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Wangari Maathai Essay Competition
Accelerated MA Program in Transcultural Studies
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Dr. Jonathan I. Kidd Senior Prize
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What Our Students Say
DAAS Graduate Certificate Program
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MIRS: African Studies Specialization
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Carceral State Project
Africa Workshops
Tulsa Race Massacre
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Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS)
Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS)
DAAS Course Offerings
Video Course Descriptions from DAAS Faculty
Student Advising
Degree Requirements
DAAS Honors Major
Wangari Maathai Essay Competition
Dr. Jonathan I. Kidd Senior Prize
Funding Opportunities
Accelerated MA Program in Transcultural Studies
What Our Students Say
DAAS Graduate Certificate Program
MIRS: African Studies Specialization
Fellowship and Grant Funding
Du Bois-Mandela-Rodney Postdoctoral Fellowship
DAAS SAIO Fellowship for an Incoming Graduate Student
SAIO Summer Research Grant for Current Graduate Students
Other Funding
GSI & GSSA Job Postings
News and Events
All News
Event News
First DAAS Africa Workshop
Legacy: Art Across Generations Gallery Opening
Uncommon Connections: Aesthetics, Anthro/History, Health
Vibrancy of Silence: A Discussion with My Sisters
2017 DAAS Graduation
DAAS Africa Workshop: March 27, 2018
DAAS Africa Workshop: April 10, 2018
JIT Exchange Performance
GalleryDAAS Opening Reception
Value the Voice: September 18, 2018
Thank You, Dona Arbor
GalleryDAAS Winter Student Art Show
Africa Workshop Winter 2019
The Dream the Dreamers Dreamed
DAAS @ Trotter on State
2019 The Annual Zora Neale Hurston lecture for the Humanities
DAAS Fall Reception and Gallery Opening
Global Blackness Symposium - Mobilizing “Blackness” From the Haitian Revolution to Now
Kwanzaa 2019
Ujima: Collective Activism at the University of Michigan
“Ujima: Collective Activism at The University of Michigan” Opens at DAAS Gallery
50th Anniversary Postponement
Now in GalleryDAAS: "Half-Built House" by Laura Taylor
Actress Omowunmi Dada brings Nollywood flair to U-M
DAAS hosts Natasha Gordon-Chipembere for Diasporic Dialogues
Faculty News
Derek Peterson among 24 awarded $625,000 by MacArthur Foundation
Scott Ellsworth Featured in Vanderbilt News
Tiya Miles featured in The Detroit Free Press
Dr. Naomi André Receives 7th Annual Shirley Verrett Award
Heather Ann Thompson Article in Newsweek
Heather Ann Thompson on America’s Prisons
Lorna Goodison in BBC World Service
Gender Consciousness Project Students Interview on Michigan Radio
Robin R. Means Coleman interviewed by Horror News Network
Tiya Miles Writes for The New York Times
Yale awards eight writers $165,000 Windham-Campbell Prizes
How a South Carolina Prison Riot Really Went Down
Me and My House: James Baldwin's Last Decade in France
Magdalena J. Zaborowska featured in Duke University Press
Frieda Ekotto, DAAS Chair, honored at Colorado College
Kelly Askew Calls On Vice-Chancellor of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology
Lecturer Nesha Haniff featured in the Detroit Free Press
Heather Ann Thompson featured in Newsweek
New Book by Elisha Renne, Professor Emerita
Bénédicte Boisseron, Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Book Featured in Columbia University Press Blog
HIV Monologues talks ending stigmas, education
Omolade Adunbi, Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Featured in ICiR Nigeria
Magdalena J. Zaborowska, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Talks About Book
Magdalena J. Zaborowska, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, on BBC's The Forum
Adam Ashforth, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Publishes Book
Amal Fadlalla, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Afroamerican and African Studies, Publishes Book
Frieda Ekotto, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and Comparative Literature, Publishes Book
Vincent Hutchings, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Featured in the Los Angeles Times
Amal Hassan Fadlalla, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and Anthropology, Featured in BBC Interview
Heather Ann Thompson, Professor of Afroamerican and African studies, Featured in The New York Times
Naomi André, Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Publishes Book
Amal Hassan Fadlalla, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and Anthropology, Interviewed by BBC
Naomi André, Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Women’s studies, and the Residential College, Featured in CNN
Frieda Ekotto, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and Comparative Literature, Featured in The World News
Julius Scott III, Lecturer of Afroamerican and African Studies, Featured in Public Books
