The Wonder of Why
At LSA, we wonder. We wonder why we are here. We ask how the universe works, and how we organize societies. We all wonder—but the great professors and students use curiosity as a catalyst to find answers to the biggest questions. Wonder begins with a simple “why” and leads to discovery that advances science and society while shaping our world for the better.
Majors and Minors
LSA offers more than 85 majors and sub-majors and over 100 minors in the humanities (such as English and history), social sciences (like economics and psychology), and natural sciences (physics, chemistry, and biology).
Engaged Learning
Life at LSA can take you across campus and around the world. From research in the field with faculty to community outreach to creating literature or art, there are endless opportunities for students to explore their interests while making an impact.
Interested in business?
Many LSA students go on to have successful careers in business. Discover how a liberal arts education can be the perfect path to fields such as consulting, marketing, sales, finance, management, human resources, entrepreneurship, and more.
LSA’s commitment to academic freedom
Achieving our academic mission is only possible through free and wide-ranging exploration, the cultivation of open-minded curiosity, and the testing of ideas both new and old. LSA stands in support of academic freedom, and against attacks on scholars for their academic work.
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