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Join the RC!

Who Can Join the RC?

Admission to the Residential College is available to any prospective student who has first been accepted to the University of Michigan’s College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA).

There is no additional application, essay, or interview required of applicants to the RC. Future RC students self-select their enrollment in the Residential College. Your interest and passion for an invigorating liberal arts experience is your ticket in!

What Does RC Admissions Look Like?

Future RC students may indicate interest in the RC directly on the Common Application by selecting the Residential College as their "Program of Study." This selection does not impact potential admission to UM-LSA. If you did not indicate interest in the Common Application, you are still able to indicate interest in the RC by completing this brief form. 

There are two steps to confirm RC admission:

  • Step 1: Applicants will be contacted by the RC Admissions Office via email after receiving LSA admission. Students should confirm their interest in joining the RC at that time.

  • Step 2: After confirming your interest in the RC through the Common Application OR the "Join the RC!" form below, you will join our list of students planning to join the RC in the fall! However, your spot is not secured until you pay your enrollment deposit.