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Department of Economics
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Research News
Linda Tesar, Basit Zafar, and Kenneth Hofmeister Salary Study Shows Parity for Men and Women Faculty
Economics Professor Receives $2.1 Million from NSF for Big Data Project
Economics Lecturer's Research Cited in the Wall Street Journal
Regression Discontinuity Designs Conference Begins This Thursday!
Aaron B. Flaaen, Matthew D. Shapiro, and Isaac Sorkin Release Study on Reconsidering the Consequences of Worker Displacements: Firm versus Worker Perspective
Martha Bailey, Connor Cole, and Morgan Henderson release study on How Well Automated Methods Perform in Historical Samples
Sreyoshi Das, Camelia Kuhnen and Stefan Nagel Release study on Socioeconomic Status and Macroeconomic Expectations
Ugo Troiano Releases Study, Do Taxes Increase Economic Inequality? A Comparative Study Based on the State Personal Income Tax
Ugo Troiano releases paper, Intergovernmental Cooperation and Tax Enforcement
Andrei A. Levchenko's 'International Linkages and the Business Cycle: Lessons from Micro to Micro' published in NBER Reporter
Inside Higher Ed Talks to Betsey Stevenson
Dean Yang's New Research, 'Hurricanes Drive Immigration to the U.S.' Chosen as one of The Conversation's Essential Reads for the Year
Ron Alquist, Nicolas Berman, Rahul Mukherjee, and Linda Tesar Release Paper, Financial Constraints, Institutions, and Foreign Ownership
William C. Boning, John Guyton, Ronald H. Hodge, II, Joel Slemrod, and Ugo Troiano Release Paper, Heard it Through the Grapevine: Direct and Network Effects of a Tax Enforcement Field Experiment
Jeffrey L. Hoopes, Leslie Robinson, and Joel Slemrod Release Working Paper, Public Tax-Return Disclosure
Javier Cravino, Ting Lan and Andrei A. Levchenko Release Working Paper, Price Stickiness along the Income Distribution and the Effects of Monetary Policy
Miles S. Kimball, Matthew D. Shapiro, Tyler Shumway, and Jing Zhang Release Working Paper, Portfolio Rebalancing in General Equilibrium
Ugo Troiano and Giacomo A.M. Ponzetto Release Working Paper, Social Capital, Government Expenditures and Growth
Melvin Stephens, Jr. and Desmond Toohey Release Working Paper, Changes in Nutrient Intake at Retirement
Janet Currie, Michael Mueller-Smith, Maya Rossin-Slater Release Working Paper, Violence while in Utero: The Impact of Assaults During Pregnancy on Birth Outcomes
Joel Slemrod Releases Working Paper, Tax Compliance and Enforcement
Amanda E. Kowalski Releases Working Paper, How to Examine External Validity Within an Experiment
Gaurav Khanna, and Munseob Lee Release Working Paper, High-Skill Immigration, Innovation, and Creative Destruction
U-M Economists John Bound and Ariel Binder Explore Reasons Why Less-educated Men Face Declining Labor Prospects
Pablo Ottonello's forthcoming publication in Econometrica
Pablo Ottonello, Rafael Guntin, and Diego Perez release Working Paper, The Micro Anatomy of Macro Consumption Adjustments
Pablo Ottonello, Xing Guo, and Diego J. Perez release Working Paper, MONETARY POLICY AND REDISTRIBUTION IN OPEN ECONOMIES
John Bound, Breno Braga, Gaurav Khanna and Sarah Turner release working paper
Basit Zafar, Ester Faia, Andreas Fuster, and Vincenzo Pezone release working paper
Justin Wolfers, Pascaline Dupas, Alicia Sasser Modestino, Muriel Niederle, and The Seminar Dynamics Collective release working paper
Basit Zafar, Esteban M. Aucejo, and Jacob F. French release working paper
Paul Rhode, Jeremy Atack, and Robert A. Margo release working paper
Dean Yang, Aakash Mohpal, and David McKenzie release working paper
New paper by Dean Yang, Michael Carter, and Rachid Laajaj has been published
Sara Heller releases new working paper
Ana Reynoso, Paula Calvo, and Ilse Lindenlaub release working paper
Pablo Ottonello, Juan M. Morelli, and Diego J. Perez release working paper
Dean Yang, James Allen IV, Hang Yu, Arlete Mahumane, James Riddell IV, Tanya Rosenblat release working paper
Faculty News
Prof. Andrei A. Levchenko Appointed Coeditor of the American Economic Review
Prof. Andrei A. Levchenko Awarded Honorary Doctorate by the University of Basel
