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African Social Research Initiative (ASRI) Biannual Conference

Friday, October 11, 2013
4:00 AM
Rackham Assembly Hall

African Social Research Initiative Biannual Conference 
Transnational Vulnerabilities in Governance, Employment and Health: Finding Integrated and Inclusive Solutions

This conference plans to use the tools of social research to identify and measure the major gaps and the greatest strains in health, housing, education, employment and welfare from cities such as Detroit to countries such as Ghana, South Africa, and Kenya on the African continent.

Recognizing that many vulnerabilities are transnational makes possible the discussion and application of solutions that transcend national boundaries. One of the goals of the conference then is to bring scholars and policymakers into dialogue with each other about the most advanced techniques for conducting social research and how research findings can be translated into policies that are both inclusive and equitable. We hope to share the tools and techniques of data analysis that have been developed at the University of Michigan and to highlight the work of emerging scholars from the continent of Africa and the United States.

About ASRI:
ASRI is a partnership between U-M and universities in Ghana and South Africa. Previous conferences in Cape Town and Accra presented the results of research by ASRI partners on economic development, public health, gender equity, distributive politics, and governance both in the United States and on the continent of Africa. ASRI's purpose is to showcase social science work on Africa by emerging scholars and provide opportunities for data sharing and analysis.

Co-sponsored by the African Studies Center (ASC).