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About the OSLC

Calling for alumni interested in serving on the 2025-27 OSLC!

The Organizational Studies Leadership Committee (OSLC) is seeking new members to help shape the future of the OS program. This committee is crucial to advancing our community mission and student experience.

How to Apply:
  • Nominate yourself! 
    • Send an email to
    • Express your interest via our spring alumni email or alumni surveys
    • Reach out to an OS staff member to indicate your interest
  • OS staff may nominate student representatives and external members, with the nominee’s prior approval 

Selections will take place in the spring through the OSLC Membership committee with input from OS staff, OSLC members, and the OSLC Chair. Once selections have been made, the Membership committee can provide their recommendations to the OSLC for  final approval.

Selection Criteria:

No minimum donation is required!

In addition to our being aligned with our commitment to a diverse and just community, we look for:

  • Strategic leadership experience within an organization or in an external advisory board capacity
  • A commitment to rolling up your sleeves, tapping your expertise, and getting the work done outside of meetings to advance the programmatic area you support (student experience, stakeholder engagement, or fundraising)

Our ideal OS Leadership Committee will have alumni membership of graduates spanning from before and after the program’s founding and representing diverse backgrounds across gender, race/ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, and professional experience. 

Expectations of our OSLC members are:
  • Serve their full term 
  • Attend at least 3 of 4 OSLC meetings with 4 being strongly encouraged
  • Collaborate with faculty and staff on OS initiatives and participate in decision making
  • Participate in at least one OSLC sub-committee, including meetings and working time
  • Although there is no minimum donation requirement, an OSLC member must give their time, talent/expertise and/or financial resources
    • Members must promote fundraising opportunities for OS when requested
    • Supporting OS can take the form of a personal gift, in an amount meaningful to the OSLC member, providing a service activity for OS students like giving a talk, sponsoring a workshop or offering an internship, mentoring a student, or other applicable activities 
    • OSLC members can approve their donation with the OSLC chair

See our Governance document for more details.

Consider becoming a part of the OSLC by reaching out to us by April 15, 2025.

About the Organizational Studies Leadership Committee

The Organizational Studies Leadership Committee (OSLC) is back! In its former days, this advisory group of LSA alumni supported our special student-centered OS experience with funding for study abroad scholarships, internship stipends, and discretionary funding to facilitate program innovations. Although they were not OS alumni (the program was not in place when they attended the U-M), they were staunch supporters of OS, helping to recruit new board members who guided us from 2002 through 2019. 

During the course of that time, the composition of the board began to change, first adding a limited number of current students to attend the business portion of OSLC meetings, and later, inviting OS alumni as guests of the Director. In the years leading up to the pandemic, the OSLC continued to advocate for greater alumni presence in its membership. When COVID-19 halted all on-campus meetings in 2020, OS took a moment to pause further deliberations about the configuration of the OSLC. Then, in the summer of 2023, we convened an alumni working group to create governance guidelines for a future OSLC. That final structure has membership consisting of OS alumni from before and after the official founding of the program. It also includes members who are current students.

We wish to express our thanks to the 2023 working group members: LeAnne Wintrode (‘04, chair), Kim Marrone Beckert (‘00), Kate Brierty (‘11), Kelly LaPierre (‘07), Nicole McAlvanah (‘18), Jay Salliotte (‘01), Shekinah Singletery (‘14), and David Wolmer (‘98). During the fall of 2023, respondents from our initial OSLC interest survey were vetted to be part of the newly formed OSLC. Read more about them here


The OSLC is composed of OS alumni, current OS seniors, and OS staff and faculty leadership. The OSLC governance guidelines include staggered memberships of two years and an additional possible renewal. Members will meet four times per year, with three virtual meetings and one in-person meeting during the fall. OSLC members’ engagement is divided into the following working committee areas: student experience, stakeholder engagement, and fund development.