Bénédicte Boisseron, Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Featured in BAR Book Forum
Damani J. Partridge, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Afroamerican and African Studies, Featured in Public Culture
Derek Peterson, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and History, Featured in New Vision
Anne Pitcher, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Featured in the Washington Post
Amal Hassan Fadlalla, Associate Professor Anthropology and Afroamerican and African Studies, Featured on BBC Newsday
Naomi André, Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and Women's Studies, Featured in The New York Times
Michael Awkward, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Talks About the Impact Toni Morrison Left on Contemporary African American Experience
Amal Hassan Fadlalla, Associate Professor Anthropology & Afroamerican and African Studies, Featured on Africa Up Close
Amal Hassan Fadlalla, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Afroamerican and African Studies, Featured in Al Jazeera News
Faculty Spotlight: Oluwatoyin Olanipekun
Heather Thompson, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and History, Featured in The Buffalo News
Naomi André, Professor of Afroamerican and African studies, Women’s studies and the Residential College, Featured in the New York Times
Amal Hassan Fadlalla, Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Anthropology, & Women's Studies, Talks About Sudan’s new Prime Minister
Derek Peterson, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, and History, Featured in The Guardian (U.K.)
Naomi André, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and Women's Studies, Publishes Eulogy About Jessye Norman
Anne Pitcher, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and Political Science, Featured in The Washington Post
Heather Ann Thompson, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and History, Featured On Michigan Radio
In Memoriam: Fernando Arenas
Scott Ellsworth, Lecturer, Featured in The Atlantic
Alford A. Young, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, and Sociology, Publishes Book
Omolade Adunbi, Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Featured in Recent Issue of Africa
In Memory: Evans Young
Professor Damani Partridge explores the universality of Blackness in recent article, podcast
Omolade Adunbi discusses recent book with Global China Pulse
DAAS Professor Frieda Ekotto Honored with LSA Collegiate Professorship
Search News
DAAS Congratulates Recent Grads of 2016!
Nick Powell, DAAS Major, Writes About Tunde Wey's “Blackness in America” Dinner Project
Student Spotlight
DAAS in Dialogue
DAAS 2021!
The History and Future of Black Studies and BLM: DAAS at 50
DAAS 2021 Course Offerings
Event Spotlight: Isabel Wilkerson’s book “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents”
New DAAS Faculty
The Pre Kwanzaa Celebration
DAAS Kwanzaa Celebration
DAAS Spotlight: In Conversation with Emmanuel Saint-Phard, Alum
DAAS Spotlight: In Conversation with Thomas Vance, DAAS Major
DAAS Spotlight: In Conversation with Nora Krinitsky, Director of the Carceral State Project
Giving Blueday 2021
Heather Ann Thompson, DAAS Professor, Receives the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship
Tiffany Harris, Recent DAAS Graduate, Featured in The Record
Damani J. Partridge, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Afroamerican and African Studies, Publishes Article in the University of Chicago Press
Faculty Spotlight: Bénédicte Boisseron
“Roots, Routes, and Performative Mobilities: The Next 50 Years of Knowledge Production for Africa and its Diasporas”
Student Spotlight: Ashley Hayes
DAAS Spotlight: In Conversation with Kelly Askew
New Book by Sandra Gunning, Professor Afroamerican and African Studies
Honoring Attica After Half a Century
Faculty Spotlight: Heather Thompson
Faculty Spotlight: Justine Davis
Faculty Spotlight: Scott Poulson-Bryant
Africa Workshop with R. Nanre Nafziger
Aliyah Khan, Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, talks Halaloween
In Memory: Julius Scott
DAAS Africa Workshop: November 9, 2021
45+ Years Researching the Tulsa Race Massacre - Scott Ellsworth
DAAS Diasporic Dialogues with André Brock - On Race and Technoculture
Faculty Spotlight: Aliyah Khan
Alumni Spotlight: A. Sheree Brown
Student Spotlight: Sewit Yohannes
Niara Sudarkasa: Woman of Many Firsts
Amal Hassan Fadlalla, Professor of Anthropology and Afroamerican and African Studies, Publishes Chapter in New Book
Omolade Adunbi, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, featured in a PBS Great Decisions
DAAS Statement on Threats to HBCUs
Professor Naomi Andre presents testimony in support of HR 301
Stephen Ward, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Named Recipient 1 of 6 Teams awarded an Anti-Racist Digital Research Initiative Grant
The Power of Collective Activism: In Memory of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.
