Professor Emerita, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Office Information:
Tappan Hall 70, faculty office
Tappan Hall, Emeritii office
hours: by appointment and on Zoom
PhD University of MichiganMA Museology, Wayne State University; BA History of Art, New York University
Current Courses
GERMAN 303-002
Topics in German Culture and the Arts
HISTART 394-014
Special Topics in the Humanities
JUDAIC 318-003
Humanities Topics in Judaism
Highlighted Work and Publications

Seventeenth-Century European Drawings in Midwestern Collections. The Age of Bernini, Rembrandt, and Poussin.
Shelley Perlove and George S. Keyes, eds.
"This stunning book brings together more than one hundred drawings by major artists selected from eighteen municipal and university museums in Midwestern collections ... In addition to the highly readable entries, there is a fascinating introduction and overview by Shelley Perlove." Extracted from reviews by Suzanne Folds McCullagh and Anne-Marie Logan.
University of Notre Dame Press, 2015.

Rembrandt's Faith. Church and Temple in the Dutch Golden Age
Shelley Perlove and Larry Silver
"Rembrandt's Faith is an important book. It is by far the most exhaustive study to date of a subject that is important not only in Rembrandt studies but also because of Rembrandt's towering statue in the depiction of biblical subjects, for the study of religion in early modern culture." Review by Gary Schwartz
Penn State Press, 2009.
Visual Typology in Early Modern Europe
edited by Shelley Perlove, Dagmar Eichberger
Visual Typology in early Modern Europe: Continuity and Expansion is the first study that examines the varied manifestations of typological thinking in diverse media of the visual arts from the Late Middle Ages through the seventeenth century in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, and France. This study counteracts the underlying misconception that typology was in decline or even ceased to exist in the sixteenth century. The studies within this volume offer new interpretations that redefine what is meant by typological thinking in the early modern period.
Brepols Publishers, ...
See MoreSeeing God Face to Face: Ferdinand Bol's Gideon and the Angel.
Shelley Perlove
Historians of Netherlandish Art Conference, Session: "Divine Presence: Representing Angels and God in Dutch and Flemish Art, c. 1575-1700." May 26th, 2018.
Soon after his residence in Rembrandt’s workshop (ca. 1636−40), or perhaps just before his departure to pursue an independent career, Ferdinand Bol took up the subject of the angel appearing at Gideon’s sacrifice (Judges 6: 20-23), first in a painting of ca.1640 and shortly thereafter in an etching of about 1641. The angel appears to Gideon to tell him he must fight against Israel's enemies the Midianites and preserve...
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Narrative, Ornament, and Politics in Maerten van Heemskerck's Story of Esther (1564)
Shelley Perlove
"Narrative, Ornament, and Politics in Maerten van Heemskerck's Story of Esther (1564)," in The Primacy of the Image in Northern European Art: Essays in Honor of Larry Silver. Edited by Debra Taylor Cashion, Henry Luttikhuizen, and Ashley West (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 433-46.