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Archived Events
April 2016
Molecular Biophysics Symposium
An International Symposium on Recent Advances in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy
Biophysics Seminar: "Electron Microscopy Approaches to Study Lipid-Protein Interactions"
Biophysics Seminar: "The Versatile Beta-Barrel Gives Up Secrets of the Membrane"
March 2016
Biophysics Seminar: “Toward Total Synthesis of Chemotaxis, Phagocytosis and Stress Granules”
Biophysics Seminar: “Sensing of Small Molecules by Natural and in Vitro Evolved RNA Devices”
Biophysics Seminar: "Hijacking pathogenic membrane proteins to engineer cellular entry: A Molecular Biophysics Approach"
February 2016
Biophysics Seminar "Active Matter: Applying the Materials Physics Paradigm to Biology"
Biophysics Seminar : "Having Fun with Unpaired Electrons: Enhancing the Sensitivity of NMR & Radicals Essential for Life"TBA
Biophysics Seminar Title: "Advances and Applications in Modern Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Liquid State Hyperpolarization and Solid State Methods for Amyloid Fibrils"
January 2016
Biophysics Seminar Title: "Tripping Up HCN Channel Regulation Through an Interaction with an Accessory Subunit"
Biophysics Seminar Title: "Structure of the HIV-1 5' Leader"
December 2015
Jeff Gore, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Cooperation, Cheating, and Collapse of Biological Populations"(Fri, 4 Dec 2015)
November 2015
Biophysics Seminar Featuring Charles Sindelar, Yale University, "One Tiny Step for Kinesin, One Slightly Less Tiny Lesson for Motor Mechanics"
Biophysics Graduate Student Seminars Featuring Kristin Schimert & Chanrith Siv, Fri, 6 Nov 2015
October 2015
Biophysics Oncley Lecture Featuring Nobel Laureate Martin Karplus, Harvard University, Title: "Motion: The Hallmark of Life. From Marsupials to Molecules"
Biophysics Seminar Featuring Diane Lidke, University of New Mexico, Title: "Imaging Mast Cell Activation: from Single Molecules to Synapses"
Biophysics Graduate Student Seminar Featuring Ziah Dean & Sarah Graham (Click for Titles)
September 2015
Biophysics Seminar Featuring Kaushik Choudhuri, UM Microbiology & Immunology, Title “³Nanoscale Architecture of the Immunological Synapse²”
Biophysics Seminar Featuring Arun Anantharam, Wayne State University, Title: "The Role of Secretory Granule Heterogeneity in the Regulation of Ca2+-Triggered Exocytosis"
April 2015
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Klaus Gawrisch, National Institutes of Health “Biophysical characterization of recombinant type II cannabinoid receptor, CB2”
BIOPHYSICS SYMPOSIUM Featuring Keynote Speaker Martin Schwartz, Yale University, "Flow sensing in the vascular system"
Dissertation Defense: Josef Dunbar, "Vibrational Probe and Methods Development for Studying the Ultrafast Dynamics of Preferential Solvation of Biomolecules by 2D-IR"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Thomas Pochapsky, Brandeis University "Watching enzymes at work: NMR for structural and functional studies of cytochromes P450"
March 2015
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Keith Miller, "Molecular Mechanisms of General Anesthetics; from Lipids to Channels”
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Peijun Zhang "HIV-1 Capsid Assembly, Maturation & Host Cell Interactions"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Yang Zhang, U-M Biological Chemistry, "Protein structure prediction and protein design"
February 2015
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Giuseppe Melacini “Tapping the Translation Potential of cAMP-Signalling and Amyloid Inhibition using NMR”
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Junji Iwahara, University of Texas Medical Branch - "How do proteins scan DNA?"