Staff Spotlight: Chanelle Davis
Giving Blueday 2022
Professor Sandra Gunning speaks on NPR's Stateside
Assistant Professor SaraEllen Strongman discusses the Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings and Black sisterhood
Professor Stephen Ward speaks on Detroit's census data
Professor Heather Thompson sues NY prisons over ban of Attica uprising book
Associate Professor Omolade Adunbi releases new book on Nigeria
Professor Damani Partridge assists overtaxed Detroit homeowners
Faculty Spotlight: Omolade Adunbi
DAAS Professor Damani Partridge receives Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award
Interview with Dr. Naomi André for “Lift Every Voice and Sing”
Professor Damani Partridge publishes article on White space in Black cities
Assistant Professor SaraEllen Strongman speaks on Black feminists and abortion rights
DAAS Professor Heather Thompson receives LSA Research grant
Interview with Dr. Sandra Gunning on new book “Moving Home: Gender, Travel, and Self-Invention in Nineteenth-Century African Diasporic Literature”
New Website Created by Dr. Elisha P. Renne: Queen Amina Embroidery
Summer 2022 Anti-Racist Book Club, Featuring Works by Audre Lorde
Many Urbanisms: Divergent Trajectories of Global City Building by Dr. Martin J. Murray
Q&A With the Chair
A Powerful Arts Legacy in Detroit
Student Spotlight: Noah Gross
How Democrats and Republicans Could be Getting the Suburbs Wrong
Why Should a Married Man Fetch Water?
Meet Danielle Williams
Work begins on U-M’s Inclusive History Project
DAAS Chair Moderates Communities and Connection Panel
DAAS' Poulson-Bryant Interviews Renowned Production Designer for "Wondering Wakanda"
Faculty Spotlight: Lydia Kelow-Bennett
DAAS cosponsors event featuring Nikki Giovanni
Multiple DAAS faculty participate in "The Future of Black Studies"
Faculty Spotlight: Marko Mwipopo
Black Studies Matter
Kidada E. Williams delivers 2023 Zora Neale Hurston Lecture
Wayne High receives 2023 Cornerstone, LSA CA awards
New department chair Bénédicte Boisseron looks to the future
DAAS Spotlight: Omowunmi Dada
Alum's Gift Establishes New DAAS Senior Prize
LSA Sustainability Spotlight on AAS 498 with Bénédicte Boisseron
DAAS Student Awards Honor Outstanding Projects
Faculty Spotlight: Gaëtan Thomas, Lecturer in DAAS and History of Art
Faculty Spotlight: Zoë Berman, Assistant Professor/Michigan Society Fellow
Staff Spotlight: Kyra Taylor
Student News
Brianna Kennedy, a Senior DAAS Major, Featured in Harvard Journal for African American Public Policy
Congratulations Graduates!
Student Voices: DAAS Needs Your Input!
Alumni News
Ja'Nelle Jefferson, DAAS Alumna, Opens Wellness Clinic
Sarah Hodin, Alumna, Starts Nonprofit
Staff News
Staff Spotlight: Kehinde Enilolobo, Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant (Yoruba)
Elizabeth James, Program Coordinator, Featured in The Michigan Daily
Staff Spotlight: Jaleesa Miller
Staff Spotlight: Rebecca Jackson
What does DAAS mean to you?
Statement from the Chair
Archived News
July 2015
Anne Pitcher to be Vice President of African Studies Association
Kwasi Ampene to be Diasporan Fellow at University of Ghana
May 2015
Prof. Tiya Miles on How to Talk to Children About the Accomplishments of African American Women
Meg Sweeney Awarded Institute for the Humanities Fellowship
Martha Jones in University Record
Frieda Ekotto Receives Benezet Award
April 2015
Larry Rowley to Receive Cornerstone Award
Martha S. Jones Authors Article on the Increasing Political Power of Black Women in the U.S.
Robin Means Coleman Quoted in Huffington Post
January 2015
Lorna Goodison awarded Shirley Verrett Award
Professor Dorceta Taylor Interviewed on NPR
Kelly Askew on Michigan Radio
December 2014
Tiya Miles and the History of Slavery in Detroit.
