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Kimrey Anna Batts
Lecturer, Spanish Program
1615 East Quad
Paula Berwanger
Lecturer, American Sign Language
1612 East Quad 734.615.3695
Mark Burde
Lecturer, French, Arts and Ideas in the Humanities, First Year Writing Seminar
Dominique Butler-Borruat
Teaching Professor of French and RC French Program Head
Carla Cribari-Assali
Lecturer II, German Intensive I & II, Humanities in Arts and Ideas, Cultural Anthropology and CBL in Social Theory and Practice
Hala Dika
Lecturer, French Language Program
Karein Goertz
Teaching Professor and Program Head, German; Arts and Ideas in the Humanities Program; First Year Writing Seminar
Olga López-Cotín
Lecturer and Head, Spanish Program
Alina Makin
Lecturer and Head, Russian Program
Tomoko Okuno
Lecturer and Head, Japanese Program
1621 East Quad
701 E. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1245
Mabel Rodriguez
Lecturer, Spanish Program, Social Theory and Practice; Coordinator Intensive Spanish II
Teresa Sanchez-Snell
Lecturer, Social Theory and Practice, and Spanish Language Internship Program Coordinator
B805 East Quad 734.647.6713