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Outcomes and Possibilities

What can I do with an LSA degree?

The College of LSA delivers a purposeful, pragmatic liberal arts education that employers respect and covet.

That’s because we teach you how to think, not what to think. Employers report that they increasingly need employees with broad skill sets who tackle complex problems, communicate clearly, and think critically.

Your parents’ generation (and your grandparents’ too) likely trained for a vocation. They may have had the same job for many years. But the world is a different place today, and adaptability is key. With an LSA degree, you’ll be able to adjust to a changing workplace, evolving fields, and brand new industries. You’ll be positioned to do much more than punch the clock—you can make a difference across communities and even the world.

96 percent of LSA graduates are employed after graduation or go on to attend graduate or professional school.

77 percent of LSA students had an internship that helped them gain additional experience and skills.

Network with LSA’s robust alumni base: the College has more than 200,000 living graduates around the world.

TOP FIVE MAJORS: Economics; Psychology; Political Science; Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience (BCN); and Communication Studies
TOP FIELDS FOR LSA GRADUATES: Education, Research, Nonprofit, Health Care/Medical, Consulting, Law, Banking


Our results speak for themselves.

LSA’s pragmatic and flexible approach has extraordinary impact. This graphic shows graduates from each major finding employment in nearly every career field.


You have help as you investigate what’s next.


Dedicated LSA advisors help students plan their path through coursework and majors. Mentors and career advisors introduce opportunities through internships, workshops, résumé and cover-letter writing, and much more.