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Weekly Events Bulletin
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Archived Events
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All Events
Weekly Events Bulletin
Pathways to Publishing Sessions
Archived Events
Archived Events
May 2015
DEADLINE - Winter 2015 Paper submissions for Krom and Chesler writing awards
April 2015
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Economic Sociology Workshop
Social Movements Workshop
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Economic Sociology Workshop
DEADLINE - Undergraduate Academic ExperienceFinancial Aid Requests
March 2015
Teach-in + 50: End the War Against the Planet
Teach-in + 50: End the War Against the Planet
Social Movements Workshop
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
LJSC Speaker Series - Shane Bernardo
Economic Sociology Workshop
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Conversations in Michigan Sociology, "The Strong Case for Sociology in Public Policy Studies"
Gender Workshop
Economic Sociology Workshop
Social Movements Workshop
February 2015
Economic Sociology Workshop
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Alix Gould-Werth Defense
Social Movements Workshop
SENIORS - May Graduation Application Deadline
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Inequality and Family Working Group
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
LJSC Speaker Series - Peter Martel
Social Movements Workshop
Economic Sociology Workshop
DEADLINE - Undergraduate Academic Experience Financial Aid Requests
January 2015
Inequality and Family Working Group
DEADLINE - Winter 2015 Independent Study Applications
Social Movements Workshop
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Economic Sociology Workshop
DEADLINE - Fall 2014 Paper submissions for Krom and Chesler writing awards
Resume and Cover Letter Writing - A Career Center Workshop
DEADLINE - Winter 2015 Internship Credit Applications
December 2014
Economic Sociology Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Inequality and Family Working Group
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Social Movements Workshop
Economic Sociology Workshop
DEADLINE - Undergraduate Academic Experience Financial Aid Requests
November 2014
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Inequality and Family Working Group
Social Movements Workshop
Economic Sociology Workshop
LJSC Speaker Series - David Moran "Exonerating the Innocent Without DNA: The Work of Michigan Innocence Clinic"
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Inequality and Family Working Group
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Late Drop / Add Deadline
Grad School and Beyond
Social Movements Workshop
Discover Sociology
Economic Sociology Workshop
October 2014
DEADLINE - Honors Program Applications Due
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Inequality and Family Working Group
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
International Opportunities Fair - Sponsored by The Career Center
Grad School and Beyond Trouble Shooting your Teaching
Inequality and Family Working Group
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Economic Sociology Workshop
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
SENIORS - December Graduation Application Deadline
Social Movements Workshop
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Sociology Honors Program Information Meeting
Economic Sociology Workshop
Project Community Peer Facilitators Fall Mid-Term Retreat
Hands Up Don't Shoot: Using Sociology to Make Sense of Race, Police Violence, and the Ferguson Protests
DEADLINE - Undergraduate Academic Experience Financial Aid Requests
Social Movements Workshop
Fall Career Expo Day 2 - Sponsored by the Career Center
September 2014
Fall Career Expo DAY 1 - Sponsored by the Career Center
Economic Sociology Workshop
Social Theory Workshop
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Inequality and Family Working Group
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Undergraduate Sociology Association - Mass Meeting
Law Day - Sponsored by The Career Center
Drop / Add Deadline
Culture, History, Politics Workshop
Social Movements Workshop
DEADLINE - Fall 2014 Independent Study Applications
Inequality and Family Working Group
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Project Community Peer Facilitators - Fall Retreat Day 2
DEADLINE - Fall 2014 Internship Credit Applications
Project Community Peer Facilitators - Fall Retreat Day 1
Walk-In Advising
Project Community Criminal Justice Sections Mass Meeting
Walk-In Advising
Walk-In Advising
Project Community Public Health Sections Mass Meeting
Walk-In Advising
Walk-In Advising
Project Community Education Sections Mass Meeting
Walk-In Advising
Walk-In Advising
July 2014
Atef Shahat Said Defense
Jonah Aaron Siegel Defense
June 2014
Fiona Greenland Defense
May 2014
2014 Sociology Graduation Reception
April 2014
Inequality and Family Working Group
Grad School and Beyond
Gender Workshop
Social Movements Workshop
What's Great About Grad School?
Inequality and Family Working Group
Gender Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Seminar on Identity & Diversity: "We Got Next" Film Screening & Discussion
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
March 2014
The Detroit School Series Presents: Gun Politics in the Age of Decline
Social Theory Workshop
Inequality and Family Working Group
Discover Sociology!
