Your gift enables our Department of Linguistics community to serve society and maintain its excellence among leading public and private universities.
Gifts from the community, friends and alumni make a difference in our capacity to hire and retain leading faculty and scholars, to attract and fund outstanding graduate students from a broad range of backgrounds, to support a diverse body of undergraduate students, and to undertake research endeavors that can help many communities and advance knowledge about language. Your gift can also be directed to causes that you tell us you are passionate about and that you think linguistics should be involved in (if so, you can then identify your goal). Your gift can support faculty, graduate and undergraduate students to carry out innovative projects addressing new problems, to engage in creative collaborations, to attend conferences and publish their findings. These opportunities help our students prepare for successful careers while they explore exciting ideas about language and linguistics. Your gifts to the department are also tax deductible.
Giving Opportunities
Linguistics Strategic Fund (308354)
This fund makes an important difference in helping us foster innovation and new discoveries in the field of linguistics that can benefit different communities. It supports research and teaching, recruitment of outstanding faculty and students, undergraduate and graduate internship programs, experiential practice for our students in their learning and research, on-campus conferences and community outreach by linguists.
Alternatively, you can donate by check to:
Linguistics Department Strategic Fund
University of Michigan
440 Lorch Hall
611 Tappan Street
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1220
Gifts are a personal expression of support, often reflecting the specific interests and hopes of the donor. If you would prefer to designate your gift for a more specific purpose or discuss gift opportunities, please contact Department Chair Acrisio Pires (, 734.764-0353). You may also discuss gift options with LSA Advancement; the liaison officer for Linguistics is Samantha Stears (, 734.615.6239).