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Summer 2025 Conversation Circles run for 8 week: June 2 - July 27

Participant registration: May 26 - June 6

Please check back then! 


Please read this important information and then sign up for a Circle via the button at the bottom of this page

Conversation Circles are designed to create connections among international students and scholars at U-M, beat the isolation, practice English, and have fun! Each circle consists of five participants and is led by a facilitator - a highly fluent English language speaker. Circles meet both in-person and online - offering convenience to anyone interested. You will get a chance to meet new people and feel connected with the U-M community. Informal conversations on a variety of topics, games designed to promote the use of English in a fun setting, learning about other people’s experiences of staying active and connected, and sharing your own thoughts and ideas, are all things you can expect from participating in a Conversation Circle.


We are happy that you are considering joining an ELI Conversation Circle! All current students, scholars, researchers, and postdocs at the University of Michigan are welcome to join. 

Conversation Circles are a great way to practice English. You will meet people from around the world and get an insider’s perspective to the USA. 

Please read this important information and then sign up for a Circle via the link at the bottom of this page.



You may only register for ONE Conversation Circle to ensure all interested participants are able to join a circle. If you sign up for multiple circles, our staff may drop you from all except the first one.

- You should plan to attend all Conversation Circle meetings. Don't sign up for a Circle if you know you have a conflcit with that time. Participants who miss more than two meetings or who miss a meeting without notifying their facilitator may be dropped from their Conversation Circle. If your schedule changes so that you can no longer attend your circle, please let us know. We often have waitlists!

- Conversation Circles are only open to current U-M students, scholars, researchers, postdocs, faculty, and staff at the University of Michigan. Spouses, partners, and friends without official U-M status are not included. Sorry! 

- Conversation Circles are not English lessons! They are an opportunity for casual socializing. They do not follow any lesson plans or grammar books. They are an opportunity for you to use English in a real-life setting: making small talk, ordering food, hanging out with classmates and coworkers. If you are a current U-M student and would like to work on your grammar, writing, pronunciation, etc., ELI offers courses for this. Please schedule an advising appointment to learn about available ELI courses and resources.

- Conversation Circle facilitators are not teachers or editors. You should not ask them for help with papers or other school work. Instead, please utilize the Graduate Clinics or Speaking and Writing Studio for academic help.