January 2015
BIOPHYSICS/MCDB FACULTY CANDIDATE SEMINAR Featuring Randy Stockbridge “Microbial resistance to toxic fluoride: Structural and functional features of fluoride channels and transporters”
KRIMM LECTURE Featuring Xiaowei Zhuang, Harvard University - "Illuminating biology at the nanoscale with super-resolution imaging"
BIOPHYSICS FACULTY CANDIDATE SEMINAR Featuring Kwangho Nam, Umea University, Sweden - "Elucidating Roles of Protein Dynamics in Enzyme Function by Molecular Simulation"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Carlos Baiz “Mapping protein conformational ensembles and folding pathways with temperature-jump two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy”
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Lukas Tamm "Entry of Ebola Virus and HIV by Membrane Fusion"
December 2014
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Jingyi Fei “RNA-Based Gene Expression and Regulation at Single-Molecule and Single-Cell Levels”
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Jim Hurley, UC Berkeley - "The Structural Choreography of Cellular Self-Cannibalism"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Shixin Liu - University of California @ Berkeley, "Detection and Manipulation of Single Biomolecular Machines"
November 2014
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Bipohysics Graduate Students Julia Bourg & David Rowland - Titles TBA
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Daniel Axelrod "Evanescence in Fluorescence Excitation and Emission Microscopy"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Hari Shroff - "Imaging Biology at High Spatiotemporal Resolution"
October 2014
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Ann Kimble-Hill "The Goods, the bad, and the ugly: Charges and their role in lipid phase separation"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring James Ferrell - “Bistability, trigger waves, and the spatial coordination of mitosis”
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Heiko Heerklotz "Modes of membrane disruption by antimicrobial compounds"
*No Biophysics Seminar on Oct. 3rd*
September 2014
BIOPHYSICS GRADUATE STUDENT SEMINAR Featuring Anton Loukianov “Transient-grating Stark Spectroscopy” & Madhuresh Sumit “Band-pass processing in GPCR-calcium-NFAT4 signaling”
May 2014
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Steve Scheiner "Hiding in Plain Sight: The CH--O Hydrogen Bond"
April 2014
Biophysics Graduation Reception
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Norbert Scherer "Insights into Stochastic Growth and Division of Single Bacterial Cells, or A Bug's Life"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Ilya Levental "Structural Determinants and Functional Consequences of Protein Partitioning to Membrane Domains"
March 2014
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Phil Selenko "Looking at Proteins Inside Live Cells with Atomic Resolution: Science Fiction or Science Reality?"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Peter Chien "Mechanisms of regulated protein degradation during the bacterial cell cycle"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Sam Hess "Localization-Based Super-Resolution Imaging: Methods and Biological Applications"
Biophysics Undergraduate Research Roundabout/Poster Session
February 2014
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring David Schwab, "Universal Mechanisms of Multicellular Computation"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Rob Garrod "Simulating Pre-biotic Proto-stellar Chemistry in the Age of ALMA: The Curious Case of Glycine"
January 2014
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Emily Rauscher "Peering Into the Atmospheres of Extrasolar Worlds"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Wei Cheng "Optical Trapping and Multi-parameter Analysis of Single HIV-1 in Culture Media Reveal the Positive Cooperativity of Envelope Spikes in Mediating Viral Infection"
David Spiegel ""Exoplanets and Astrobiology"
Dawen Cai "Over the Brainbow - Tracing Neural Circuits in the Mouse Brain"
December 2013
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Charalampos (Babis) Kalodimos "NMR of Large Proteins: Molecular Chaperones"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Andy LiWang "Structural Gymnastics by Proteins Make the Clock Mechanism Go Around"
November 2013
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Senyon Choe "Facile NMR structure determination of human membrane proteins"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring F. Peter Guengerich “Cytochrome P450 Steroid Oxidations: Answers and More Questions”
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Kalodimos (Babis) Charalampos "NMR of Large Proteins: Molecular Chaperones"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Uhn-Soo Cho “Control of Substrate Access to the Active Site in Methane Monooxygenase”
October 2013
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Biophysics Graduate Student Matthew Stone
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Prof. Steve Scheiner POSTPONED!!