Amanda Kowalski Awarded $2M Grant as Part of the Meet the Moment Research Initiative
Linda Tesar is awarded the 2023 Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award
New paper by Dean Yang on religious festivals in the American Economic Review
U-M Economics Professor Matias Cattaneo to Give Keynote Address at 2016 Latin American Workshop in Econometrics
Innovative Teaching in the Department of Economics
Kathryn Dominguez on "Marketplace"
George A. Fulton and Donald R. Grimes Present on the Economic Future for Oakland County
Brian Jacobs, Professor of Economics and Education discusses a grant to study online learning
John Laitner, Professor of Economics and ISR Research Professor, was quoted in a USA Today Column
Susan Dynarski's new article published in New York Times
Martha Bailey's paper cited in "The Atlantic" op-ed
Robert Willis receives the 2015 Jacob Mincer Award for Lifetime Contributions to the Field of Labor Economics
Justin Wolfers Contributes to BBC World News Report on Austerity
Economics Professor, Kathryn M. Dominguez, chosen by Obama for Fed Board
The Economics of Energy
From Department Chair to President: Congratulations Professor Joel Slemrod
Anne-Katrin Roesler wins 2015 FEEM award
Economics Professor Dean Yang Published Twice in January 2016 Issue of EDCC
Michael Mueller-Smith Recognized by the Upjohn Institute
Econ Professor Kilian’s Publication Looks at (Still) Surprising Nature of Oil Prices
Jeffrey Smith Elected a "Fellow" of SOLE
Professor of Economics Dean Yang Publishes New Paper on Work in Mozambique
Joel Slemrod Speaks with LSA Today!
Professor Susan Dynarski Featured Twice in The New York Times This Month!
Professor Jim Hines Testifies at "Navigating Business Tax Reform" Senate Hearing
UM Professor Alan Deardorff Talks the Past, Present, and Future of Trade
UM Professor Joel Slemrod Published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
How did Hookworms Play Into the South’s Economic Challenges & Misconceptions?
Super Rich Were Leading Contributors to the Volatility of the Market Immediately Following the 2008-9 Financial Crisis.
Freakonomics Looks Into Guaranteed Basic Income With the Help of Hoyt Bleakley
Betsey Stevenson Identifies Factors in the Slide of Job Turnover and Relocation Rates
U-M Professor Jim Hines has Released an NBER Working Paper
Stefan Nagel Published in the QJE
Former Econ PhD Students and Professor Jeff Smith Provide Research For Forbes
Professor Miles Kimball Interviewed by Dominic Chu on CNBC's Trading Nation
“Taking the Long View” Looks at the Past, Present, and Future of the Department of Economics for LSA Magazine
Susan Dynarski Quoted in the New York Times
Study by Justin Wolfers Cited in The New York Times
Miles Kimball Presents at Brookings Conference on Negative Interest Rates
What Does Brexit Mean for Those Not Living in the U.K.?
Professor Matthew Shapiro Cited in The Washington Post
Justin Wolfers Writes About Gender-Neutral Policies That Are Strengthening Gender Bias Among Scholars
Matthew Shapiro’s Work on How Economic Shocks Affect Spending is Featured in the NBER Reporter
Bailey Assumes the Directorship of CeMENT for Faculty in Economics Doctoral Programs
Professor Edward C. Norton Releases Study on the Effects of Human and Health Capital on Wages
Jan Kmenta 1928-2016
John Leahy will speak on “The Economics of Wishful Thinking” Tomorrow
Mary Alice Shulman 1923-2016
Professor Dean Yang Discusses New HIV/AIDS Intervention Program in Mozambique
Helen Levy, Edward C. Norton, and Jeff Smith Release Study on the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Smoking
Professor Paul N. Courant Appointed Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor Paul Rhode, Chair of the Department of Economics, Awarded Allan Sharlin Memorial Award
Matthew Shapiro chairs the Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee
Small Loans Can Make a Big Difference
With High Faculty Salaries, the Juice is Worth the Squeeze
User Expertise and Social Media Data Form Basis of Real-Time Datasets for Economists
How did Austerity Influence Recovery from the Great Recession of 2009?
