Professor Susan Dynarski Featured Twice in The New York Times This Month!
In the past month, two of Susan Dynarski’s articles have been featured in The New York Times. Each article focuses on a different element of the larger conversation about the state of education within the Unites States today. In Why Talented Black and Hispanic Can Go Undiscovered, Susan assesses how fairness, more specifically a lack of fairness, goes into the identification of gifted students in school.
In $20 Billion in Tax Credits Fails to Increase College Attendance, Susan examines how tax credits for college expenses and college attendance influence each other, of which she goes into much greater detail in a recent paper co-authored with Judith Scott-Clayton (Associate Professor of Economics and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University). With both of these articles, she identifies an important problem that hinders many from educational advancement. Even more, she identifies possible solutions for these issues that would reduce the prevalence of these issues.
For more information on Susan's work, visit her homepage!