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Scholarships and Awards

Organizational Studies provides opportunities for students to gain additional funding for their educational experiences.  

Andy & Ellyn Lansing Leader/Scholar Award:
 This award is given to a rising senior who demonstrates academic excellence in the classroom and leadership qualities in the Organizational Studies Program and/or larger University of Michigan community.  The recipient of this award will receive funding toward tuition during their senior year.  Winners of this award are chosen by the OS faculty and staff.
Eligibility:  Rising OS Seniors

Jordan Harris Award:
The Jordan Harris Social Justice Award was created in memory of Jordan Harris, an OS student who was deeply involved in social justice advocacy. This award recognizes a student whose academic and extra-curricular work reflect a passion and commitment for social justice activism, leadership, and compassion. The award winner also exhibits the potential to make a significant contribution to the pursuit of social justice in one or more areas upon graduation. The Jordan Harris Award is funded by the Jordan Harris Social Justice Award Fund.
Eligibility: Current OS seniors
Term offering: Bestowed annually at OS graduation ceremony. Nominations will be solicited from the OS community in winter term.

Malkin Shadowing Award:
The Malkin Shadowing Program gives current OS students the opportunity to explore possible career avenues by immersing themselves for a day with OS alumni at their current job location. This award aims to assist students with the costs of travel and accommodations associated with the shadowing program. The Malkin Shadowing Program is made possible through the Malkin Family Mentorship Program Fund.
Eligibility: Current OS juniors and OS seniors who have not yet accepted a job offer.  
Term Offerings: Fall

OS Honors Research Scholarship: Organizational Studies provides financial support for those OS students pursuing an honors thesis in the program. Students may apply for up to $500 in support of their research. Some types of costs that can be considered for Honors Research support include (but are not limited to): payment of research assistants for coding; transcription costs; photocopying of surveys; coverage of transportation costs related to research, or presentation of research at a conference. For full details, OS students may visit the portal here.
Eligibility: Current OS juniors and seniors enrolled in the OS Honors Program

OS Internship Scholarship:
This scholarship aims to encourage and support OS students who pursue summer internships. These awards provide limited financial assistance to help defray the additional living expenses, travel costs, etc., often involved in summer internships. In exchange for this financial assistance, OS majors will be asked to share their internship experiences with the larger Organizational Studies community. This scholarship, given at the end of Winter semester of junior year, is funded through the DeSchutter Family Career Development Internship Fund and the Odeon Capital Group LLC Fund.
Eligibility:  Current OS Juniors
Term Offerings: Summer

OS Opportunity Scholarship:
 This scholarship provides partial tuition assistance to OS students who have substantial financial need due to extenuating circumstances. Application for this scholarship is every fall and winter semester.  Students may apply more than once for the award. This scholarship is made possible by the Lundy Fund and the David Blumenfeld Scholarship Fund.
Eligibility:  Current OS juniors, and OS seniors with financial need
Term Offerings:  Fall, Winter

OS Study Abroad Scholarship:
The OS Study Abroad Scholarship is a competitive award designed to support students who have chosen to enhance their skills as a global citizen through a formal study abroad program. Special priority is given to programs through which the student will be fully immersed in the host culture and the course content has relevance for the student’s OS pathway. This award will provide limited financial assistance for tuition, airfare, or additional living expenses for studying abroad. The OS Study Abroad Scholarship is funded by Jacob’s Family Study Abroad Scholarship Fund.
Eligibility: Current OS juniors
Term offerings: Winter, Spring/Summer

Suzanne M. Jones OS Spirit Award:
This award honors the dedication of former OS Key Administrator Suzanne Jones to OS, especially in the area of student services and the development of an OS community. 
Eligibility: Any current OS junior or senior, OS staff or OS faculty member.
Term offering: Bestowed annually at OS graduation ceremony. Nominations will be solicited from the OS community in winter term.

Please visit the LSA Scholarships website for a number of other scholarship opportunities for current students with demonstrated financial need.