Social Movements Workshop
Gender Workshop
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Grad School and Beyond
Undergraduate Annual Feedback Roundtable
Inequality and Family Working Group
February 2014
Inequality and Family Working Group
Gender Workshop
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Trevor Hoppe Defense
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
The Effects of Violence on Urban Life
Inequality and Family Working Group
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Gender Workshop
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Social Theory Workshop
January 2014
Gender Workshop
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Undergraduate Sociology Association Mass Meeting.
Gender Workshop
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Projecting Low Fertility: Some Thoughts about the Plausibility and Implications of Assumptions
December 2013
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Workshop in Social Demography
Walk-In Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Social Movements Workshop
Inequality and Family Working Group
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
November 2013
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Inequality and Family Working Group
Social Movements Workshop
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Workshop in Social Demography
Walk-In Advising Hours
Undergraduate Sociology Association Backpacking and Course Preview Party
BeneathCompliance: Implementing and Undermining Rules for the Global Factory
Grad School and Beyond
Grad School and Beyond
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Workshop in Social Demography
Walk-In Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Grad School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
Inequality and Family Working Group
Social Movements Workshop
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality
October 2013
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Cuba and Venezuela: Revolution and Reform
Walk-In Advising Hours
DEADLINE: Honors Applications Due
Inequality and Family Working Group
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Workshop in Social Demography
Walk-In Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Grad School and Beyond
Grad School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
Social Movements Workshop
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Workshop in Social Demography
Walk-In Advising Hours
The Fracturing of the American Corporate Elite
Socialized into Submission: What "Stop-and-Frisk" Does to Young Black Men, and Why Feminists Should Care
Grad School and Beyond
Grad School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
Inequality and Family Working Group
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Workshop in Social Demography
Walk-In Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Equal Work, Equal Pay
Addressing Under-Representation in the Time of Globalization: A Kerala Experience in Affirmative Action
Social Movements Workshop
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Honors Program Information Meeting
DEADLINE: Undergraduate Sociology Financial Aid Requests
Economic Sociology Workshop
September 2013
The Organizational Ecology of Knowledge for Itself
Grad School and Beyond
Lesbian-Gay-Queer Research Initiative
Inequality and Family Working Group
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop
Workshop in Social Demography
Walk-In Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Gender: New Works, New Questions
Drop / Add Deadline!
Is Policy a Zero-Sum Game? The Interdependence of Disease Advocacy
Grad School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Walk-In Wednesdays
Poverty & Inequality Series
Undergraduate Sociology Association (USA) - MASS MEETING!
CMENAS Lecture "Why Contested Spaces?"
DEADLINE: Independent Study Applications for Fall 2013
Lost In Translation: Celebrating Entrepreneurship While Acknowledging Its Costs
Grad School and Beyond
Inequality and Family Working Group
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Workshop in Social Demography
Walk-In Advising
Economic Sociology Workshop
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Grad School and Beyond
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
August 2013
Ya-Wen Lei
Information Session for Potential Sociology Majors
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Leslie Rott
July 2013
Walk-In Advising Hours
Mariana Craciun
Walk-In Advising Hours
Information Session for Potential Sociology Majors
Ethan Schoolman Defense
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
June 2013
Information Session for Potential Sociology Majors
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
May 2013
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Information Session for Potential Sociology Majors
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
1-Day Conference: "Modeling the Dynamics of Norms and Culture"
Book Party: Armstrong and Mizruchi
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Marco Garrido Defense
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Inequality Working Group
April 2013
Walk-In Advising Hours
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Walk-In Advising Hours
Christopher Richard Gauthier Defense
Walk-In Advising Hours
Inequality Working Group
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Undergraduate Sociology Association General Meeting
Walk-In Advising Hours
Race, Ethnicity, & Immigration Prelim Info Session
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Inequality Working Group
Walk-In Advising Hours
Undergraduate Sociology Association General Meeting
Walk-In Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Walk-In Advising Hours
Colloquium Talk
Walk-In Advising Hours
Colloquium Talk
Symposium on the Tanner Lecture
Talk: Craig Calhoun - Publicness (and Its Problems)
Walk-In Advising Hours
Culture, History, & Politics Workshop
Walk-In Advising Hours
Social Theory Workshop
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Going on the Job Market
USA Event: Faculty Chat with Professor Martin
Walk-In Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Talk: The Emergence of Organizations and Markets
Walk-In Advising Hours
4th Annual Career Day Conference
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Backpacking/Course Preview Party!
