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Dean's Advisory Council

Since its establishment as the LSA “Visiting Committee” by Dean Peter Steiner in 1985, the Dean’s Advisory Council has been an important resource for the leadership of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. As a purpose-driven board that explores the college’s issues and challenges, DAC members draw upon their professional expertise and life experiences to support the mission and values of the college. They provide unique perspectives along with connections to their professional and personal networks. DAC members also help generate financial support for the college’s priorities and serve as ambassadors of the college and the liberal arts.

David Barger
Term of Service: 2007-2025
Samara Braunstein
Term of Service: 2010-2027
Jessica Hoffman Brennan
Term of Service: 2016-2027
Jonathan Carson
Term of Service: 2015-2025
Stephanie Carson
Term of Service: 2017-2025
Chris Cramer
Term of Service: 2016-2025
Steve Diamond
Term of Service: 2016-2025
Jordan Dickstein
Term of Service: 2014-2025
Victor Elizalde
Term of Service: 2024-2027
Marcy Engel
Term of Service: 2007-2025
David A. Feller
Term of Service: 2015-2027
Leslie Feller
Term of Service: 2015-2027
Laura Fox
Term of Service: 2015-2025
Mark Gerstein
Term of Service: 2014-2025
Margaret “Meg” Gibson
Term of Service: 2014-2027
Beverly Goulet
Term of Service: 2024-2027
Jacqueline Harris
Term of Service: 2005-2025
David Heleniak
Term of Service: 2006-2025
Brandi Hudson
Term of Service: 2023 -2026
Luke Kang
Term of Service: 2024-2027
Seyonne Kang
Term of Service: 2017-2025
Mary Kay Kosnik
Term of Service: 2016-2025
Andrew J. Lansing
Term of Service: 2008-2025
Jacqueline Mattis
Term of Service: 2023-2026
Shelly McNamara
Term of Service: 2023-2026
Robert W. Medway
Term of Service: 2009-2025
F. Clayton Miller
Term of Service: 2013-2025
Lisa Hoffman Miller
Term of Service: 2013-2025
Kendall Johnson Morris
Term of Service: 2022-2025
David Nyren
Term of Service: 2014-2025
Fred Orlan
Term of Service: 2018-2025
Thomas W. Ostrander
Term of Service: 1995-2025
Frances Peikert
Term of Service: 2015-2027
Michael Peikert
Term of Service: 2015-2027
Catherine L. Redlich
Term of Service: 2008-2025
Ian Sandler
Term of Service: 2023-2026
Charles Schwartz
Term of Service: 2016-2025
Teresa Mosley Sebastian
Term of Service: 2014-2025
Wendy Gould Shenfeld
Term of Service: 2010-2025
Steven Shindler
Term of Service: 2006-2025
Amy Rose Silverman
Term of Service: 1992-2025
Chris Sonderby
Term of Service: 2017-2027
Jill Schramm Sonderby
Term of Service: 2017-2027
James H.M. Sprayregen
Term of Service: 2010-2025
Gail Carr Williams
Term of Service: 2015-2027