Lecturer Ed Cho Receives 27th Annual Golden Apple Award
Tilman Börgers Will Give a Talk at the 6th Midwest Workshop on Control and Game Theory
George Fulton Granted Emeritus Status by the Board of Regents
Joshua Hausman and Paul Rhode Release Study on the Recovery Following the Great Depression
Lecturer III Ed Cho Profiled in SHIFT
Matthew Shapiro Interviewed on NPR's Marketplace on Effects of Government Shutdowns
David Lam Interviewed on WBEZ’s Worldview on Youth Unemployment
Promotions for Martha Bailey, Matias Cattaneo, Ying Fan, and David Miller Approved by the Board of Regents
James R. Hines, Jr. Awarded the 2017 Daniel M. Holland Medal
Martha Bailey Named 2017 Recipient of John Dewey Award
Paula Malone and Janet Gerson Granted Emerita Status by the Board of Regents
The Michigan Contraceptive Access, Research, and Evaluation Study (M-CARES) Receives Grant Commitment from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation
"Eliminating in-house CBO scoring would be 'profoundly unwise'" from The Hill
Andrei Levchenko Coauthors Studies on Trade Policy and International Inflation Spillovers
Martha Bailey Presented at the National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute 2017
Professor Lutz Kilian Publishes Study on the Renewable Fuel Standard and its Influence on Market Expectations of the Price of Ethanol
Sara Heller Releases Study on the Effectiveness of Youth Employment Programs
Two Studies on Natural Disasters, Both With Authors From U-M Economics, Cited in Vox
Paul Rhode Releases Study Examining Political Motivation Behind World War II Spending
Betsey Stevenson Elected to American Economic Association Executive Committee
Javier Cravino and Andrei Levchenko Release Study on the Impact of Exchange Rate Devaluations on Poor Households
Joel Slemrod Featured in The New York Times
"Why Women’s Voices Are Scarce in Economics" Published by The New York Times
Andrei Levchenko and Nitya Pandalai-Nayar Cited by Bloomberg
U-M Economist Matthew D. Shapiro Details the Impacts of Government Shutdown on Federal Workers
Cited by The Wall Street Journal, U-M Professors & Alum Weigh-In on Economic-Stimulus Checks
Dean Yang cited by Los Angeles Times
Sara Heller's op-ed with Judd Kessler in the New York Times
Frank Stafford’s research cited by LADDERS
Justin Wolfers and Betsey Stevenson featured in NPR’s Planet Money Summer School podcast series
Dean Yang's paper cited in Foreign Policy
15 minutes with New Economics Assistant Professor Ashley Craig
Sara Heller’s research cited by the New York Times
15 Minutes with Yuehao Bai, New Assistant Professor of Economics
15 Minutes with Basit Zafar, New Economics Professor
15 Minutes with Dr. Florian Gunsilius
Hoyt Bleakley's comments cited in Newsweek
Mozambique COVID-19 Summary Report is now available
Betsey Stevenson's comments cited in NY Times article
Justin Wolfers cited by the New York Times
Joel Slemrod's new book, co-authored with Michael Keen, has been reviewed by the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post
Comment by Justin Wolfers cited in NBC news
Andrei Levchenko's study mentioned in the Economist
Sara Heller's studies mentioned in President Biden's remarks on Gun Crime Prevention
Javier Cravino received the Excellence Award in Global Economic Affairs 2021
Dean Yang's comment on remittance disruptions in Afghanistan cited in the Wall Street Journal
Sara Heller's research on Chicago gun violence is awarded an NIH R01
Dean Yang's research on disasters and health in Mozambique is awarded an NIH R01
IMF fiscal monitor uses Pablo Ottonello's working paper
Comments by Betsey Stevenson and Don Grimes are cited in Washington Post
15 minutes with Dr. Toni Whited
15 Minutes with Dr. Kevin Carney
Professor Andrei A. Levchenko, Barthélémy Bonadio, Nitya Pandalai-Nayar, and Zhen Huo awarded the Bhagwati Award for International Trade
Student News
PhD David Van Dijcke cited in The Washington Post
Economics Student Michael Schramm writing for USA Today College
PhD Candidate Isaac Sorkin's research cited in "The Economist"
Yichuan Wang of Economics Selected as a U-M Nominee for Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships
Economics Ph.D. Students and Alumni Honored for Excellence in Scholarship in 2015
PhD Students Christoph Boehm and Nitya Pandalai-Nayar Win WTO Essay Award for Young Economists
Enda Patrick Hargaden, PhD Candidate, Cited in Irish Newspaper
The Future of MES With President Alice Yu
Congratulations to Chris Sullivan and Carrie Xu!
