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MAE Application Process

MAE Application Process

The MAE program offers admission for the fall term only. The online application opens in the fall and the deadline for submission is January 15. Decision notifications are typically sent in early March. The application and admission process requires applicants to work with both the Rackham Graduate School and the MAE graduate program. It will be helpful for applicants to reveiw an overview of the application process available here. For questions specifically about the MAE program, please contact

Application for Fall 2025 admission is now closed. The online application for Fall 2026 admission will open in late August. The deadline to apply will be January 15.

Applicants must submit the following supporting documentation with the application, along with the application fee:



It will be helpful for applicants to review the information provided here:

Steps in the Admissions Process

Help While Applying

Application Fee and Waivers


Questions about the online application process can be answered by the Rackham Graduate School (email:

For questions about the MAE program, please contact:


If you are a current Rackham graduate student interested in applying to add the MAE program as a second degree, the application process is different. Please refer to the dual degree applicant page.