Malkin Award
The Malkin Shadowing Program gives current OS students the opportunity to explore possible career avenues by immersing themselves for a day with OS alumni at their current job location. This award aims to assist students with the costs of travel and accommodations associated with the shadowing program.
Study Abroad Scholarship
The OS Study Abroad Scholarship is a competitive award designed to support students who have chosen to enhance their skills as a global citizen through a formal study abroad program. Special priority is given to programs through which the student will be fully immersed in the host culture and the course content has relevance for the student’s OS pathway. This award will provide limited financial assistance for tuition, airfare, or additional living expenses for studying abroad.
OS Internship Award
This award aims to encourage and support OS students who pursue summer internships. These awards provide limited financial assistance to help defray the additional living expenses, travel costs, etc., often involved in summer internships. In exchange for this financial assistance, OS majors will be asked to share their internship experiences with the larger Organizational Studies community. This award is funded through the DeSchutter Family Career Development Internship Fund and the Odeon Capital Group LLC Fund.
2018 Suzanne M. Jones OS Spirit Award recipient, Nicole McAlvanah, pictured with OS '13 alum and graduation keynote speaker, Evan Bates
2018 Andy & Ellyn Lansing Leader/Scholar Award winner, Emily Hogan pictured with Andy Lansing
2018 Jordan Harris Social Justice Award Winners Jesse Offenhartz and Selena Joarder pictured with OS Chief Administrator, Melissa Eljamal