November 2014
Frieda Ekotto interviewed by Michigan Daily
Martha Jones on Ferguson on Huffington Post
October 2014
Kelly Askew Featured in URecord
Robin Means Coleman in Huffington Post
Frieda Ekotto Recognized by U-M Council on Global Engagement
DAAS Mourns Loss of Former Director Ali Al'amin Mazrui
September 2014
DAAS Faculty Participate in Schlissel Inauguration
DAAS Welcomes New Chair
June 2014
James Jackson to serve on NSF National Science Board
Benedito Machava Receives Reseach Fellowship
Elisha Renne in the New Yorker
May 2014
Howard Stein Quoted in Irish Times
Poet Maya Angelou Dies at 86
Angela Dillard to be Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education
DAAS Faculty Members Selected to Join Michigan Society of Fellows
Liz Cole to be Assistant Dean of Social Sciences
April 2014
Martha Jones in Wall Street Journal and CNN
Martha Jones on NPR
Ketra Armstrong Awarded a Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award
Tyrell Collier Named a Student of the Year
Dorceta Taylor Receives Carol Hollenshead Award
Elizabeth James Receives Harold R. Johnson Diversity Award
Wayne High Receives LSA Staff Spotlight Award
Robin Means Coleman Receives UROP Outstanding Mentor Award
Melba Boyd on Craig Fahle Show
March 2014
Scott Kurashige on Tavis Smiley Radio Show
Martha Jones in the Huffington Post
Nesha Haniff and Nyambura Mpesha Nominated for Golden Apple
The Guardian Chooses Lorna Goodison Poem
DAAS Minor Zaineb Abdul-Nabi Appears on Oscars
Jon Onye Lockard Art Exhibit at U-M Hospital
February 2014
Martha Jones quoted in Aljazeera about Wright Museum
Megan Sweeney awarded Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship
Martha Jones CNN Essay Receives Huge Response
Black History Month Calendar
DAAS Task Force Raising $25,000 for Students
Dorceta Taylor: Toxic Communities
The History of Race at the University of Michigan
Mapping Slavery in Detroit
January 2014
Frieda Ekotto Awarded the Nicolás Guillén Award for Philosophical Literature
Lorna Goodison's "Supplying Salt and Light" Named Best Book
Wayne High Named Finalist for LSA Award
Elizabeth James Publishes Article on Detroit
December 2013
Faye Portis Named Finalist for LSA Award
DAAS Mourns Nelson Mandela
DAAS Wins Award from the Black Volunteer Network
Fernando Arenas receives Michigan Humanities Awards
Magda Zaborowska Receives Michigan Humanities Award
Ray Silverman Wins New Grant
Anne Pitcher receives Honorable Mention
November 2013
Derek Peterson Wins Melville J. Herskovits Award
Kelly Askew Presents at MCubed Conference
Martin Murray's Book Honored
Nesha Hanif Recognized by the Council on Global Engagement
Larry Rowley Awarded Distinguished Diversity Leaders Award
Scott Ellsworth Awarded Professional Development Grant
Senior Vice Provost Lester Monts Honored by U-M Marching Band
Understanding Race Theme Semester Co-Chairs Given DDLA Award
Derek Peterson Wins 2013 Martin A. Klein Prize
Sherie Randolph Receives Residency Fellowship at James Weldon Johnson Institute
Mary Sibande Exhibit Featured in University Record
Letter from Vice President Royster Harper to U-M Students
October 2013
History of Student Protests on U-M Campus
Kelly Askew Produces Documentary Film
Kevin Gaines plaintiff in lawsuit to overturn Affirmative Action Ban
Lorna Goodison on PBS News Hour
September 2013
Ray Silverman Quoted in The Detroit News
Lorna Goodison Receives National Award
Alice Walker Accepts CEW/DAAS Invitation to Speak at U-M
August 2013
Martha Jones Interviewed on AHA Blog
Naomi Andre Named to Board of Ann Arbor Symphony
UM-Dearborn adds major in African and African American Studies
Provost's Statement on Alice Walker Invitation
"The Chairman and the Lions" wins two awards
July 2013
Robin Means Coleman featured on Rackham Blog
June 2013
Stephen Ward on NPR
May 2013
Tiya Miles awarded Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellowship
Kelly Askew's Film Wins First Prize
April 2013
DAAS students selected for prestigious Fulbright program
Lorna Goodison poem selected by the Poetry in the Underground Program in London
Amal Fadlalla has been awarded a Woodrow Wilson Center Fellowship
