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The Department of Romance Languages & Literatures (RLL) main office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm during the fall and winter terms. During the spring and summer terms, the main office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.


Contact our teams:

Undergraduate Student

Major/minor advising, undergraduate-level courses, general inquiries

Language Placement & Validation

Testing for French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Questions related to placement results, AP/IB credit, meeting the language requirement with RLL. Please see FAQ page for more information.

Graduate Student

PhD admissions, program advising, graduate-level courses

News &

Alumni, current students, and faculty to send news of announcements, events, workshops, etc.

For all other inquiries, contact

Gavin Arnall
Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures; Director, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies; Affiliated Faculty, Department of Comparative Literature
Jerri Atkins
Senior Human Resource Representative
555 S. Forest
Room 307
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Terra Baas
Human Resource Generalist Associate
555 S. Forest
Room 309
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Tanya Berg
Financial Specialist Associate
1044 East Hall 734-615-2341
Carrie Berger
Undergraduate Advising Coordinator
4104 MLB 734.936.2520
Abbie Buhr
Public Relations Coordinator
1122 Lane Hall
David Caron
Professor (French | Women's & Gender Studies)
4218 MLB
Susanna Coll-Ramírez
Assistant Director of Elementary Language Program; Lecturer IV of Spanish and Catalan
4136 MLB
Nilo Couret
Associate Professor of Spanish; RLL Grade Grievance Officer
María Dorantes
Maria E. Cotera Collegiate Lecturer IV of Spanish; Teaching Professor of Spanish
Steven Dworkin
Professor Emeritus of Romance Linguistics and Spanish
Frieda Ekotto
Professor of Comparative Literature; Afroamerican and African Studies
Kathleen Forrester
Teaching Professor of Spanish; Lecturer II of Spanish
Mar Freire Hermida
Lecturer IV of Spanish; Coordinator of Spanish 280, 295, and 296.
Sabine Gabaron
Teaching Professor of French; Lecturer IV of French
María Galvan-Santibanez
Lecturer III of Spanish; Coordinator of Spanish 231 Topics
Lorenzo García-Amaya
Associate Chair; Associate Professor of Spanish & Linguistics
Stephanie Goetz
Lecturer IV of Spanish; Coordinator for Spanish 100, 101, & 102
Romana Habekovic
Senior Lecturer Emerita of Italian ; Lecturer IV Emerita of Italian
Ryan Hendrickson
Lecturer IV of French, Coordinator for French 101, 102, 103
Nicholas Henriksen
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor; Professor of Spanish Linguistics
Gordon Hicken
Graduate Program Coordinator
Ann Hilberry Randhawa
Teaching Professor of Spanish; Lecturer IV of Spanish; Coordinator for Spanish 231 (Standard)
Carla Iglesias-Garrido
Lecturer IV of Spanish, Coordinator for Spanish 232 Topics
Bethany Kreps
Teaching Professor of French; Lecturer II of French
4017 MLB
Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes
Professor of Spanish, American Culture, Latina/o, and Women's and Gender Studies
On Leave FA24 & WN25
Office Hours: 3757 Haven Hall
Spanish Advising: 4408 MLB
Surface Mail: 505 S. State Street | 3722 Haven Hall;Ann Arbor MI 48109-1045
Isabel Larrotiz
Teaching Professor of Spanish; Lecturer II of Spanish
Janaya Lasker-Ferretti
Lecturer IV of Italian, Coordinator for Italian 231 & 232
4039 MLB
Karla Mallette
Professor of Italian and Mediterranean Studies; Chair, Department of Middle East Studies
4010 MLB
Peggy McCracken
Anna Julia Cooper Distinguished University Professor of Medieval French Literature; Director, Institute for the Humanities; Mary Fair Croushore Professor of the Humanities; Professor of French, Women's and Gender Studies, and Comparative Literature
Kathy Meyer
Teaching Professor of French; Lecturer IV of French; Coordinator for French 231
Cristina Moreiras-Menor
Kathleen M. Canning Collegiate Professor of Spanish and Women’s and Gender Studies
4210 Modern Language Building
Andrew Noverr
Lecturer IV of Spanish, Coordinator for Spanish 232 Standard
Michelle Orecchio
Lecturer IV of Spanish, Coordinator for Spanish 277
William Paulson
Edward Lorraine Walter Collegiate Professor Emeritus of French
Kristina Primorac
Lecturer IV of Spanish, Coordinator for Spanish 103
Rashmi Rama
Teaching Professor of Spanish; Lecturer II of Spanish
Bryan Roby
Associate Professor of Judaic Studies
2111 Thayer, 1608 734.615.8563
Amaryllis Rodríguez Mojica
Lecturer IV of Italian, Coordinator for the first year Italian Language Courses
4044 MLB
Erin Russ Fajardo
Elementary Language Program Coordinator
4109 MLB
Ana Sabau
Director of Graduate Studies; Associate Professor of Spanish
4102 MLB
Dani Sanchez
Student Services Assistant
4108 MLB 734.764.5344
Lorrel Sullivan
Teaching Professor of French; Lecturer IV of French, Coordinator for French 232
Carissa Van Heest
Student Services Manager
4112 MLB 734.615.3198
Gustavo Verdesio
Associate Professor of Spanish
Office: 4212 MLB
Surface Mail: 812 East Washington Street | 4108 MLB, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1275
Nicole Wolf
Business Analyst
530 E. Liberty 734.764.4963