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Other UM Tutoring Resources

In addition to the SLC's tutoring program's support for Biology 171, 172, 225, and 305, MCDB 310 and 322, Chemistry 130, 210, 215, 230, 260/261, and 351, and Physics 140, 150, 240, and 250, other academic support resources are available across campus. The SLC does not engage in endorsing any outside groups, but provides this list as a potentially useful resource for students.

Chemistry Tutoring

Engineering Center for Academic Success - offers a wide range of academic support, including tutoring for Chemistry, Physics, Math and Engineering courses.

Tau Beta Pi - the Engineering honor society, offers tutoring for Chemistry, Physics, Math and first-year Engineering classes.

Alpha Chi Sigma - sometimes offers tutoring for Chemistry

Physics Tutoring

Engineering Center for Academic Success - offers a wide range of academic support, including tutoring for Chemistry, Physics, Math and Engineering courses.

Tau Beta Pi - the Engineering honor society offers tutoring for Chemistry, Physics, Math and first-year Engineering classes.

University of Michigan Society of Physics Students

Physics Help Room

Math Tutoring

Pi Tau Sigma - the Mechanical Engineering honor society sometimes offers tutoring for Physics, Math and Mechanical Engineering classes.

Mathematics Learning Center - provides tutorial help for students in the introductory Math courses during fall and winter terms.

Math Tutors List - Each term, the undergraduate program of the Math Department program compiles a list of math tutors who must be contacted individually in order to make arrangements about time, place, and payment.

Society of Physics Students - maintains a list of tutors to connect students in need of assistance with individuals who are willing to provide assistance.

Engineering Center for Academic Success - offers a wide range of academic support, including tutoring for Chemistry, Physics, Math and Engineering courses.

Tau Beta Pi - the Engineering honor society offers tutoring for Chemistry, Physics, Math and first-year Engineering classes.

Biology Tutoring

Undergraduate Biology Office (1111 Natural Science Building/Kraus) - highly recommends contacting your GSI for extra help as they will be most familiar with the current version of your course. There are also bulletin boards on the first floor of the Natural Sciences Building where private tutors sometimes post flyers.