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Technology has reshaped our world.  From giant tech firms that dominate our daily activities to small businesses, non-profits, and government agencies, all organizations must grapple with an evolving technological landscape that is constantly shifting.   For organizations, technology can contribute to innovation and growth, or can create existential challenges.  Pathways in this category examine how technology impacts organizations in the information age, as well as how larger societal issues can be either ameliorated or exacerbated by technology. 

Career Opportunities

  • Business Analyst
  • Technology Consultant
  • Data Analyst

Course Examples

  • OS 450 Technological Innovation
  • TO 302 Managing Business Operations
  • Strategy 302 Business Strategy
  • Psych 449 Decision Processes
  • School of Information (SI) courses

Erin Chai

Class of 2025

Mariana Ferraz

Class of 2025

Benjamin Gordon

Class of 2025

Regan Henderson

Class of 2025

Gavin Lichtenberg

Class of 2025

Kevin Qu

Class of 2025

Shereen Shahid

Class of 2025

Lillian Shern

Class of 2025

Chloe Sinel

Class of 2025

Alexis Goll

Class of 2026

Leah Hill

Class of 2026

Akira Li

Class of 2026

Sophie Perlson

Class of 2026

Shreya Ravipati

Class of 2026