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Biology 171 & 172 Tutoring

The Science Learning Center (SLC) provides appointment-based tutoring to ALL students enrolled in Biology 171 & 172.

What do tutors provide?

  • Supportive, focused, and on-task assistance
  • Assistance with developing strategies for understanding concepts, solving problems, and preparing for exams
  • Guidance on practice problems

How many students can be in a tutoring session?

Tutoring appointments may support up to two students at one time.  


What if I can't find an appointment time that fits in my schedule?

If you cannot find a tutoring appointment that works for you on the current schedule, please email We will ask the tutors if someone can open a day and time that works with your schedule.

Where to Appointment-Based Tutoring sessions take place?

In-Person Appointments

All in-person tutoring appointments will be located in the SLC Main Tutoring Room (1720 Chem). Please arrive a few minutes before the start of your session to check in and meet your tutor.

Online Appointments

About 5 minutes before the start of your scheduled appointment, the SLC tutor you are meeting with will send you an email containing a Zoom link (please note this will come to your umich email).

Please Note: Appointments cancelled less than nine hours in advance or students who are more than 15 minutes late will be marked as "no-shows." Students who are marked as a "no-show" two or more times during the same semester will be asked to meet with the Program Manager before they are permitted to continue meeting with a tutor.