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The OS Student Pathway

Organizations are complex and important in almost all aspects of our lives, lending themselves to study from many perspectives. While OS builds a strong foundation in economic, psychological, and sociological perspectives on organizations, it also gives you the freedom to tailor your education to your interests.

Because the curriculum is so rich and the areas of interest so diverse, OS has created a planning tool called the OS Pathway, designed to help students navigate the course offerings and accomplish individual educational goals.

An OS Pathway is created individually by each student and consists of a paragraph describing your interests and goals, as well as a list of cluster courses that you think will best help you reach those goals. It is a set of flexible guidelines rather than requirements and may change throughout your time in the program. Your pathway can incorporate courses that you have already taken as well as those you plan to take in the future.

OS provides individual guidance in the creation of your Pathway. We encourage you to view the Pathway paragraphs of current OS students, as they may offer ideas for how to structure your path. But remember, your Pathway is your creation and you do not need to make it fit into an existing category. We'll create a new category for you if needed! 


*OS students are involved in a variety of extracurriculars related to their personal and professional interests at the University. This Clubs Matrix compiles over 80 organizations our students are in, and groups them together based on their OS Pathways. Feel free to check it out and discover clubs that will help you pursue what you're passionate about – there's something for everyone!