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Samantha Anders
Graduate Student Instructor
Course: OS208 with Professor Soderstrom
Denise Anthony
Rubin Chair of Health Management and Policy Professor, Health Management and Policy Professor, Sociology Professor, School of Information
M3166, SPH II
Elizabeth A. Armstrong
Sherry B. Ortner Collegiate Professor of Sociology
Jerri Atkins
Senior Human Resource Representative
Room 307, 555 S. Forest
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Wayne Baker
Robert P. Thome Professor Emeritus of Business Administration Professor Emeritus of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Kate Balzer
OS ‘10, Ann Arbor
Paige Barton
Student Services Coordinator
800 Weiser Hall 248.469.8205
Michael Bastedo
Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies; Professor, Marsal Family School of Education
(734) 615-4415
Elizabeth Popp Berman
Richard H. Price Professor and Director of Organizational Studies; Professor of Sociology (by courtesy)
Weiser Hall, 809
Emily Buckley
Events & Communications Coordinator
800 Weiser Hall 734.936.2580
Andy Buschmann
Graduate Student Instructor
Course: OS208 with Sara Soderstrom
Nicholas Camp
Assistant Professor of Organizational Studies, Assistant Professor of Psychology (By Courtesy)
Gerald F. Davis
Associate Dean for Business + Impact, Gilbert and Ruth Whitaker Professor of Business Administration, Professor of Management and Organizations
(734) 647-4737
Tanya Dietz
Executive Secretary
800 Weiser Hall 734.764.6767
David Dunning
Professor of Psychology
3239 East Hall
phone: 734.763.0063
Lisa Fein
Lecturer of Organizational Studies
Weiser Hall, 803 734.764.8952
Richard Gonzalez
Amos N. Tversky Collegiate Professor of Psychology and Statistics
3008 East Hall 734.647.6785
Kathryn Heinze
Associate Professor of Sport Management
SKB 3160
830 North University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048
United States
(734) 615-2146
Arnold Ho
Associate Professor of Psychology
3229 East Hall 734.764.2717
Andy Hoffman
Professor of Management & Organizations Professor of Environment and Sustainability Holcim (US), Inc. Professor of Sustainable Enterprise
Ara Jo
Lab Manager (Professor Camp)
Jeremy Kayden
Financial Specialist
1044 East Hall 734.936.0753
Fiona Lee
Personality and Social Contexts Area Chair; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Psychology
3251 East Hall 734.763.3358
Jeremy Levine
Associate Professor of Organizational Studies and Sociology (by courtesy)
Weiser Hall, 815
Jeremy Levine
Associate Professor of Organizational Studies and Sociology (by courtesy)
Weiser Hall, 815
Ramaswami Mahalingam
Professor of Psychology
3263 East Hall, 530 Church St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043 734.763.0049
James McDonald
Local HR Representative
Room 309, 555 S. Forest
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Melissa Menta
Graduate Student Instructor
Course: OS201 with David Sweetman
Mark S. Mizruchi
Robert Cooley Angell Collegiate Professor of Sociology, Barger Family Professor of Organizational Studies, and Professor of Management and Organizations
4234 LSA Building 734.764.7444
Demetri Morgan
Associate Professor, Marsal Family School of Education
Shanna Morse
LSA HR Employment Records and Operations Specialist
Room 309, 555 S. Forest
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Eman Naga
Graduate Student Instructor
Course: OS295 with Professor Levine
Davon Norris
Assistant Professor of Organizational Studies and Sociology (by courtesy)
847 Weiser Hall
Jason Owen-Smith
Professor of Sociology
Shobita Parthasarathy
Professor of Public Policy; Director, Science, Technology, and Public Policy program; Professor of Women's and Gender Studies (by courtesy)
Weill Hall
735 S. State St. #4202
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Zlatko Pavloski
Business Analyst
1044 East Hall 734.763.9892
Lisa Pettit
Research Administrator
1543 Chemistry 734.763.2567
Cathy Philbin
OS Advisor
837 Weiser Hall 734.764.6809
Richard Price
Professor Emeritus
Steven Samford
Associate Professor of Organizational Studies
Weiser Hall, 830 734.647.2320
Lance Sandelands
Professor of Management and Organizations, Professor of Psychology
(734) 764-3128
Denise Sekaquaptewa
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology
3231 East Hall 734.647.9685
Denise Sekaquaptewa
Professor of Psychology, Associate Chair
3231 East Hall 734.647.9685
Ceren Share
OS ‘01, Washington DC
Dan Slater
James Orin Murfin Professor of Political Science; Director, Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies (WCED)
Ben Smith
OSLC Chair, OS ‘02, Farmington Hills, MI
Sara Soderstrom
Associate Professor of Organizational Studies and Program in the Environment; Director of Program in the Environment; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Weiser Hall, 825 734.764.8247
Miguel Solari
OS ‘99, San Francisco
Gretchen Spreitzer
Keith E. and Valerie J. Alessi Professor of Business Administration, Professor of Management and Organizations
David Sweetman
Lecturer in Organizational Studies
Catherine Thomas
Assistant Professor of Organizational Studies and Psychology
Weiser Hall 807
James P. Walsh
Gerald and Esther Carey Professor of Business Administration, Professor of Management & Organizations, Professor of Strategy
R4490 (734) 936-2768
Martin Williams
Associate Professor in Organizational Studies and (by courtesy) Political Science
712 Weiser
David Wolmer
OS ‘98, Beverly Hills