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Term of Service: 2013-2025
A.B. Individualized Concentration, 1986Adjunct Business Instructor, Management and Marketing
Lisa has over 30 years’ experience working in the travel, human resource management, consulting, and education industries as a manager, teacher, and entrepreneur. She has a depth of experience and academic background in business, human resource management and education, which coupled with her passion for travel and entrepreneurial spirit, has enabled her to combine her love for travel and learning with her work in a variety of venues and situations. She is currently in her 22nd year of teaching at Normandale Community College.
Lisa began her career with American Airlines, working as a corporate training consultant, as well as an operational supervisor in Chicago and then New York. After moving from New York to London, she earned her M.A. in human resources, with an emphasis in organizational behavior and management development in 1993 from Kingston Business School in England. Upon completion of her graduate degree, she moved to Boston, where she worked as a senior quality advisor for the Bank of Boston, managing and leading change by providing consultation to senior management throughout the corporation linking key business objectives to customer focus. In 1995, Lisa moved from Boston to Houston, where she started her own consulting company, Corporate Consulting, providing professional training and facilitation services for senior executives and line management personnel. She also started work as an adjunct instructor in the business department of Montgomery Community College in Houston, TX. Lisa moved to Minneapolis in 1998. There she continued to teach, holding adjunct teaching positions at both St Thomas University in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Normandale Community College in Bloomington, Minnesota. In 2011, she started up her own travel company, which specialized in unique luxury travel for those that are seeking an experience rather than a destination. Lisa is married to Clay Miller and has two daughters, both graduates from the University of Michigan and currently living in Los Angeles, CA.
I joined the DAC in order to give back to the students of LSA, by providing my time and resources to assist in enriching their opportunities, experiences and education.