Assistant Professor Sherie Randolph named an IRWG Junior Faculty Scholar
Associate Professor Derek Peterson selected as an Eisenberg Institute Fellow
Martha Jones awarded two fellowships
Black Student Union names award after DAAS Program Coordinator; Elizabeth James
March 2013
DAAS Major Michael Williams to be NYC Urban Fellow
Martha Jones honored with an Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship
African Studies Center Awarded Mellon Grant
Race Card Project in Detroit News
Robert Chrisman, founder of The Black Scholar, has died
February 2013
LSA Today features DAAS history
Frieda Ekotto Receives PICS Fellowship
Tiya Miles on The Craig Fahle Show
Article on former DAAS Fellow Tanisha Ford
Martha Jones article on Understanding Race on the Huffington Post blog
January 2013
DAAS Students Receive 2013 Spirit Award
Ann Arbor News Reviews Buchanan Exhibit
Voice of America African Music Collection (Leo Sarkisian collection)
DAAS community saddened at loss of Professor Hanes Walton
Melba Boyd wins 2013 Michigan Notable Book Award
December 2012
Anne Pitcher Elected Chair of the African Politics Conference Group
Congratulations to Professor David Doris on winning the Melville J. Herskovits Award
Tiya Miles' Op Piece on Colorism on CNN's "In America"
Chair Tiya Miles interviewed in Indian Country Today
Professor Dorceta Taylor Lead Investigator of New Study
President Mary Sue Coleman announces new funding commitment to the African Studies Center
Professor Robin Wilson wins Shirley Verrett Award
November 2012
DAAS Professor Martin Murray finalist for the 2013 Herskovits Award
Exhibit Opening:Arewa House, Kaduna
DAAS Professor David Doris a finalist for the Herskovits Award
DAAS and RC alumna Erin Winkler publishes book on African American Childhoods
August 2012
Fellowships in Race, Law & History
DAAS Chair Tiya Miles featured in CNN In America opinion article: Why focus on Gabby Douglas' hair?
May 2012
DAAS Student Services Coordinator Katherine Weathers and DAAS Professor Stephen Ward awarded the Cornerstone Award
April 2012
DAAS Summer Course Development Awards awarded to four DAAS faculty members
DAAS Professor Lorna Goodison honored with 2012 Cultural Medal of Honour Award
Semester in Detroit
Two DAAS faculty members awarded the 2012 Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award
DAAS Associate Chair Elisha Renne awarded Guggenheim Fellowship for 2012-2013
DAAS Concentrator Michael Williams awarded Raul Wallenberg International Fellowship
Professor Scott Ellsworth speaks on NPR Radio about the 1921 Riot in Tulsa, Oklahoma and the History Of Race Relations
March 2012
DAAS awarded 2012 NAACP Image Award
PhD Candidate David Green Jr. awarded Visual and Pop Culture Pre-Doctoral Dissertation Award
DAAS Chair Tiya Miles featured in CNN In America opinion article
February 2012
DAAS Associate Chair Elisha Renne awarded grant for International IA Pilot-Study Project
DAAS Professor Kelly Askew featured on Spotlight Africa show
We Fought the Law.... DAAS 495 Race Law Stories
DAAS Program Associate Elizabeth James and the story of her life saving transplant
DAAS Alumna Shanesha Brooks Tatum releases book Reading African American Experiences in the Obama Era: Theory, Advocacy, Activism
DAAS Chair Miles to appear on National Public Radio
January 2012
DAAS Chair Tiya Miles' blog in Huffington Post about the need to protect Belle Isle.
DAAS Prof. Larry Rowley featured speaker at MLK event
DAAS Program Associate; third generation storyteller performed at the 14th anniversary of the University of Michigan’s MLK Children and Youth Program.
Dr. King's Vision for Economic Justice: Focus on Detroit
Two DAAS professors honored for their contributions to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial
December 2011
DAAS Professor Amal Fadlalla talks about Sudan's Secession and the Future Ahead
DAAS Professor Scott Ellsworth and DAAS Students Launch Wallenberg Project
DAAS Professor Kevin Gaines featured on C-Span
Chair Tiya Miles named to Ebony Magazine's Power 100 List
Post-Doctoral Fellow Tanisha Ford finalist for the OAH Lerner-Scott Prize for the best dissertation in U.S. women's history.
