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Grad School and Beyond

Wednesday, February 26, 2014
5:00 AM
LSA 4154

Rachel Niemer-After Coursework Ends: Staying Productive in Graduate School and Beyond

Rachel Niemer earned a B.A. in chemistry and women’s studies at Bowdoin College and her Ph.D. in chemistry from Caltech.  Prior to coming to CRLT, Rachel taught chemistry at Gustavus Adolphus College and courses on pedagogy to undergraduate peer leaders as part of the Workshop program at the University of Rochester.  At CRLT, Rachel consults with faculty, directs the Rackham-CRLT Postdoctoral Short Course on College Teaching in Science and Engineering, and co-directs the Health Sciences Teaching Academy.  Her most recent research efforts focus on social media use as a backchannel, best practices for "flipping" one's class, and best practices for clinical teaching.

Please RSVP for the lunch to by Monday, Feb 24th at 4:00pm