International Economics studies international trade and open economy macroeconomics. The field is in equal parts theoretical and empirical, and increasingly seeks a close synthesis of theory and data. The Michigan international group is large and broad, spanning both trade and open economy macro; indeed, many of us work at the intersection of the two. Our research makes frequent contact with other fields, such as macroeconomics, labor, development, and industrial organization. Please see the Research Seminar in International Economics website for recent working papers, program graduates and their dissertation descriptions and placements, and to learn more about the international seminar series.
Faculty in the Field
Primary Appointment within the Economics Department
Primary Appointment outside the Economics Department
Ross School of Business, & Institute for Social Research
Recent Graduate Student Placement Locations
UC Santa Cruz
U British Columbia
SAIS-Johns Hopkins
Carnegie Mellon
U Virginia-Darden
Federal Reserve Board (several)
Richmond Federal Reserve Bank
Inter-American Development Bank
World Bank
Seminars, Reading Groups, Lunches, etc.
International Seminar (Thursday afternoons)
International/Macro Lunch (Friday afternoons)