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Nehal al-Shamy
Forsyth Visiting Graduate Student Fellow
Nicola Barham
Assistant Professor and Assistant Curator in Ancient Art
150F Tappan Hall;
2nd fl. Kelsey Museum
Tina Bawden
Assistant Professor, George H. and Ilene H. Forsyth Professor
20C Tappan Hall
Sally Bjork
45 Tappan Hall 734.764.9423
Celeste Brusati
Professor Emerita
Katherine Burge
Lecturer I in History of Art and the Kelsey Museum
Kevin Carr
Associate Professor
150D Tappan Hall 734.764.6223
Nachiket Chanchani
Associate Professor
120A Tappan Hall 734.763.3289
Paroma Chatterjee
Department Chair, Professor
70C Tappan Hall 734.764.5604
David Doris
Associate Professor
65 Tappan Hall 734.764.5604
Alice Korkor Ebeheakey
Lecturer I in History of Art (Forsyth)
150 F Tappan Hall
Christy Elkins
Administrative Assistant
110 Tappan Hall 734.764.5400
Megan Flattley
Lecturer I in History of Art (Forsyth)
Cathy Garcia
Head, Visual Resources Collections
45 Tappan Hall 734.763.6114
Elaine Gazda
Professor and Curator of Hellenistic and Roman Antiquities, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
150F Tappan Hall 734.647.0438
Jennifer Gear
Lecturer I in History of Art and Kinesiology
20B Tappan Hall
Christiane Gruber
Professor of Islamic Art
10A Tappan Hall 734.764.5400
Michele Hannoosh
Professor of French
4208 MLB 734.647.2339
Andrew Herscher
Associate Professor
3126 Art & Arch 734.764.5355
Daniel Herwitz
2010 Tisch Hall 734.936.3520
Joel Isaacson
Professor Emeritus
70A Tappan
Rattanamol Singh Johal
Shireen and Afzal Ahmad Professor of South Asian Arts & Assistant Professor of History of Art
Room 170C
Tappan Hall
Deirdre L. C. Hennebury
Associate Director, Museum Studies Program
Museum Studies Program Office
University of Michigan Museum of Art lower level
Howard Lay
Associate Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies; Associate Chair
150D Tappan Hall 734.763.3236
Emily Lime
Visiting Graduate Student in History of Art (Forsyth)
Lihong Liu
Sally Michelson Davidson Professor of Chinese Arts and Cultures & Assistant Professor of History of Art
Brendan McMahon
Assistant Professor
120b Tappan Hall
Elaine Medrow
Events and Communications Coordinator
Bryan K. Miller
Assistant Professor of Central Asian Art & Archaeology
Tappan Hall 120-D
julia elizabeth neal
Assistant Professor
Tappan Hall, 150D 734-615-4361
Christina Olsen
Director, University of Michigan Museum of Art
Shelley Perlove
Professor Emerita, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Tappan Hall 70, faculty office
Tappan Hall, Emeritii office
Shelley Perlove
Professor Emerita, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Tappan Hall 70E, faculty office
Tappan Hall, Emeritii office
Alexander Potts
Professor Emeritus, Max Loehr Collegiate Professor
Martin Powers
Sally Michelson Davidson Professor of Chinese Arts and Cultures
Matthew Quirk
Multimedia Specialist
Jennifer Robertson
Professor Emerita
Elizabeth Sears
Professor Emerita, George H. Forsyth Junior Collegiate History of Art
Dipti Sherchan
Forsyth Visiting Graduate Student
Susan Siegfried
Professor Emerita, Denise Riley Collegiate Professor of the History of Art and Women's Studies, Professor of History of Art and Professor of Women's Studies

Raymond Silverman
Professor Emeritus History of Art, African Studies, Museum Studies
Patricia Simons
Professor Emerita, Women's and Gender Studies/History of Art; Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne
Alexis St. John
Graduate Program Coordinator
50 Tappan Hall 734-764-5401
Bradley Taylor
Associate Director of Museum Studies Minor
Gaetan Thomas
Lecturer I in History of Art and DAAS
Achim Timmermann
Professor (on leave 2024-2025)
170B Tappan Hall 734.763.6112
Heather J. Vinson
Lecturer I in History of Art
150C Tappan Hall
Audra Wilson
Executive Secretary
110 Tappan Hall
Kimberly Wolf
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
50B Tappan Hall 734.647.5602
Dorota Zaprzalska
Forsyth Visiting Graduate Student
Rebecca Zurier
Associate Professor
120C Tappan Hall 734.763.5840