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World War I Posters in the History of Visual Propaganda in France

Thursday, October 2, 2014
4:00 AM
Hatcher Graduate Library, Gallery

This lecture examines French propaganda posters from World War I, an important but overlooked corpus of images.  Unlike the situation in other countries, where governments initiated the production of posters, the appearance of posters in France in support of the war effort was largely the initiative of the artists who created them.  In her lecture, Professor Le Men explores the shared motivations of this group and the iconography of the posters they created.

Reception before at 5:30pm

Join the speaker for a graduate and faculty workshop on the exhibition “Cathédrales 1789-1914: Un mythe moderne”
Friday, October 3, 2014
Thayer Building, Osterman Commons, 1st floor
Lunch provided. Please RSVP by September 30 to

Sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, the Department of the History of Art, Nineteenth-Century Forum, University of Michigan Museum of Art, and the International Institute


Ségolène Le Men