November 2011
Prof. Vincent Hutchings appears on National Public Radio's Morning Edition to speak about Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain
AAS 458 Students hold Skype session with Civil Rights pioneer
Chair Tiya Miles is the only African American Woman among the 22 MacArthur fellows across country!
DAAS Chair Tiya Miles has been awarded the Erminie Wheeler-Voeglin Book Award
October 2011
Prof. Raymond Silverman awarded Quest for Excellence Award
AAS 458 Southern Novel Class Takes Part in Banned Books Reading
DAAS Concentrator and U-M Back-Up Quarterback Devin Gardner featured in Wall Street Journal
Professor Martha Jones receives 2011 Harold R. Johnson Diversity Award
Professors Chaffers and Professor Lockard played vital role in MLK memorial design
Report from DAAS Graduate Certificate in African Studies
DAAS Welcomes Professor Scott Kurashige
DAAS Welcomes University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars
Tiya Miles on Black Freedmen expulsion from Cherokee Nation
September 2011
DAAS Chair, Tiya Miles, Named 2011 MacArthur Fellow
Professor Kelly Askew Awarded Fellowship in Berlin
All Events
Archived Events
May 2015
Opening Reception: Textile Trade Ascendancies: Nigeria, UK, China
April 2015
Who Owns The Oil?
March 2015
Round table: African Artists Visualizing Africa
Children's Workshop,<i>Chameleon Street</i> film screening, and Q & A w/the artist<br><i>The Crown: Contemporary Construction of Self in America</i>
Black Feminist Think Tank: A Symposium
Opening Reception<br><i>The Crown: Contemporary Construction of Self in America</i><br>Photographs
<i>The Crown: Contemporary Construction of Self in America</i><br>Photographs
February 2015
Taking Back the X, Bringing Back the Love
A LOVE SUPREME at 50: John Coltrane, Malcolm X, and the Sounds of '65”
Songs of Kwezhi
Africa Workshop
January 2015
Chris Tounsel and Pedro Monaville
MLK Event: Film Screening
MLK Event: James Chaffers
MLK Event: Ta-Nehisi Coates
MLK Event: Martha Jones
Dr. Ijeoma Nnodim Opara
Child of the Dream: Living a Healthy Life after U-M
MLK Event: Heidi Morse
Diaporic Dialogues
AHAW Workshop
Africa Workshop
December 2014
Pre-Kwanzaa Celebration
Africa Workshop
November 2014
Panel featuring Gillian Berchowitz
Africa Workshop
Lecture by Isabel Hofmeyr
Zora Neale Hurston Lecture with Alice Walker
October 2014
A Reading in Honor of Lorna Goodison's Retirement
Conversation with Lorna Goodison
In Honor of Lorna Goodison's Retirement: Edward Baugh & Jahan Ramazani In Conversation
DAAS Student-Faculty Open House
Looking Back, Looking Forward: A Dialogue on Ferguson
Diasporic Dialogues
Beyond Ebola Roundtable
Diasporic Dialogues
September 2014
Africa Workshop with Jean Allman
African Studies Center Reception
Educator's Workshop on Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and the Teaching of her Works
GalleryDAAS Artist Talk: William Adjété Wilson
African Culture: A Royal Perspective
Diasporic Dialogues with the POA
Africa Workshop with Rita Abrahamsen
Michigan Journal of Race & Law and the Michigan Law Program in Race, Law & History
GalleryDAAS Reception for William Adjété Wilson
And Endlessly, I Create Myself: William-Adjété Wilson and The Black Ocean
The Role of a Queen Mother in Asante Culture
DAAS Welcome Reception
May 2014
DAAS Graduation
April 2014
Film Screening: Filming the Future of Detroit
Film Screening: Filming the Future of Detroit
DAAS Diasporic Dialogues: Rebecca Scott
Digital Medias, New Cinemas, and the Global South
Honors Forum
Carmen Souza
Carmen Souza
Africa Workshop: Clapperton Mavhungu
In Search of A Better World
March 2014
GalleryDAAS: Ed West Artist Talk
Diasporic Dialogues: Aliyah Khan
Theme Semester Lecture Series: Ship Sister to Mannish Woman: Queer Indo-Caribbean Biomythographies
Africa Workshop: Zanele Muholi
GalleryDAAS: Photographs by Ed West
Zora Neale Hurston Lecture: Sharon Holland
Jasmine Johnson Dance lecture
February 2014
Living Writers Series: Lorna Goodison
Diasporic Dialogues: Matthew Smith
Africa Workshop: Magali Compan-Banard
African American Workshop: Christopher Parker
January 2014
