I earned my Ph.D. in Spanish Literature and Cultural Studies from Georgetown University, focusing on modern Latin American literature, particularly 20th-century writers like Felisberto Hernández and César Aira. In addition to academic writing, I have written and published several short stories. In 2020, I completed an MFA in Spanish Creative Writing at the University of Iowa, where I finished my first novel.
I particularly enjoy teaching courses in Latin American Film and Writing in Spanish. Engaging with students at all levels of language instruction is a passion of mine, as I find great value in the interactive learning process.
In addition to my academic pursuits, I worked as a music journalist during my undergraduate years and continue to stay updated with current music trends. For the record, I still argue that The Velvet Underground surpasses The Beatles.
- “El cine de atracciones en Felisberto Hernández: el discreto fracaso de un espectáculo” [Cinema of Attractions in Felisberto Hernández: The Discreet Failure of a Spectacle.” Estruendo mudo: cine silente y sonoro en la literatura latinoamericana (1895-1947). Chystian Zegarra y Enrique Bernales (eds.) Fondo Editorial - Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae, 2023.
- “Epílogo: Historia, ficción y pastiche en Yo, Gustav Flaubert...” [Epilogue: History, Fiction, and Pastiche in I, Gustave Flaubert...] Yo, Gustave Flaubert by Ricardo Cano Gaviria, Ediciones Igitur, 2020, pp. 133-155.
“On Translating Armonía Somers: ‘To replicate the original experience, it had to sound distinctively, gloriously odd’: An Interview with Kit Maude.” Latin American Literature Today 12, 2019.
“Armonía y ruido en las rememoraciones de Por los tiempos de Clemente Colling.” [Harmony and Noise in the Remembrances of Por los tiempos de Clemente Colling] CROLAR (Critical Reviews on Latin American Research), vol. 4, no. 2, 2015.
“Ironía y descentramiento en los Artefactos de Nicanor Parra y Guillermo Tejeda.” [Irony and Excentricity in Artifacts by Nicanor Parra and Guillermo Tejeda] Hallazgos: Revista de Investigaciones, vol. 11, no. 21, 2014, pp. 111-122.
“La elusión del vacío en El medico de su honra.” [The Elusion of Emptiness in The doctor of his honor] Comedia Performance, vol. 10, no. 1, 2013, pp. 119-152.
“Borges ante el Fin: un sentido de la eternidad.” [Borges Before the End: A Sense of Eternity] Nomenclatura: aproximaciones a los estudios hispánicos, vol. 2, no. 7, 2012,