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Employment Opportunities

See below for any current open positions.

Faculty and Staff Positions:

There are currently no open positions.

GSI Positions:

Fall 2024 OS 295: Graduate Student Instructor

Fall 2024 OS 305: Graduate Student Instructor

Fall 2024 OS 410: Graduate Student Instructor

Research Positions:

There are currently no open positions.

* The Organizational Studies Program is an undergraduate program providing curricular offerings from gateway lower-level lectures to upper-level seminars. Graduate student instructors are hired for assistance in these courses for a variety of reasons, including leading discussion sections, providing support for and feedback on student work, grading, and helping with course and classroom management.

Article XVII of the current GEO contract states: Class Size Section A.2 of the UM/GEO Agreement, each department employing GSIs will establish a class size policy for classes to which GSIs are assigned. LSA policy is that the maximum number of students per GSI section will not exceed 50 and the maximum ratio of students to GSIs will not exceed 100.

Course enrollments in Organizational Studies are determined primarily based on pedagogical format and student demand, and GSI allocation is determined based on the role GSIs will play within these pedagogical structures.

In OS lower-level classes (100- and 200-level) that have GSI-led sections, the maximum number of enrolled students in each section is 30, with a target enrollment of 25.

In other courses where all classroom instruction is led by the instructor of record, the maximum number of enrolled students per GSI is 150, with a target enrollment of up to 125 depending on the pedagogical nature of the class.

In OS 305, 310, and 410, required classes for majors, the enrollment cap is 60, and target enrollment is 50. OS 305 and 310 do not have sections, and OS 410 has a single discussion section used primarily to assist students with class projects.