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Biophysics Graduate Students
September 2013
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Tatyana Igumenova Title: "Protein Kinase C: Structure, Dynamics, and Function of Regulatory Domains"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Prof. Zaida (Zan) Luthey-Schulten Title: "Stochastic simulations of cellular processes: From single cells to colonies"
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR Featuring Leela Ruckthong & Josef Dunbar
May 2013
Biophysics Seminar Presented by Chad Rienstra "High Resolution Structures of Microcrystals, Membrane Proteins, and Fibrils by Solid State NMR"
April 2013
Keynote Lecture of the Molecular Biophysics Training Grant Symposium
Biophysics Krimm Lecture, "Single-Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging: 3D Nanoscopy and Biomolecular Dynamics"
March 2013
Victoria D'Souza, Harvard, "Unraveling retroviral genome—one segment at a time"
Biophysics Research Poster Session
Lauren Webb, University of Texas @ Austin, "Investigating Electrostatic Mechanisms of Biomolecular Organization and Function Through Vibrational Spectroscopy"
February 2013
BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR<br>The Importance of Being Flexible: Consequences of Structural Fluctuations for Protein Function</br>
Gregory Bowman, University of California, Berkeley, "The importance of being flexible: consequences of structural fluctuations for protein function"
Hasan Yardimci, Harvard Medical School, "Single-molecule studies of replicative DNA helicases"
Jen Hsin, Stanford University, "Physical & Molecular Mechanisms of the Bacterial Division Machinery"
Stefano DiTalia, Princeton, "Signal integration and cell cycle switches in Drosophila embryonic development"
Nan Hao, Harvard University, "Dynamic signal processing by transcription factors"
January 2013
Ran Kafri, Harvard Medical School, Title: "Regulation of cell size in animal cells"
Peter Wolynes, Rice University, to present the Oncley Lecture, "Recent Successes of the Energy Landscape Theory of Protein Folding"
*SEMINAR TO BE RESCHEDULED* Kevin Wood, Harvard University, "Decoding the multi-drug response in populations of bacteria and human cancer cells"
November 2012
Terence Hwa, University of California, San Diego, "Bacterial Growth Laws: Origins and Consequences"
Allen Liu, UM Mechanical Engineering, "Systems Analysis of Clathrin-Coated Pit Dynamics"
Ruth Nussinov, NIH Center for Cancer Research *POSTPONED*
October 2012
Magdalena Ivanova, UCLA, "Applications of Biophysical Methods to Studies of Amyloid Aggregation"
Carol Post, Purdue University, "Allosteric mechanism to regulate association of Syk tyrosine kinase with B cell receptor"
Angela Violi, UM Mechanical Engineering, "Update of Environmental Nanoparticles"
Eric Oldfield, University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign - "Targeting Isoprenoid Biosynthesis in Drug Discovery"
Undergraduate Open House
September 2012
Jacob Schaefer, Washington University in St. Louis, "Cell-Wall Architecture of Staphylococcus Aureus and the Mode of Action of Glycopeptide Antibiotics by Solid-State NMR"
Michael Mayer - UM Biomedical Engineering - "Nanopores with Fluid Walls for Characterizing Single Molecules"
David Weliky, MSU, Dept. of Chemistry "Structure/Function of Membrane-Associated Viral Fusion Proteins and Structure of Recombinant Proteins in Bacterial Inclusion Bodies"
April 2012
Elizabeth Rhoades, Yale University "Probing polymormphic, aggregation-prone proteins with single molecule fluorescence: Studies of a-S ynuclein and Tau"
Symposium on Biophysics - Diverse Research at the Forefront, featuring Prof. Martin Zanni, Univ. of Wisconsin
March 2012
Peter Wright, Scripps Research Institute, "Exploring protein energy landscapes by NMR relaxation"
Joachim Frank, Columbia University, to present the Oncley Lecture "The Dynamics of Translation as Seen by Cryo-EM"
Susan Marqusee, UC Berkeley, "Manipulating the protein energy landscape"
February 2012
Yves Bollen, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands "Functional protein dynamics measured by NMR spectroscopy and single molecule fluorescence micrsocopy"
Alexander Nevzorov, NC State Univ., "Structure Determination of Membrane Proteins by Solid-State NMR: Uniaxial Alignment, Spectroscopic Assignment, and Structure Calculations"
Koon-Kiu Yan, Yale University "Biological Networks: Construction, structure and dynamics"
January 2012
Andreas Doncic, Stanford University "Establishing principles of cell fate regulation"
Andreas Doncic, Stanford University "Establishing Principles of Cell Fate Regulation"
Yang-Yu Liu, Northeastern University "Taming Complexity-The mathematics of network control"
Qiong Yang, Stanford University, "Delayed switch-like negative feedback ensures orderly mitotic progression in early embryos"
Xiaohui Qu, Univ. of California, Berkeley "Watching single ribosome translation in real time: a quantitative"
Ilya Finkelstein, Columbia University, "How do DNA-binding motor proteins navigate on crowded DNA?"
December 2011
Carlos Lopez, Harvard Medical School, "Exploring multiple apoptosis signaling mechanisms and their role in cancer biology using models as executable algorithms"
Megan Thielges, Stanford University, "Nonlinear Spectroscopy, Protein Dynamics, and Biological Molecular Recognition"
October 2011
Prof. Daniel Southworth, U-M "The Structure and Mechanism of the Hsp90 Molecular Chaperone: A Ubiquitous Facilitator of Cellular Signaling "
Prof. Carl Frieden, University of Washington - “The Apolipoprotein E family of proteins and Alzheimer’s Disease
February 2011
<b>New Event For Fun</b>
March 2009
Biophysics Information Event