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Information for Faculty

The SLC Tutoring Program offers in person and online services. The tabs on this website provide greater detail on how each tutoring service is delivered.

Appointment-Based Tutoring

Appointment-Based peer tutoring has in-person and online options. Students can schedule their appointment using WCONLINE. If a student has difficulty accessing WCONLINE, please direct them to for assistance in activating their account. For online appointments, an SLC tutor will email students a link to connect on Zoom five minutes before the start of each appointment. For in-person appointments, students should come to the SLC Tutoring Room, 1720 Chemistry. 

Appointment-Based tutoring is to eligible groups of students only and supports the same courses for Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. Please see the SLC website for the most updated list of eligible groups and courses supported.  

All students enrolled in Bio 171 & 172 are eligible for Appointment-Based peer tutoring.  

Drop-In Tutoring

Drop-in tutoring is open to all students enrolled in Chem 130, Chem 210, and Chem 215 on Sunday from 4-8pm and Monday through Thursday from 4-7pm during Fall/Winter and from 4-6pm Monday through Wednesday during Spring. Drop-in tutoring services are in-person, located in the SLC Tutoring Room, 1720 Chemistry. More information on how to access drop in tutoring is available on the SLC Tutoring Program Drop-In website

For Students New to SLC Tutoring

Please email with any questions or issues you have accessing tutoring services. We will respond as soon as possible. You can also check out the SLC Tutoring website for up to date information.

General Tutoring Information

How will students be helped?

Students may be helped individually or in small groups of up to about three students. Tutors will engage all tutees in the learning process, including developing study skills, learning about other resources for course success, and time management.

Who are the Peer Tutors?

Students who have already successfully completed the course at U-M, and who are trained in tutoring skills, serve as Peer Tutors.

How can faculty help?

  • Share your feedback and questions. Professional staff are always available to answer your questions, receive feedback about students' tutoring experience, or listen to ideas on how to improve the program.

Contact us at