Monday, January 23, 2012
5:00 AM
2435 North Quad, 105 South State Street.
Film: Notre étrangère (The Place in Between, 2010) written and directed by Sarah Bouyain (Franco-Burkinabé) This feature length film is the second one by a woman from Burkina Faso. Mariam, a mixed race, returns to Bobo in Burkina Faso to visit her mother whom she has been separated from since she was 8. Upon arrival, she only finds her aunt there, and the family house is both crowded and reassuring in a town where she has no more landmarks. Mariam, a 45-year-old Burkinabe, has been cleaning households in Paris for many years; she is only a furtive shade that slides to life’s edge. French w/ English subtitles.