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Study Groups

For New Study Group Members

Study groups are taking place both in-person and online formats. Registration for study groups remains open throughout the semester. Registration for groups with available space can be completed here:

Study Group Registration Site

For more information on accessing Zoom for study groups, please visit: and click “Sign In” in order to get started.

The courses we support with Study Groups are:

Biology 171, 172, 225, 305

Chemistry 130, 210, 215, 215HH, 230, 260/261, 351

Math 156

MCDB 310


Physics 140, 240

Physics/Biophys 150, 250



The SLC Peer-Led Study Group Program provides opportunities for students enrolled in introductory natural science courses to meet on a weekly basis with a group of up to 15 peers to review course material, solve problems, and gain an understanding of course concepts. Study groups are facilitated by peer facilitators who have already successfully completed the course at UM, and are trained in facilitation techniques.

During the 2022-2023 academic year, the SLC offered 455 study groups led by 227 peer facilitators across 18 courses, with over 5000 students participating as members. These study groups provide a dynamic opportunity for students to study and interact with their peers. The meetings are designed to engage all group members, and are not meant to be tutoring or review sessions led solely by the group facilitator. Facilitators use facilitation techniques, encouraging and supporting members to teach and learn from each other. Study group membership is voluntary, but members are required to attend regularly and participate actively.

If you have questions about the Peer-Led Study Group Program e-mail us at