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DAAS Professor Frieda Ekotto Honored with LSA Collegiate Professorship

Professor Frieda Ekotto was honored by the University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts as part of LSA's Collegiate Lecture Series on April 15.

- Meghan Wysocki, DAAS Editorial Assistant

Category: Faculty

Tags: Afroamerican and African Studies

When Did You Fall in Love with Hip Hop?

Professor Stephen Ward is leading an LSA celebration of the 50th anniversary of hip hop that’s as vibrant and multitudinous as the art form itself: in the classroom, online, in Detroit, on a mixtape, and in an art gallery.

Category: Students

Tags: LSA; Research; Afroamerican and African Studies; LSA Magazine; Humanities; Gina Balibrera; DaJaniere Rice

Archive: All News