Visiting Graduate Student in History of Art (Forsyth)
Emily is a Visiting Graduate Student Forsyth Fellow in History of Art and a Ph.D. candidate in Classics from UNC-Chapel Hill. Emily’s work concerns the visual and material culture of the Ancient Roman world, with research interests in garden spaces, Roman wall painting, multimedia programming, and the remediation of Greek art in Roman visual culture. Her Master’s Thesis at UNC examined the remediation of sculptural elements into domestic garden paintings through the lens of Foucault’s heterotopia. Emily’s dissertation project, “After the Earthquake: Aesthetics of Disaster Recovery in Pompeian Gardens (62 – 79 CE),” examines the environmental and aesthetic impacts of the 62 CE earthquake on Pompeian domestic gardens. Other research interests include Roman wall painting, the depiction of dogs in ancient art, the reuse and reworking of marble sculpture, and the reception of classical myth in Renaissance to contemporary art. She worked in the Finds Lab at the Gabii Project Roma for 5 years, and currently serves as Finds Registrar for the Casa della Regina Carolina Project at Pompeii.