Jessi Strieb Defense
March 2013
What's Great About Grad School?
How to Prepare a Job Talk: Notes and Comments from Faculty
Social Theory Workshop
Inequality Working Group
Preparing for your Prelims
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Undergraduate Sociology Association General Meeting
Economic Sociology Workshop
Information Meeting for Prospective Sociology Majors
"Detroit School of Urban Studies, "Detroit School Research Pecha Kucha"
USA Event: Faculty Chat with Professor Pedraza
Culture, History, & Politics Worshop
Social Theory Workshop
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Inequality Working Group
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
LSA Majors and Minors Expo
USA Event: PROFs Talk with Professor McGann
Information Meeting for Prospective Sociology Majors
What you can do with a Social Science Degree (Sponsored by PitE)
Henry Russel Lecture
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Culture, History, & Politics Workshop
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Conversations in Michigan Sociology - The Fate of Social Class in Contemporary American Sociology
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
February 2013
Preparing for Your Annual Review
Talk - Race, Democracy, and Social Control: A Grounded Theory of Racial Justice
Culture, History, & Politics Workshop
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
The Rewards and Challenges of Prospectus Writing
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Social Theory Workshop
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Detroit School of Urban Studies, "Design After Decline"
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Culture, History, & Politics Workshop
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Funding 101: The Ins and Outs of Grants and Fellowships
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Institute for Research on Women & Gender: "Coffee Futures"
Detroit School of Urban Studies, "Unmaking the Motor City in the Age of Mass Incarceration"
Social Theory Worshop
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
January 2013
Creativity in Research Design and Methods
Culture, History, & Politics Workshop
Social Theory Workshop
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Gender and Sexuality Workshop
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop
Detroit School of Urban Studies, "The City After Abandonment"
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Inequality Working Group
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
CHP Workshop
Sociology Librarian Office Hours
Preparing for a Teaching Career: Resources available at Michigan and beyond
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
"Institutional-Social Embeddedness of the Public Sphere: Media, Law, Networks, and the Heterogeneous Development of the Public Sphere in China"
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Yufen Chang Defense
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
December 2012
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Maria Farkas Defense
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Walk-In Concentration Advising
PSC Brown Bag
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Bridget Lavelle Defense
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Workshop in Advanced Qualitative Methods
November 2012
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Graduate School and Beyond - Decoding Job Talks
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Workshop in Social Demography
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Walk-In Concentration Advising
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Course Preview and Backpacking Party!
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Workshop in Advanced Qualitative Methods
Graduate School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
Workshop in Social Demography
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
PSC Brown Bag
Graduate School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
CI Days 2012 Panel: How can "big data" improve social research?
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Presentation by Henry J. Meyer Award Winner
Workshop in Advanced Qualitative Methods
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Rackham Centennial Lecture in Sociology
October 2012
Workshop in Social Movements
Workshop in Social Demography
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Workshop in Advanced Qualitative Methods
Graduate School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Living the Drama: Community, Conflict, and Culture Among Inner-City Boys
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Workshop in Social Demography
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
PSC Brown Bag
Graduate School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
The Broken Table: The Detroit Newspaper Strike and the State of American Labor
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Workshop in Social Movements
Workshop in Advanced Qualitative Methods
Graduate School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
Sociology Colloquium
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Workshop in Social Demography
Sociology Colloquium
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Information Session
Information Session
Graduate School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
Workshop in Social Movements
"Sex and Justice" Conference
Honors Program Information Meeting
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
RWJ - Health & Society Scholars Program Seminar
Demographic Transitions and Global Economic Inequality
September 2012
A Celebration of Mayer Zald's Life
Graduate School and Beyond - Practice Job Talk
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Workshop in Social Demography
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Workshop in Advanced Qualitative Methods
Panel Discussion on the Detroit School of Urban Studies
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
CBSSM/Sociology Lecture - Charles Bosk
UM SHARP Center for Women & Girls presents Andrei Markovitz - "SPORTISTA: Female Fandom in the United States"
Graduate School and Beyond - Pedagogy Hints from the ASA Sessions on Teaching Sociology
Reception for new IRWG Director: Sarah Fenstermaker
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
One Nation, (In)divisible: The Future of Inequality in America
Workshop in Advanced Qualitative Methods
Hiroe Saruya Dissertation Defense
August 2012
Sociology Librarian Drop-In Hours
Librarian Office Hours
Salik Farooqi Defense
Graduate School and Beyond - Navigating ASA
July 2012
Yang Jiang Defense
Graduate School & Beyond - Preparing for the Job Market - recommendation letters
June 2012
Librarian Office Hours
Librarian Office Hours
Margaret Gough Defense
David Torres Defense
Librarian Office Hours
Citation Management Tools and Mendeley for Sociology Grad Students
Librarian Office Hours
David Hutson Defense
May 2012
Librarian Office Hours
Dissertation Defense for Ann Victoria Bell
Inequality Workshop - Michelle Phelps - "Mass Incarceration and (Mass) Probation: Two Sides of Punishment or Different Strategies of State Control?"
