The Organizational Studies Program invite OS alums to join our networking group on LinkedIn, a professional networking website. Members create professional profiles of their academic and career background and experience, create connections with members of their own organizations, other organizations, and alumni from their college or academic program.
We created the University of Michigan Organizational Studies Community – a networking group that connects OS community members (alumni, staff, faculty, and current students) to each other in order to create professional connections in various fields. As you begin your post- collegiate experience, this networking group gives you the opportunity to stay in touch with one another as well as find new connections with alumni in various career fields or higher education avenues. We also welcome alumni who had individually designed concentration programs (ICP) in Organizational Studies before the formal OS program existed.
New ways to CONNECT with OS!
We have a Social Media team of students to work with us in creating a public presence using both Facebook and Instagram.
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