak Chickasaw"
Language Matters Initiative Hosts Lightning Talk Workshop
Welcome, Sarah Heineken
Linguistics Open House
San Duanmu to Speak at MSU
Congratulations, Alicia!
Best Paper in Language Award
Congratulations, Carrie!
Linguistics Colloquium
Giving BlueDay 2019
Graduate Student Profile: Moira Saltzman
Graduate Student Colloquia
Integrating Research and Public Engagement
Capstone Poster Session
Congratulations, Kate!
Graduate Student Profile: Jiseung Kim
2020 Martin Luther King, Jr. Colloquium
Emily Sabo Quoted in Gizmodo Article
Linguistic Society of America 2020 Annual Meeting
Ezra Keshet Presents Research at University of Amsterdam and MIT
Professor Sarah (Sally) Thomason Edits Special Journal Issue on Indigenous Languages
Department Colloquium: "Linguistics for the Common Good"
"Language and Discrimination" and "Fantastic Linguistics"
New Views on the Flint Water Crisis
Graduate Student Profile: Emily Rae Sabo
Linguistics Colloquium
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Congratulations, Ian!
Research: Trinidad and Tobago Sign Languages
Chia-Wen Lo Awarded Rackham Barbour Scholarship
ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship Awards
Congratulations, Yourdanis!
Virtual 'Loose Lips' Comedy Show
Jeffrey Heath Receives National Science Foundation Grant
Celebrating the Linguistics Class of 2020!
Stay in Touch During Spring and Summer Terms
Joy Peltier Receives Deborah Keller-Cohen Award for 2019-20
Two Recipients Chosen to Receive Matt Alexander Awards
Paper by Marlyse Baptista Published in March 2020 Issue of Language
Native American Language Resource Center
Emily Rae Sabo Dissertation Defense Scheduled for Friday, Sept. 18 (1-3 pm)
In the News
Workshop on Word Order Flexibility
Welcome Back, Students and Faculty!
Welcome, Shaquetta!
Linguistics Colloquium
Congratulations, Emily!
Honors Seminar Series: Julie Boland
Linguistics Colloquium
Being a Linguist on Social Media
Lorenzo García-Amaya to Give Golden Apple Award Lecture on October 16
Linguistics Colloquium
Congratulations, Andries!
Raising Our Voices 2020
Lisa Levinson Gives Keynote Talk at NELS 51 Conference
Rackham Article Features Graduate Student Role in Patagonian-Afrikaans Project
Graduate Student Colloquium: Joy Peltier and Moira Saltzman
Career Panel on Positions in the Tech Industry
Sally Thomason Gives Plenary Talk at International Conference
Professor Acrisio Pires Appointed Interim Department Chair
Associate Professor Nicholas Henriksen receives the Linguistic Society of America’s 2021 Early Career Award
Linguistics Graduate Candidate Fahad Alrashed Successfully Defends his Dissertation
Linguistic Society of America (LSA) 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting Held Jan. 7-10
Professor Richard Lewis Named Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Kelly Wright Coauthors “Among the New Words” Article in American Speech
Joy Peltier Gives Colloquium Talk at University of Georgia
Giving BlueDay 2021
Susan Gelman Delivers 2021 Henry Russel Lecture
PhD Candidate Moira Saltzman and UROP Students Give Talk at ICLDC 7
Graduate Students to Give Presentations at 45th Penn Linguistics Conference
Kelly Wright to be Inducted into Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society
Cecilia Solís-Barroso Receives FLAS Fellowship
PhD Candidate Lucy Chiang Receives Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
Graduate Student Profile: Chia-Wen Lo
Graduate Students to Present at WCCFL 39 Conference
Rachel Weissler Receives Outstanding GSI Award
Congratulations, Chia-Wen!