U-M Economics PhD Candidate’s Dissertation Covered by The New York Times!
The 2016 – 2017 GES Board Has Been Announced!
U-M Economics Graduate Student Alecia Cassidy Receives Dow Sustainability Fellowship!
Bing Chen and Frank Stafford Release Study Examining Financial Behavior of Households and Stock Market Participation
Michael Gelman is Interested in Understanding How Individuals Make Consumption and Savings Decisions
Economics Undergraduate Grace Choi is Drawn to Problem-Solving Both Inside and Outside of the Classroom
Study Abroad at the London School of Economics and Political Science
Jacob Bastian Excited to Pass Economics-Research Tools Onto the Next Generation of Students
Undergraduate Jeremy Brown Interned at the White House as Part of the Michigan in Washington Program
How Does Consumer Spending Respond to Changes in Gas Prices?
Rackham Graduate School Features Carrie Wenjing Xu as Part of Their Student Spotlight Series
Economics Graduate Student Nicolas Morales Awarded Pre-Doctoral Fellowship from NBER
Economics Graduate Student Nicolas Morales Awarded Pre-Doctoral Fellowship from NBER
PhD Student Pinghui Wu Receives the Barbour Scholarship
Meera Mahadevan and Mike Zabek are the 2017-2018 Rackham Predoctoral Fellows in Economics
Alexander Persaud Awarded New Research Prize From Economic History Society at Annual Conference
Congratulations to the Recipients of the Undergraduate Prizes and Honors!
U-M Economics Senior, Abigail Siegal, Featured in LSA Opportunity Hub Blog
Congratulations Dhiren Patki NBER Fellowship Recipient
Merve Sariisik Presents Poster at Bogotá Experimental Economics Conference
Economics PhD Student Named 2018 Marshall Weinberg Population, Development, and Climate Change Fellow
Economics PhD Candidate Selected as First Recipient of the James N. Morgan Innovation in the Analysis of Economic Behavior Award
Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Safia Sayed
Torin Rittenberg on Experience at London School of Economics
Michelle Lam - Harmonization Between Economics and Carillons
PhD Student Spotlight: Wenting Song
Third-year Economics & Political Science undergrad, Kristen Kelley, selected as 2018 recipient of the Diane C. Swonk Scholarship
Third-year Economics undergrad, Reannon Robinson, selected as 2018 recipient of the Nancy Bausch Thomas Scholarship
Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Sophia Cotignola
PhD Student Spotlight: Xinwei Ma
Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Anna Tushman
PhD Student Spotlight: Elird Haxhiu
MAE Students Host Their First Event of 2019
Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Carolyn Watson
PhD Student Spotlight: Samuel Haltenhof
Econ Undergrads Place Second at Annual UChicago Econometrics Game
Three 2019 First-Generation Graduates Exemplify the Michigan Difference
Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Elise Odell
Meet the 2019 Economics Graduate Student Leadership!
Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Mariana Aguilera
MAE Student Spotlight: Sougandh Kohli
PhD Student Spotlight: John Olson
Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Jessi Meadows
MAE Student Spotlight: Wang Li
PhD Student Spotlight: Merve Sariisik
Women's History Month: Two U-M Student Groups Support Young Women Economists
Economics PhD Student Selected for 2020-2021 NBER Fellowship on Energy Economics
Economics PhD Student Selected for 2020-2021 NBER's Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Retirement & Disability Research
Graduating Transfer Students Hope to Create the Best Versions of Themselves & Make the World a Better Place
New Economics Undergraduate Student Group: Michigan Journal of Economics!
Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Michael Blakeslee
Meet the 2020 Economics Graduate Student Leadership!
MAE Student Spotlight: Chang Ge
PhD Student Spotlight: Jennifer Mayo
Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Sophia Calabretta
MAE Student Spotlight: Lea Wei
Student PhD Spotlight: Lea Bart
Scholar Stories: Economics Gives Hartman Perspective on Track, Possibilities off Oval
Three Economics Undergraduate Seniors Win Fall 2020 Henry Carter Adams Prize For Excellence in Undergraduate Writing
PhD Rosina Rodriguez Olivera won the Uruguay National Prize of economics
Economics Junior, Tess Britton Releases Article for Michigan Journal of Economics
Graduating Non-Traditional Students Exemplify U-M Spirit to be Leaders & Best
Economics Junior, Claire Manley Releases Article for Michigan Journal of Economics
Nishaad Rao (‘16) receives James Morgan Award
Vibhav Das Releases Articles for Michigan Journal of Economics
Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Inga Hao
Economics Sophomore, Ethan Messeri Releases Article for Michigan Journal of Economics
Econ Undergraduate student, Vignesh Swarnam is awarded at the Chicago Fed's Annual Economic Outlook Symposium
Undergraduate Student Group Spotlight: MES
Heesung Kim (‘21) receives Rackham International Students Fellowship
From ONSF: Dhruv Kulshreshtha receives U-M STEM Research Career Award
Ph.D. Candidate David Van Dijcke Receives Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
Ph.D. Candidate Aneesha Parvathaneni Receives Rackham International Student Fellowship
MFed’s Competition Team Moves to Next Stage of Fed College Challenge
Alumni News
Making Sen$e
Mansfield Professorship Awarded to Distinguished Alumna
The High Demand for Risk Management Professionals has Kept Dimitri Bianco Busy
Wolverine Pride Does Not End at Graduation!
Alumni in the News!
Alumni in the News!
Fatalism and its Effect on Behavior
Alumnus Paul Viera (AB ’81) Featured in Fall 2016 Edition of LSA Magazine
Study by Alumnus Benjamin Keys (PhD '09) Cited in The New York Times
Alumnus Hatim Elhady Planned on Being a U-M Scholar Since Age 7
U-M Economics Alumna Rebecca Blumenstein Named Deputy Managing Editor of The New York Times
U-M Economics Alumnus Lamont Liner (AB ’16) Discovered Historic Documents in Florence, Alabama
Eric Chyn (PhD ‘16) Awarded Dissertation Prize From the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group
U-M Economics Alumnus Brahima Coulibaly (PhD ’05) Appointed Director – African Growth Initiative at the Brookings Institute
Alumnus Bruce Haffey Accepted as New Member of The American Law Society Board of Directors
Alumna Vera Songwe Appointed Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission on Africa
Econ Alumnus Sanjay Varma’s (AB 1989) Innovative Vision Helped Make Alibaba and Kalido a Reality
Jacob Bastian (PhD '17) Named Co-Winner of Best Dissertation Prize From the National Tax Association
U-M Economics Alumnae Susanna Loeb (PhD ‘98) to Lead Annenberg Institute for School Reform
Evan Herrnstadt (PhD ’17) Publishes Study on Awareness and Aversion to Natural Gas Pipelines
Alumni in the News!
Alumni in the News!
Alumni in the News!