Librarian Office Hours
Alwyn Ye-Yohn Lim Defense
Librarian Office Hours
Librarian Office Hours
Kristen Hopewell Defense
Librarian Office Hours
April 2012
Dissertation Defense for David Flores
Demography Workshop - Topic TBA
Frederique Anne Laubepin Defense
Librarian Office Hours
Quantitative Sociology Workshop - Ping Yang - "Relationship Between Government HR System and Economic Performance in China" and Li Jiang - "New Nondiscriminatory Wage Structure for Wage Discrimination Estimation"
Rackham Faculty Mentoring and Outstanding GSI Awards Ceremony-Karin Martin-"The Legacy of Teaching and Mentoring"
Inequality Workshop - Karen Reardon - TBD
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Demography Workshop - Topic TBA
Symposium to Celebrate UM-Sociology's 80th Birthday
Librarian Office Hours
PSC/SRC Brownbag - Mario Small (Chicago)
Quantitative Sociology Workshop - TBD
Graduate School & Beyond: 2012 Professionalization Conference
Economic Sociology - Camilo Leslie
Social Theory Workshop - Isaac Reed (Colorado)
Gender Workshop - Elizabeth Marie Armstrong
Adrian Favell (Sciences Po)-"Japan as the Model of the 'Post-Bubble' Society."
Inequality Workshop - Fabian Pfeffer - "Wealth Effects in Three Mobility Regimes: United States, Germany, and Sweden in Comparison"
Librarian Office Hours
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
ICOS - Doug McAdam (Stanford) - "Religious and Civic Organizations in Chicago"
Social Theory Workshop - Jose Bortoluci
Social Movements Workshop - Doug McAdam (Stanford)
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
Librarian Office Hours
Inequality Workshop - Nancy Landale (Penn State)
Qualitative Methods Workshop - Works in Progress (Alford Young, Jr. selected chapters from forthcoming book "The Edge of the Ghetto")
PSC Brownbag - Nancy Landale (Penn State)
March 2012
Economic Sociology - Elizabeth Marie Armstrong
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Gender Workshop - Ruti Levtov
Culture, History, and Politics Workshop - Jose Bortuluci - "Architectures of the Oppressed: The Epistemic Politics of Urbanism in Sao Paulo, 1960-1990"
Demography Workshop - Workshop on Micro-Macro Interactions
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
Librarian Office Hours
PSC Brownbag - Elizabeth Bruch - "Mate Preferences and Marriage Market Dynamics"
Preliminary Examination Meeting
STS Colloquium - Donald MacKenzie (Edinburgh) - "Five Seconds, A History: Automated Trading, Place, and Path-Dependence."
Quantitative Sociology Workshop - TBD
Social Theory Workshop - TBD
Social Movements Workshop - Erica Blom - "From the South to the North: Transnational Resources, Framing and Mobilization."
