Make an Academic Advising appointment with us through the LSA Advising Portal.
Please email all advising questions to:
Biophysics 116 — Introduction to Medical Imaging
Biophysics 120 - The Discovery of the DNA Double Helix and its Hidden Mysteries
Biophysics 130 - DNA Origami
Biophysics 131 (formerly Biophysics 117) - Python Programming for the Sciences
Biophysics 233 - Introduction to Quantitative and Computational Biology
Biophysics 290 - Physics of the Body and Mind
Biophysics 370 - Physical and Chemical Principles Behind Biology and Medicine
Biophysics 399 - Research in Biophysics
Biophysics 401 - Special Topics in Biophysics
Biophysics 415 - Independent Study in Biophysics
Biophysics 417 - Dynamical Processes in Biophysics
Biophysics 420 - Structural Biology: The Architecture of Life
Biophysics 421 - Structural Biology: Biophysical Controversies
Biophysics 422 - Experimental Methods in Structural Biology
Biophysics 430 - Medical Physics
Biophysics 433 - Biocomplexity
Biophysics 435 - Biophysical Modeling
Biophysics 440 - Biophysics of Diseases
Biophysics 445 - Introduction to Information Theory for the Natural Sciences
Biophysics 450 - Laboratory Techniques in Biophysics
Biophysics 454 - Biophysical Chemistry II: Macromolecular Structure and Dynamics
Biophysics 463 - Mathematical Modeling in Biology
Biophysics 495 - Senior Seminar (Professional Development in Biophysics)
Biophysics 498 - Senior Thesis
Biophysics 499 - Honors Thesis
Please refer to the LSA Bulletin Academics & Requirements for more information.