Human Capital and Economic Opportunity (HCEO) Announces Winner of Dissertation Prize
CEO of Domino's Speaks at Economics@Work
Katherine Coman, U-M Alumna and first author published in what became the American Economic Review (AER)
Population Association of America Presents Bryan Stuart with the Dorothy Thomas Award
Patrick Kline Receives Sherwin Rosen Prize at the Society of Labor Economists Annual Meeting
Barry Bosworth Wins 2018 Shiskin Award
Alumna Maria Cancian (M.A. 1990, Ph.D. '93) Named Dean of the McCourt School of Public Policy
Two Economics Alums Selected as Schwarzman Scholars
Economics Alumnus Patrick Kline Receives the 2021 IZA Young Labor Economist Award
Econ PhD Alumna, Maria Cancian is appointed to Mathematica Board of Directors
Econ PhD alumnus Lin Ma interviewed by Der Spiegel
Lawrence Wong (MAE 1995), Singapore's Minister of Finance, to be Singapore's next Prime Minister
Economics Well-Represented in LSA Magazine’s “24 Reasons for Hope”
Departmental News
Michigan International Economics Conference
Press Release: U-M receives $4 million for education research training
Giving BlueDay 2015
Economics at Work for You!
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Community Forums
MITRE to Host 23rd Annual Conference on Empirical Investigations in International Trade
Mini Conference in Industrial Organization to Take Place Friday, November 11
Giving Blueday is November 29, 2016!
Established in Detroit, Restarted in Ann Arbor, U-M Turns 200 Years Old
Henry Carter Adams and Fred Manville Taylor Brought the Intellectual Tension Between the Theoretician and the Empiricist to U-M
Gabriel Ehrlich Named Director of RSQE
RSQE Released The U.S. Economic Outlook for 2017-2018
Marina v.N. Whitman to Speak at U-M Economics Undergraduate Commencement
Gardner Ackley Balanced Academia and Public Service to Become One of the Nation's Foremost Economists
U-M’s John Bound and Nicolas Morales Release Study on the Economic Impact of the H-1B Program
John DiNardo 1961-2017
Javier Cravino and Samuel Haltenhof Release Study on Real Exchange Rates, Income per Capita, and Sectoral Input Shares
Gabriel Ehrlich Interviewed by USA TODAY
Olga Mustata wins LSA’s 2018 Excellence in Departmental Advising Award
The fifth annual Giving Blueday will be on November 27, 2018
Department Welcomes New Interim Chair
2019 Homecoming at Economics
Expo for Majors and Minors, March 1 and March 5
Giving BlueDay is here!
Tax Facts
Archived News
$2 Gasoline a 'Benefit for Almost Everyone'
2015 Shows Potential for Breakout Year for Economy
4 Things You Should Know About the Link Between Birth Control and Financial Security
ALUMNI NEWS: IZA Awards Three Prizes at ASSA Meeting in Boston
Census Bureau Plans to Drop Marriage and Divorce Questions
Cheaper Gasoline Could Save $300B Across U.S. Economy This Year
Confidence at 10-Year High for CEOs of Small, Mid-sized Businesses
Congratulations Gretchen Lay NBER Fellowship Recipient
Construction Hiring is Surging
December Report: Employers Are Hiring, But Soft Wages Linger
Deputy Secretary of State Heather Higginbottom Hosts Youth Roundtable on the Future of Development with USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah as Part of action/2015 Global Campaign
Despite that Statistics, We Haven't Lost the War on Poverty
Don't Expect a Big Raise in 2015
Editorial: Consumers Must Act Responsibly Despite Low Gas Prices
Europe's Central Bank Tries a Federal Reserve Tactic to Quell An Economic Crisis
Fed Minutes Guide: Limits of Patience, Pace of Rate Increases
Fed Officials Reassess U.S. Growth Outlook Amid Global Weakness
Government Spending, Edging Up, Is a Stimulus
Greek Drama Roils Markets As Divided ECB Readies QE
Holiday Shopping Hiccup: US Retail Sales Fell in December
How a Two-Tier Economy Is Reshaping the U.S. Marketplace
Job Growth Fails to Help Paychecks of Workers
Job Report: Largest Growth Since 1999
Jobless Claims Lowest Since 2000, But...
John Williams Full Show 1/6/15
Justin Wolfers & Stefan Szymanski of Economics Talk About Possible Effects of Legalized Sports Gambling
Low Inflation Likely to Keep Fed 'Patient' About a Rate Hike
Low-Income Students Seeing Huge Cost Hikes at Some Michigan Universities
Markets React Calmly After Greece Elects Anti-Austerity Syriza Party
Massive Open Online Courses Progress at University
A Conversation with Rajiv Shah, Administrator of USAID
A Warming Trend: Consumers Step Into the Sunshine
Congratulations Gaurav Khanna NBER Fellowship Recipient
It's No Fun Making Toys, Toasters in USA
January Job Gains Show US Recovery Gaining Greater Strength
Job Growth On A Roll, Will Wages Follow?
