Jacqueline Giz is a PhD student focusing on the art and material culture of the ancient Roman world. She holds an M.A. in Art History from Rutgers University, with a concentration in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies. As a co-terminal degree student at Rutgers, she also earned her B.A. in Art History with minors in Classics, Archaeology, and Political Science with distinction as an Honors College Scholar.
Jacqueline has worked with collections at the Princeton University Art Museum, the American Academy in Rome, and the Archivio Boncompagni Ludovisi. At each institution, her projects have varied in nature, including provenance studies, digital humanities work, and curatorial initiatives. At Rutgers’ Zimmerli Art Museum, Jacqueline spent over three years as a Student Educator, engaging diverse publics with art from across space and time.
Broadly, Jacqueline’s research seeks to recontextualize the so-called “minor arts” by foregrounding sensoriality and materiality. Her M.A. thesis focused on the presence of divine portraits on engraved gems from Pompeii, revealing how their status as worn objects facilitated religious experiences grounded in haptic and visual interaction.