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Term of Service: 2022-2025
B.S. German, 2015; M.S.W. Interpersonal Practice, 2016Dean's Research Associate - Michigan State University School of Social Work
Dr. Morris serves as a Dean's Research Associate at Michigan State University in the School of Social Work. She is a part of an initiative aimed at training promising scholars to enter into tenure track positions. Her research focuses on the impact of trauma and community violence in Black neighborhoods. She obtained her Ph.D. from Boston University in May 2022. She is a two time U-M alum, completing her B.S. in 2015 and her M.S.W. in 2016. Having an LSA education has been very valuable for the career trajectory that she has taken because her degree gave her a wide variety of skills that allowed her to pursue her current career as a social worker. She hopes to remain in academia as a tenured professor and one day enter into an administrative role. She is married to another U-M alum from the College of Engineering, Jeffrey Morris, Jr., and they have a four year old dog named Nala.
I have chosen to serve because I have had a passion to serve since my undergraduate career at LSA. I served as the vice president of LSA Student Government and worked on several committees that were aimed at improving the student experience. I also served on the Michigan Union Board of Representatives as the chair, advocating for a better non-academic experience for students. As an alumna, I have continued that service as a leader in the Young Alumni Council for Michigan. I feel that it is important to use my voice to continue to advocate for equity and inclusion for minority students, and there is still work to be done to make the experience for every student at the University of Michigan in the College of LSA safe, meaningful and equitable.