Jobs Report Points to Millennials Finding Jobs: Pro
Quotas Do Not Hurt Efficiency, Says Study
Research by LSA Economist Ugo Troiano Shows Shame Could Help Make Delinquent Taxpayers Cough Up the Cash
Rick Perry's Claim that One-Third of All New American Jobs Were Created in Texas
Small Increases in Gas Prices Being Watched Carefully
U.S. Consumer Spending in December Weakest Since 2009
U.S. Military to End Ebola Relief Mission in Liberia
Book Co-Authored by Martha J. Bailey of Economics Featured in New York Review of Books
LSA Economist Joel Slemrod Weighs in on Dynamic Scoring of Tax Cut Plans
Associate Professor Dean Yang Quoted in PBS NewsHour Story
Econ Asst. Professor Ugo Troiano's Paper on Tax Delinquency has Global Reach
Just in Time for Tax Day—Ugo Troiano's Op-ed featured in the New York Times
NYT Op-Ed Co-Authored by Ugo Troiano of Economics
Professor Joel Slemrod Featured in UM Record
Study by Joel Slemrod of Economics Explores Thwarting Tax Cheats with "Smart" Returns
The Generation Gap that Divides Global Politics
Joel Slemrod & Matthew Shapiro Study Cited in Forbes
Dean Yang's Research Featured on
Motivating migrants make better saving decisions: Study
Pay it forward: Plan would allow Michigan students to attend college for 'free'
New Course Allows Students an Opportunity to Hear from Distinguished Alum
Q&A with Tax Experts on the Fiscal Cliff and What's Next
Should Gun Owners Have To Buy Liability Insurance?
Time for Fed to Step Aside
US Border Enforcement and the Net Flow of Mexican Migration
What Do Economists Think about Major Public Policy Issues?
What Student Aid Research Shows
What's the Payoff for the 'Country Club' College?
Can fingerprinting improve micro lending in Africa?
More employees are raiding their retirement accounts
The Economic Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Think Outside the Textbook
Trouble Ahead: Fewer Have Retirement Funds, More Raid Them
Household Worth in U.S. Rises by $1.17 Trillion on Housing
Joel Slemrod Awarded the 2013 Richard Musgrave Visiting Professorship
The Diploma Gap Between Rich and Poor
The Great Debate: Income inequality is increasingly "permanent"
What Makes a Good Tax Haven?
Why fiscal conservatives should love gay marriage
Department Chair Joel Slemrod, on reforming the tax code
Finally: Proof That Money Buys Happiness (Sort of)
No Rich Child Left Behind
Professor Jim Adams Discusses the Euro with Alumni in London
So we've got three budgets, but is there any overlap?
Tax Geeks: Make Tax Filing Easy, Kill the Mortgage Deduction, Tax CPAs
The Penalties of Our Tax Code
What's so great about austerity, anyway?
A First Job is like a First Date, and other Advice for Graduation Day
A Parent's Pride and Gratefulness
LSA Economist George Fulton Says Michigan's Economy Continues to Recover
PhD Students Awarded ISR Fellowships
Reinhart and Rogoff's Pro-Austerity Research Now Even More Thoroughly Debunked By Studies
US loses up to $60 billion a year from MNCs shifting profits to low-tax countries
LSA Economist Explains Market's Reaction to Fed's Recent Message on Bond-Buying Program
The fate of large firms helps explain economic volatility
A Dream Examined
Michigan Sylff Fellow to Join White House Council of Economic Advisers
Post Jackson-Hole, Fed Septaper still appears on track
Researchers Explore Factors Behind Mismatched College Choices
Sexism and Maternity Leave Around the World
A Fed love story: Janet Yellen meets her match
Can Your Kid Hack It in Kindergarten?