African American Workshop: Martha Biondi
Diasporic Dialogues: Reighan Gillam
Africa Workshop: Ciraj Rassool
Africa Workshop: Sylvie Kande
MLK Symposium
December 2013
Caribbean Dialogues: Fernando Arenas
November 2013
Africa Workshop: Sarah Charlton
12 Years a Slave Roundtable Film Discussion
Scott Kurashige DAAS Talk
Caribbean Dialogues: “How We Came to Love Kingston"
DAAS Student-Faculty Bingo
Poet Robert Hayden: A Centennial Conference
October 2013
Robert Hayden and the Art of Poetry
DAAS Living Poets Series: Melba Joyce Boyd
“American Revolutionary” film screening
Detroit: Movement City Symposium
Film on Angola by Marissa Moorman (History-Indiana University)
African American Workshop: Chinua Thelwell
Africa Workshop: Marissa Moorman
African Social Research Initiative (ASRI) Biannual Conference
Africa Workshop: Aimé Césaire 100th Birthday Symposium
Community Engaged Learning Symposium
Charles Long dialogue with Paul Johnson
Africa Workshop: Jane Guyer
September 2013
GalleryDAAS Opening Reception: Mary Sibande
“Faubourg Treme” documentary
GalleryDAAS Brown Bag: Mary Sibande
Transforming Violence and Conflict into Hope and Innovation
Matthew Vernon Talk
Thomas DeFrantz talk
Africa Workshop: Morton Jerven
Welcome Reception
April 2013
Conference: Conflict, Legitimacy and Authoritarian Rule
Race Card Project Pop-Up Exhibit is back!
March 2013
Africa Workshop: Fassil Demissie
A Political History of Heroin Addiction: Race, Crime and the Fractured Liberalism of Methadone Maintenance and Harm Reduction in New York City, 1963-1973
Africa Workshop: Didier Peclard
Duke Ellington's orchestral suite Black, Brown, and Beige
February 2013
Race, Democracy and Social Control:A Grounded Theory of Racial Justice
Keeping the past in lively memory: On King, Black Studies, and Trauma
Sakina Hughes Gives Culinary Talk
National Book Award Winner Nikky Finney Poetry Reading
National Book Award Winner Nikky Finney Poetry Round Table
Africa Workshop: Nicolas Van De Walle
Africa Workshop: What is African Art?
January 2013
Florynce 'Flo' Kennedy and Black Feminist Radicalism
Toni Tipton-Martin, "The Jemima Code: A Gallery of Great Cooks Share Their Secrets"
Earth, Sky, Water, Fire: Stories of the Americas
The Making of the Dream: MLK, Detroit, and U-M
Africa Workshop - Ken Harrow
The Roundtable - IndiVisible: African Native American Lives in the Americas
The Exhibit: IndiVisible: African Native American Lives in the Americas
December 2012
The Chairman and the Lions
African Print Cultures workshop
African Print Cultures workshop
November 2012
Africa Workshop: “The Spell that Fails Lacks an Essential Term: on the Nature of Curative Intent in Poetry” w/ Adeleke Adeeko
DAAS Open House for Students
Jamaica Forum for Lesbians All-Sexuals and Gays
All in the Family: Beverly Buchanan Art Reception & Exhibit
Beverly Buchanan Art Exhibit
October 2012
Africa Workshop with Ebenezer Obadare
Proclaiming Emancipation: The Conference
Presidential Debate Viewing Party
"Hometown Security" with Majora Carter
African American Studies Workshop with Erica Edwards
Proclaiming Emancipation: The Exhibit
DAAS Community Forum
Africa Workshop with Rachel Riedl
September 2012
African American Studies Workshop: “New Directions in African American Studies: Gender, Race and Sexuality”
"The Prophecy of James Baldwin” with Professor David Leeming
“James Baldwin: From Another Place” Film Screening
Africa Workshop with Ronald Labonté
Malick Ghachem Job Talk
Liberation Film Series: Prof. Stephen Ward
DAAS Welcome Reception
April 2012
U-M Commencement and Black Celebratory
DAAS Commencement Ceremony
DAAS Faculty Brown Bag: Tanisha Ford
Women Visualizing Africa Film Series: La femme invisible (The Invisible Woman) and Calypso at Dirty Jim’s
African American and African Diaspora Workshop presents "Black Radicalism"
DAAS Faculty Brown Bags
African Musics Roundtable: Music in Sub-Saharan Africa Today
March 2012
African American and the African Diaspora Workshop with Elizabeth Cole
Africa Workshop with Peter Alegi,"FIFAnomics and South African Nationalism:
Africa Workshop with John Ryle “Two Sudans: Will Separation work?”
