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Denise L. Anthony
Professor of Health Management & Policy and Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
Elizabeth Popp Berman
Richard H. Price Professor and Director of Organizational Studies; Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
809 Weiser Hall
Andrei Boutyline
Assistant ProfessorDirector of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment
4126 LSA Building 734.647.3092
Elizabeth E. Bruch
Associate Professor
4220 LSA Building 734.615.6969
Emily Buckley
Communications Coordinator
3109 LSA Building 734.936.2580
Carson Byrd
Associate Research Scientist and Adjunct Associate Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
Kathleen Cagney
Professor of Sociology, Director of the U-M Institute for Social Research
Rebecca D. Christensen
Director of Project Community & Lecturer
3112 LSA Building 734.647.6723
Jerry Davis
Gilbert and Ruth Whitaker Professor of Business Administration, Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
R6362 Ross School of Business
701 Tappan Street
Juan D. Delgado
Assistant Professor
4210 LSA Building
Leydy Diossa-Jiménez
Postdoctoral Fellow
4142 LSA Building
Asher Dvir-Djerassi
Ph.D. Student in Public Policy and Sociology
Lauren Eddelbuettel
Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Major/Minor Advisor
3114 LSA 734.764.7239
W. Reynolds Farley
Otis Dudley Duncan Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Jane Furey
PhD Candidate, Sociology & Public Policy
Jill Hoppenjans
Academic Program Manager
3120 LSA 734.647.4428
James House
Angus Campbell Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Sociology
J'Mauri Jackson
Ph.D. Student in Public Policy & Sociology
Elizabeth Jahn
Chief Administrator
3124 LSA Building 734.647.4437
Alexandra (Sasha) Killewald
Professor of Sociology, Director of the Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics, and the Robert F. Schoeni Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research
4213 LSA Building
Emily Kim
Program Assistant & Main Office Coordinator
3115 LSA Building 734.764.6324
Anna Kirkland
Kim Lane Scheppele Collegiate Professor of Women's Studies and Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
204 South State Street 734-647-6181
Richard Lempert
Eric Stein Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Law & Sociology
Jeremy R. Levine
Associate Professor of Organizational Studies, and Associate Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
815 Weiser Hall
Sandra R. Levitsky
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and Associate Professor of Sociology and Professor of Law (by courtesy)
4111 LSA Building 734.763.0066
Daniel Little
Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
Margo Mahan
Assistant Professor
4207 LSA Building
Andrei S. Markovits
Karl W. Deutsch Collegiate Professor of Comparative Politics & German Studies, and Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
Parker A. Martin
Doctoral Candidate in Public Policy & Sociology
P J McGann
3212 LSA Building 734.764.6321
Terence McGinn
3218 LSA Building 734.647.3661
Sherise McKinney
Joint Social Work & Sociology Graduate Student
Subin Min
Graduate Student; Sociology and Social Work
B660 SSWB, E4
Colter Mitchell
Adjunct Research Associate Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
Mark S. Mizruchi
Robert Cooley Angell Collegiate Professor of Sociology
4234 LSA Building 734.764.7444
Martin Murray
Professor of Urban Planning and Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
Davon Norris
Assistant Professor of Organizational Studies and Sociology (by courtesy)
847 Weiser Hall
Vitalina Nova
Senior Associate Librarian, Library Research - Social Sciences, University Library
240 E. Hatcher Graduate Library 734-615-3874
Ian Robinson
Lecturer & Associate Research Scientist
3209 LSA Building 734.763.1270
Margaret (Peggy) Somers
Professor Emerita of Sociology and History
Kyungeun Song
Graduate Student; Sociology and Social Work
Matthew Sullivan
Senior Academic Director for LSA First Generation Cohort Programs
3221 LSA Building 734.647.4231
Hannah Tessler
Postdoctoral Fellow
Mo Torres
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Michigan Society of Fellows
Chloe Unrein
Graduate Program Coordinator
3118 LSA Building 734.647.6895
Celeste Watkins-Hayes
Professor of Sociology, University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor, and Jean E. Fairfax Collegiate Professor of Public Policy at the Ford School of Public Policy
4228 LSA Building
Megan Widman
Research Project Coordinator - URSA Lab
Anna K. Wood
Graduate Student, Sociology and Social Work
B660 SSWB, B3
Yu Xie
Otis Dudley Duncan Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Statistics
Michael Ybarra
3147 LSA Building
Alford A. Young, Jr.
Edgar G. Epps Collegiate Professor of Sociology; Professor of AfroAmerican Studies; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
4105 LSA Building
Geneviève Zubrzycki
William H. Sewell Jr. Collegiate Professor of Sociology; Weiser Family Professor in European and Eurasian Studies
Sociology, 4112
Weiser Hall, Suite 500