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Major Overview

In Arts and Ideas in the Humanities, students encounter global cultures through their distinctive artistic production and develop the interpretive and analytical skills to understand these works. Courses draw on interdisciplinary and comparative methodologies.

The Arts and Ideas in the Humanities Major is open to ALL LSA Students.

Courses & Requirements | Highlights | Faculty

Requirements for the Arts & Ideas Major

Minimum Credits: 33

Many courses—in art history, dance, literature, music, and visual arts—focus on specific historical moments or contexts, ranging from ancient times to the 21st century. To understand art at its deepest level, one must reflect on its material origins and have some experience in its production: the Arts & Ideas curriculum provides training in the actual practice of these art forms. 

Students thus gain an understanding of global cultural production from three key perspectives: thoughtful analytic engagement; historical depth; and studio discovery.

Through intensive discussion, writing, and studio practice, students become more sophisticated analysts, critical historians, and well-informed producers of culture.

There are no pre-requisites for the Arts and Ideas in the Humanities Major. 

Advising for RC Arts and Ideas in the Humanities

Any RC or LSA student can declare an A&I Major! Make an advising appointment to explore or declare the Arts and Ideas in the Humanities Major.

LSA Honors Subplan & Thesis

To be eligible for an LSA Honors subplan in Arts & Ideas, students should have a cumulative grade point average of at least a 3.4, and a 3.5 grade point average in courses counting toward the major.

Students who elect an Honors degree will write an Honors Thesis during the final year of their course work. More information about electing an Honors Thesis can be found here.

Visual Arts students admiring artwork featured in the end-of-semester student exhibition, WN24

Featured News

Student Mural in Ann Arbor Pizzeria

Kayla Turner can’t help but feel the pride in her countless brush strokes that now make up a mural on the wall of Bigalora Wood Fired Cucina in Ann Arbor.

Isaac Wingfield honored with the Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize

Faculty projects that involve innovative approaches to improving student learning are honored with the Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prizes.

Chamber music students enjoy class in the courtyard on a beautiful spring day (RCMUSIC 302, FA24)
