Improve your language skills and gain greater understanding of US society and culture. Learn about the local community and practice communicating with Americans from diverse backgrounds.

*ELI's Community-Engaged Language and Culture Program* includes 2 components: 1. ELI 560, an on-campus course, and 2. ELI 561, an off-campus field experience. The field experience is a short extension of the on-campus course during which students interact with Americans from diverse backgrounds through a placement with a local organization, practice language skills, and reflect on their experiences. To participate in the field experience, you must enroll in and complete the on-campus course.

Earn 4 total credits during winter term—2 for ELI 560 and 2 for the off-campus component, ELI 561.

ELI 560: U.S. Language and Culture in Context: Community-Engaged Learning
for International Graduate Students

ELI 561: Community-Engaged Language Practicum for International Graduate