Due to the ongoing and developing COVID-19 pandemic, you may have received various emails filled with an overwhelming array of information, resources, and online tools. We have compiled the most relevant information for Linguistics students into one webpage.

University of Michigan/LSA Updates and Resources

We also want you to be aware of a new resource for you: lsa-covid-help@umich.edu. If you have questions or concerns, you can email us here, and we will route them to people who can help you get answers.

Information about Coronavirus and U-M

Updates on U-M's Response to COVID-19

Office of the Provost: Student Emergency Funds

CAPS Mental Health Care Package

Student Health Insurance Extended Enrollment

Dean of Students Critical Response

For Undergraduates

Dean Curzan's Updates on Grading Policies

Newnan Advising Center Express Appointments and New Add/Drop Guidelines

For Graduate Students

Rackham Student Newsletter: Deadline Extensions for Graduate Students


Department of Linguistics Updates and Resources

Revised Advising Hours for Winter Semester

For the remainder of the Winter 2020 semester, all advising appointments will take place via phone or video-conferencing until April 21 or until further notice. When signing up for an advising appointment, you will be able to select whether you prefer to meet by phone or virtually.

Department of Linguistics COVID-19 Updates


For Doctoral Students

Doctoral Deadlines