Five-Minute Linguist Finalists Announced
Linguistic Society of America announced the finalists for the
Second Annual Five-minute Linguist event. One of our newest PhD student, Kelly E. Wright, was chosen to give a presentation on "Covert Segregation: Investigating Dialect Discrimination in the Housing Market." The Five-minute Linguist event will be held at the
2018 Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Georgia Zellou (University of California, Davis): Enhanced coarticulation facilitates statistical learning of continuous speech in adults
- Lauren Ackerman (Newcastle University): Coreference dependency formation is modulated by experience with variation of human gender
- Michelle McSweeney (Columbia University): Can I get a comma? The role of punctuation and laughter in texting identity
- Kelly Wright (University of Kentucky, now U-M): Covert Segregation: Investigating Dialect Discrimination in the Housing Market
- Gregory Scontras (University of California, Irvine): The pragmatics of truth-value judgements
- Sharon Inkelas (University of California, Berkeley), Jordan Ackerman (University of California, Merced), Noah Hermalin (University of California, Berkeley), Darya Kavitskaya (University of California, Berkeley), and Stephanie Shih (University of California, Merced): Pokemonikers: A Study of Sound Symbolism and Pokemon Names
- Lynn Hou (University of California, San Diego): When looks count: the function and distribution of LOOK-AT in American Sign Language
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