First Female President
This Week in Poverty: New Data, Same Story (and Same Dangerous House Republicans)
Better Access to Contraceptives for Parents Means Better Outcomes for Children
Income-Based Loans Made Simple
Janet Netz and Jeff Mackie-Mason pledge $2.5 million gift to U-M
LSA Alumnus Robert Shiller Shares The 2013 Nobel Prize In Economics
The Economics Nobel goes to: Eugene Fama, Lars Hansen, and Robert Shiller
Working more, voting less? How employment affects turnout
Anne Fitzpatrick awarded NSF grant
Can we get rid of inflation and recessions forever?
Kai-Uwe Kuhn Becomes Senior Consultant to the Antitrust & Competition Economics Practice at Charles River Associates
Should Schools Let Parents Choose Teachers?
Applied Microeconomics | Industrial Organization
Business Economics
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)
Economics at Work
Economic Development
Energy & Environmental Economics
Health Economics
Human Capital, History, Demography & Development (H2D2)
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Quantitative Methods (ISQM)
International Economics
ISR-Zwerdling Seminar in Labor Economics
Law & Economics
Michael Beauregard Seminar in Macroeconomics
Mitsui Finance
Public Finance
Social, Behavioral & Experimental Economics (SBEE)
All Events
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Awards & Scholarships
Commencement & Graduation
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Events for Economics Majors
Featured Alumni
Requirements for the Major and Minor
Transfer Students, Credits, & Study Abroad
Transfer Students
Transfer Credits
Studying Abroad
Undergraduate Student Groups
Michigan Economics Society (MES)
Society of Women in Economics (SWIE)
Michigan Journal of Economics (MJE)
Economics Investment Club (EIC)
Multicultural Economics Coalition (MEC)
Model Federal Open Market Committee (MFED)
Doctoral Program
Awards & Fellowships
Embedded MA in Economics
Joint Programs
Graduate Student Research
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Past Job Market Placements
PhD Application Process
PhD Application FAQs
Links for Current PhD Students
Graduate Student Groups
Graduate Economics Society (GES)
Women in Economics (WIE)
Master of Applied Economics
Core Coursework
LSA Course Guide
Graduate Economics Society
MAE Alumni
MAE Application Process
Dual Degree Applicants
MAE Application FAQ
Program Requirements
MAE Student Spotlights
MAE Student Advising
Economics Research in the Department
Zach Brown
Andres Blanco
Gabriel Ehrlich
Shaowei Ke
John Leahy
Heng Liu
Pablo Ottonello
Ana Reynoso
Economics Research at U-M
Economics Resource Links
Field Research Seminars
Foster Library
Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics
U-M Community of Economists
Economics Subfields at Michigan
Visiting Scholars
Faculty Research
Alumni and Friends
Gift Giving
Opportunities to Engage
Economics Leadership Council (ELC)
The W.S. Woytinsky Lecture
U-M Resource Links
In Memoriam
David Aschauer 1953-2011
Robin Barlow 1934-2015
Morris Bornstein 1927-2012
Daniel R. Fusfeld 1922-2007
Edward M. Gramlich 1939-2007
E. Philip Howrey 1937-2011
George E. Johnson 1940-2010
Jan Kmenta 1928-2016
Eva Mueller 1920-2006
William B. Neenan 1929-2014
Gary Saxonhouse 1943-2006
Mary Alice Shulman 1923-2016
James N. Morgan 1918 - 2018
Richard C. Porter 1931-2018
John G. Cross 1938-2020
Econ Mentoring (Formerly EARN)
Celebrating Jim Adams
Jim Adams Award Recipients
Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics
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Washtenaw County Forecast
Oakland County Forecast
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Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
Transformational Brownfield Plans
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Related Links
Demographics and Long-Term Forecasts
Commencement Information & Recording Links
Econ Portal
Main Office Contact Information, the Department of Economics
Economics Virtual 2020 Commencement Celebration
Economics Subfields at Michigan
Microeconomic Theory
International Economics
Public Finance
Labor Economics
Industrial Organization
Development Economics
Economic History
Health Economics
Economics of Education
Economics of Crime and Punishment
Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Law and Economics
Economics Virtual 2021 Commencement Celebration