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Inequality Workshop - Kathy Lin - "Stability and Change in Work-Life Spillover among American Adults"
Librarian Office Hours
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
What You Can DO with a Social Science Degree
Qualitative Methods Workshop - Discussion of Innovation in Qualitative Research
Colloquium - Ivan Ermakoff (Wisconsin) - "State persecution: An analytical framework"
Graduate School & Beyond: Academic Review Process
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Quantitative Sociology Workshop - TBD
Social Theory Workshop - Elizabeth Anderson (UM Philosophy & Women's Studies) - "Race, Culture, and Educational Opportunity"
Demography Workshop - Topic TBA
Gender Workshop - Kari Lerum
Gender Lecture - Shari Dworkin (UCSF) - "Women's Property Rights Abuses in Nyanza and Western Provinces, Kenya: An examination of this critical structural driver of HIV risks"
Culture, History, Politics Workshop - Dana Kornberg - Sources of Value in Urban Environmental Conflict: The Case of Garbage Work in Delhi"
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
Graduate Recruitment
Economic Sociology Workshop - Natalie Cotton - "Network Perception, Cognitive Schemas, and Interaction Patterns"
Librarian Office Hours
Graduate Recruitment
PSC/SRC Brownbag - Jenna Nobles (Wisconsin)
Conversations in Michigan Sociology - "Sociological Theory" Contra "Theories in Sociology"
Graduate Recruitment
Economic Sociology Workshop - Elizabeth A. Armstrong
Social Theory Workshop - TBD
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Social Movements Workshop - Chris Bail (RWJ) -"Winning Hearts and Minds: A Proposal to Study how the Neurodiversity Movement Shapes Public Understandings of Autism"
Librarian Office Hours
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
Colloquium - Clem Brooks (Indiana) - "The Broken Public? Rational Choice Functionalism and the Great Recession"
February 2012
Demography Workshop - topic TBA
Librarian Office Hours
Economic Sociology Workshop - Todd Schifeling
Inequality Workshop - Alix Gould-Werth - "Do Alternative Base Periods Increase Unemployment Insurance Receipt Among Low-Educated Workers?"
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Gender Workshop - John Bailey / Denise Bailey
Culture, History, Politics Workshop - Meagan Elliot - "Building Authenticity: The Built Environment and Identity Politics in one Krakow Neighborhood"
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
Librarian Office Hours
Qualitative Methods Workshop - Works in Progress
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Demography Workshop - Workshop on Biomarkers (with guest Arlene Geronimus)
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Social Movements Workshop - Ethan Schoolman
Librarian Office Hours
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
PSC Brownbag - Colter Mitchell (Princeton) -Family Instability, Genes, and Children's Externalizing Behavior"
Quatitative Sociology Workshop - Bridget Lavell - "Job Loss and Health Insurance in the Great Recession" and Zheng Mu - "Gender Disparities of Fertility Effects on Labor Force Participation in China"
Social Theory Workshop - Geoff Eley (UM History)
Economic Sociology Workshop - Mikell Hyman
Culture, History, Politics Workshop - Danielle Czarnecki - "God's Plan: Devout Catholic Women Negotiate Maternal Desire, Religion, and ARTs"
Gender Workshop - Jamie Small - "Sex Offenders, Social Class, and the Law"
Inequality Workshop - TBD
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Librarian Office Hours
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
Qualitative Methods Workshop - Discussion of Mixed Methods Research (invited faculty commentators)
Colloquium - Andrew Schrank (New Mexico) - "A Second Regulatory Divide? Labor Inspection Regimes in Comparative Historical Perspective"
ICOS - Joseph Galaskiewicz (Arizona) - "Communities' Organizational Capital"
Social Theory Workshop - Asli Gur
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Social Movements Workshop - Amy Cooter
January 2012
Librarian Office Hours
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
Quantitative Sociology Workshop - Qing Lai - Subjective Inequality and Political Attitudes in China"
Colloquium - Andrew Abbott (Chicago) - "Knowledge Ideals"
Economic Sociology Workshop - Johan Chu
Social Theory Workshop - Andrew Abbott (Chicago)
Inequality Workshop - Geoff Wodtke - "Poor Families, Poor Neighborhoods: How Family Poverty Intensifies the Impact of Concentrated Disadvantaged on High School Graduation"
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Information Meeting for Prospective Concentrators
Meeting: Undergraduate Sociology Association
Librarian Office Hours
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Qualitative Methods Workshop - Works in Progress (Jessi Streib & Rachel Pierotti on evidence and making causal inferences with qualitative work)
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Quantitative Sociology Workshop - Bridget Lavelle - "Health Insurance in Young Adulthood: Less Volatility Since Health Care Reform?"
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Demography Workshop - topic TBA
Walk-In Concentration Advising Hours
Social Movements Workshop - David Flores (practice job talk) - "Political Soldiers: The Sources of Iraq War Veteran Support and Opposition to the War"
Gender Workshop - Greggor Mattson (Oberlin)