DAAS Faculty Brown Bag: Prof. Karyn Lacy
Zora Neale Hurston “Pearl Primus: Dancing Democracy, Dancing Freedom (1943-1953)"
"Who's in Charge?: Deconstructing Black Leadership in America"
Woman Visualizing Africa Film Series: Cuba: An African Odyssey
February 2012
"Property and Political Order: Land Rights and the Structure of Politics." Africa Workshop with Cathy Boone
“Teach Trane?” A Music Dialogue with Julius Scott
DAAS Faculty Brown Bag: Jessica Welburn
Woman Visualizing Africa Film Series: The Witches of Gambaga
South Sudan: Nationhood and the Challenges Ahead Round Table
DAAS Valentine's Day
Africa Workshop with Katarzyna Pieprzak
January 2012
Poetry reading and discussion on writing with Audrey Petty
“Revisioning the Life of Coretta Scott King”
African American Workshop: "For Such a Time as This": New Testaments on the Black Atlantic Paradigm”
“Birders of a Feather: Stories of People, Birds, and Other People in Africa”
Women Visualizing Africa Film Series: Les enfants du blanc (Children of the White Man)
Women Visualizing Africa Film Series: Notre étrangère
The Author’s Forum Presents:The House on Diamond Hill: A Cherokee Plantation Story
DAAS Faculty Brown Bag: Patricia Coleman Burns
University of Michigan’s MLK Children and Youth Program
Annual MLK Lecture on Environmental Justice:“Building on Past Pillars to a New Generation of Activism”
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Symposium (no classes)
Keynote Memorial Lecture
"Dr. King's Vision for Economic Justice: Focus on Detroit"
Women Visualizing Africa Film Series: Paris mon Paradis
December 2011
DAAS Faculty Brown Bags: Prof. Magdalena Zaborowska
Africa Workshop: Severine Rugumamu
DAAS Women's Film Series:Daughters of the Dust
November 2011
Monday Movies: The Spook Who Sat By the Door
Monday Movies: Stormy Weather
Gallery DAAS- Last Day for Fall 2011
DAAS Faculty Brown Bag: Professor Scott Ellsworth
DAAS Open House
Africa Workshop: Sawyer Seminar Workshop
A Conversation with Callaloo Publisher Charles Rowell
DAAS Women's Film Series: Beloved
Africa Workshop: Kwesi Yankah
October 2011
Lemuel A. Johnson Center Opening Robin Means Coleman Book Signing Monday Movies: Blacula
Black Alumni Reception
Living Poets: Roundtable Discussion
Black Alumni Speed Networking with Students (Reception)
African American Studies Workshop: Penny Von Eschen
Monday Movies: Brian's Song
DAAS Faculty Brown Bag: Julius Scott
Africa Workshop: Mary Moran
Monday Movies: Sounder
Prof. James A. Chaffers - SPACESPIRIT
DAAS Women's Film Series: Sankoka
September 2011
DAAS Community Forum
African American Studies Workshop: Matthew Countryman
Monday Movies: Imitation of Life
“ECO Girls Presents a GoGirl Dance Party” at Trotter for Shoots (4th-6th grade group of ECO Girls)
“ECO Girls Presents a GoGirl Dance Party” at Trotter for Roots (2nd-3rd grade group of ECO Girls)
DAAS Faculty Brown Bags: Vincent Hutchings
DAAS Welcome Reception
Africa Workshop: James Ferguson
Monday Movies: Shaft
DAAS Celebration at Detroit Center
May 2016
Graduation Photos 2016
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