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International GSIs in LSA: ELI 994 College Teaching in the U.S.: Pedagogy, Culture and Language

ELI Summer 994 will take place in person, from July 16 - August 5, 2025.

Graduate students from non-English-medium undergraduate universities who expect to assume graduate instructor duties in LSA departments in the next academic year must attend ELI 994, a course developed and conducted jointly by the University's English Language Institute (ELI) and the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT). 

International GSIs improve classroom communication skills and practice reflective teaching methods while, at the same time, receive language and teaching feedback from peers, undergraduates, and instructors. Participants increase awareness and control of the language of the classroom, explore current pedagogical theories, and practice a diverse array of teaching skills in a realistic classroom setting in front of current U-M undergraduates. Participants also learn about the University of Michigan’s diverse undergraduate population, campus culture, and resources. Course assignments include video-recorded practice teaching and feedback, office hour role-plays, and observations. Participants receive feedback from instructors, from experienced GSIs and GSMs, and from current U-M undergraduates. 

Winter Semester: In Winter, ELI 994 is a 10-week course for currently-enrolled GSIs in LSA.

Summer Semester: In Summer, ELI 994 is a 3-week Intensive course for new LSA graduate students who are expected to teach in their first semester. (2 credits) 

Questions? Please contact ELI’s GSI Advisor Brenda Prouser Imber at