The Science Learning Center (SLC) has been recognized as the first place winner of the National College Learning Center Association (NCLCA)/Learning Support Centers in Higher Education (LSCHE) Website Excellence Award.
This national recognition commends the SLC for their technology work. Learning center websites are evaluated on the presence of their mission statement, programs and services, staff information, center floor plans, announcements, events, social media, and ease of access from the institutional homepage. Additional components reviewed include a welcome message from the center director, history of the center, links to institutional services, links to external learning support sites, online student resources, innovative activities, and responsive design. For each category, content is evaluated in accordance with the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) for Learning Assistance Programs.
This award is judged by a panel that may include students, faculty, current or former learning center administrators, prior first-place award winners, and a non-learning center web master. The SLC is honored to have been selected first place for this national recognition.