LSA Article Features Q&A with Kelly Wright
Tamarae Hildebrandt Gives Plenary Talk at MULS 2021
Paper by Yushi Sugimoto Published in Studia Linguistica
Students Share Research Projects During Capstone Poster Session
Linguistics Career Launch Event Kicks off in July
Wil Gonzales Receives Deborah Keller-Cohen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
In the News: Kelly Wright Quoted in The New York Times
Linguistics Alum Gives Presentation at Lavender Languages Conference
Natasha Abner, Savithry Namboodiripad Coauthor Article in Language Learning and Development
2021 Juneteenth Symposium: Celebrating Black Joy, Hope, and Healing
Congratulations, Rachel!
Linguistics Department Adopts Standard Language Ideology Statement
Sarah Heineken Receives 2021 LSA Staff Achievement Award
Kelly Wright Featured in Linguistic Society of America Member Spotlight
Graduate Student Spotlight: Rawan Bonais
'One Weird Consequence of the Pandemic? Forgetting Words'
Andrew McInnerney Authors Paper on Parentheticals
Toward an Anti-Ableist Academy
Yourdanis Sedarous Awarded Predoctoral Fellowships
'How I Got Here and Where I'm Going Next'
Alumni Profile: Beatrice Teodoro Oshika
Thinking about Studying Linguistics?
Graduate Student Profile: Justin Craft
Jeonghwa Cho Gives Talk at University of Cambridge
Graduate Student Colloquium: Danielle Burgess and Justin Craft
New Research Examines Impact of Zoom Calls on the Brain and Speech
Students Present Research During Capstone Poster Session
Andries Coetzee Receives NWU Alumni Excellence Award
Congratulations, Kelly!
New Leadership Roles Announced
Alumni Profile: Tony Natoci
Graduate Student Profile: Tamarae Hildebrandt
Kelly Wright Featured in Rackham Spotlight
CCN Forum Hosts Esti Blanco-Elorrieta (Harvard) on Friday, Jan. 28
Marlyse Baptista Presents at NWAV 49, Boston University, MIT
Alumni Profile: Ariana Bancu
Deborah Keller-Cohen Coauthors Paper in Advances in Mental Health
Linguistic Society of America 2022 Annual Meeting
Words We Use
PhD Student Profile: Joy Peltier
PhD Student Profile: Yushi Sugimoto
Neurocomputational Models of Language Processing
Dissertation Defense
Dissertation Defense
Dissertation Defense
Dissertation Defense
Language Across Modalities Event
Natasha Abner to Present at Princeton Symposium on Syntactic Theory
Congratulations, Wil!
Virtual Professionalization Workshop: Tuesday, April 5
Congratulations, Rawan!
Congratulations, Joy!
Congratulations, Yushi!
Graduate Student Profile: Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales
Graduate Student Profile: Jian Zhu
Aidan Wolford Presents Thesis Work at HSP 2022
Sophia Eakins Receives Rackham Travel Grant
Andrew McInnerney to Give Talk at Chicago Linguistic Society Conference
GLOW 45 Colloquium
23rd Annual Michicagoan Conference Set for May 6-7
Congratulations, Linguistics Class of 2022!
Student Videos Explore Origin of Human Language
Demet Kayabaşı and Natasha Abner Publish Paper in Frontiers in Psychology
Danuta Allen Receives 2022 Deborah Keller-Cohen Award
Congratulations, Andrew!
Kelly Wright Successfully Defends Dissertation
Demet Kayabasi is Lead Author on Paper Published in Language Learning and Development
MICHHERS Students Visit Linguistics
In the News
New Leadership Role
In the News
NWAV50 Conference
Congratulations, Dr. Hildebrandt!
PhD alumna Kelly E. Wright publishes paper on bias in automatic speech recognition
Andrew McInnerney in the Press
Natasha Abner Becomes Associate Professor and Receives Teaching Award
U-M Linguistics at Linguistic Society of America (LSA) 2023 Summer Institute
Graduate Student Profile: Tzu-Yun Tung
Sophia Eakins Awarded LSA Fellowship to Attend LSA Summer Institute
Graduate Student Profile: Lauretta Cheng
Olawale Akingbade Receives Grant and Conducts Fieldwork in Nigeria
Graduate Student Profile: Jeonghwa Cho
Graduate Student Profile: Felicia Bisnath
Graduate Student Profile: Danuta Allen
Graduate Student Profile: Sophia Eakins
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