The Government and Communications Organizations
I am interested in the interactions between government organizations and communications organizations. With this interest, I want to explore how government organizations and their lobbying groups influence the work of communications organizations and the news we see. This relationship is crucial to the information we see, how it is reported, and the changes this information does to the attitudes and beliefs society has as a whole. Understanding this relationship is important in acknowledging how the media in the world influences the decisions made by the government and citizens, whether that be through voting, protesting issues, or how an individual views society as a whole. Media and the news surround us and explain why the world looks the way it does at any given moment. By developing a deeper understanding of this relationship, I hope to work with a news organization to help implement strategies to make sure the truth gets out and how to share these strategies with government organizations. Through the OS program, in addition to a major in Communications and Media, I plan to develop a strong foundation of understanding how media organizations function in conjunction with government organizations.